Author: jhb
Date: Wed May 30 21:02:12 2012
New Revision: 236334

  - Witness doesn't verify the old MTX_NOSWITCH flag's correctness (that was 
    when critical sections were added).  Instead, list a check that witness 
does perform.
  - Note that 'show locks' in DDB takes an optional thread argument.
  - Document 'show all locks'.
  - Remove the BUGS section, the bug in question was fixed 11 years ago in 


Modified: head/share/man/man4/witness.4
--- head/share/man/man4/witness.4       Wed May 30 21:01:06 2012        
+++ head/share/man/man4/witness.4       Wed May 30 21:02:12 2012        
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd February 18, 2001
+.Dd May 30, 2012
@@ -52,11 +52,8 @@ violation occurs.
 code also checks various other conditions such as verifying that one
-does not recurse on a non-recursive lock.
-For sleep locks,
-verifies that a new process would not be switched to when a lock is released
-or a lock is blocked on during an acquire while any spin locks are held.
+does not recurse on a non-recursive lock,
+or attempt an upgrade on a shared lock held by another thread.
 If any of these checks fail, then the kernel will panic.
 The flag that controls whether or not the kernel debugger is entered when a
@@ -97,7 +94,7 @@ specifies the level of witness involveme
 A value of 1 specifies that witness is enabled.
 A value of 0 specifies that witness is disabled, but that can be enabled
 again.  This will maintain a small amount of overhead in the system.
-A value of -1 specifies that witness is disabled permanently and that
+A value of -1 specifies that witness is disabled permanently and
 cannot be enabled again.
 The sysctl
@@ -114,10 +111,22 @@ and
 .Xr ddb 4
 are compiled into the kernel:
 .Bl -ohang
-.It Ic show locks
-Outputs the list of locks held by the current thread to the kernel console
+.It Ic show locks Op thread
+Outputs the list of locks held by a thread to the kernel console
 along with the filename and line number at which each lock was last acquired
-by this thread.
+by the thread.
+The optional
+.Ar thread
+argument may be either a TID,
+or pointer to a thread structure.
+.Ar thread
+is not specified,
+then the locks held by the current thread are displayed.
+.It Ic show all locks
+Outputs the list of locks held by all threads in the system to the
+kernel console.
 .It Ic show witness
 Dump the current order list to the kernel console.
 The code first displays the lock order tree for all of the sleep locks.
@@ -136,9 +145,3 @@ code first appeared in
 .Bsx 5.0
 and was imported from there into
 .Fx 5.0 .
-code currently does not handle recursion of shared
-.Xr sx 9
-locks properly.
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