On Mon, 23 Jul 2012, Warner Losh wrote:

Never heard about this rule. Sorry.

Actually, English spacing is discouraged in more recent texts; it was encouraged during the late 19th century up until the late 20th century according to ye great wikipedia [1], but I've read several other articles in the past decade that suggest that the English spacing convention be completely abolished. FWIW, I'd just follow surrounding style like style(9) suggests. No reason for fighting over an extra byte per sentence in a source file (unless you consider how much added bandwidth / disk space those precious bytes can consume :)...). Thanks, -Garrett

Double spacing is the one true way I learned how to type in school. Since the 1980's though, things have changed and many advocate single spaces. However, that's for folks with fancy variable pitch font and such. For fixed-witdh fonts, 2 is still preferred in some circles, including ours.

Source code and terminal windows are probably the last bastions of fixed-width fonts, and given the overt use of white space in code styling, I think we can expect it to remain that way for the forseeable future. Maintaining the two-space separation helps in a number of ways, not least making it more clear when a period (full stop) is used for non-sentence ending punctuation, it's not ending a sentence -- e.g., in numbers lists, and even the "E.g.," earlier in this sentence. :-) Perhaps we should add a bit more information on comment formatting to style(9) and include this point.

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