Author: trasz
Date: Thu Apr 12 12:58:14 2012
New Revision: 234177

  Refactor da(4) to remove one of two code paths used to query capacity
  Reviewed by:  ken, mav (earlier version)
  Sponsored by: The FreeBSD Foundation


Modified: head/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_da.c
--- head/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_da.c Thu Apr 12 12:37:53 2012        (r234176)
+++ head/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_da.c Thu Apr 12 12:58:14 2012        (r234177)
@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ typedef enum {
        DA_FLAG_RETRY_UA        = 0x080,
        DA_FLAG_OPEN            = 0x100,
        DA_FLAG_SCTX_INIT       = 0x200,
-       DA_FLAG_CAN_RC16        = 0x400
+       DA_FLAG_CAN_RC16        = 0x400,
+       DA_FLAG_PROBED          = 0x800         
 } da_flags;
 typedef enum {
@@ -829,7 +830,7 @@ static      void            dadone(struct cam_periph *p
 static  int            daerror(union ccb *ccb, u_int32_t cam_flags,
                                u_int32_t sense_flags);
 static void            daprevent(struct cam_periph *periph, int action);
-static int             dagetcapacity(struct cam_periph *periph);
+static void            dareprobe(struct cam_periph *periph);
 static void            dasetgeom(struct cam_periph *periph, uint32_t block_len,
                                  uint64_t maxsector,
                                  struct scsi_read_capacity_data_long *rcaplong,
@@ -929,36 +930,29 @@ daopen(struct disk *dp)
                softc->flags &= ~DA_FLAG_PACK_INVALID;
-       error = dagetcapacity(periph);
+       dareprobe(periph);
-       if (error == 0) {
-               softc->disk->d_sectorsize = softc->params.secsize;
-               softc->disk->d_mediasize = softc->params.secsize * 
-               softc->disk->d_stripesize = softc->params.stripesize;
-               softc->disk->d_stripeoffset = softc->params.stripeoffset;
-               /* XXX: these are not actually "firmware" values, so they may 
be wrong */
-               softc->disk->d_fwsectors = softc->params.secs_per_track;
-               softc->disk->d_fwheads = softc->params.heads;
-               softc->disk->d_devstat->block_size = softc->params.secsize;
-               softc->disk->d_devstat->flags &= ~DEVSTAT_BS_UNAVAILABLE;
-               if (softc->delete_method > DA_DELETE_DISABLE)
-                       softc->disk->d_flags |= DISKFLAG_CANDELETE;
-               else
-                       softc->disk->d_flags &= ~DISKFLAG_CANDELETE;
-               if ((softc->flags & DA_FLAG_PACK_REMOVABLE) != 0 &&
-                   (softc->quirks & DA_Q_NO_PREVENT) == 0)
-                       daprevent(periph, PR_PREVENT);
-       } else
-               softc->flags &= ~DA_FLAG_OPEN;
+       /* Wait for the disk size update.  */
+       error = msleep(&softc->disk->d_mediasize, periph->sim->mtx, PRIBIO,
+           "dareprobe", 0);
+       if (error != 0)
+               xpt_print(periph->path, "unable to retrieve capacity data");
+       if (periph->flags & CAM_PERIPH_INVALID)
+               error = ENXIO;
+       if (error == 0 && (softc->flags & DA_FLAG_PACK_REMOVABLE) != 0 &&
+           (softc->quirks & DA_Q_NO_PREVENT) == 0)
+               daprevent(periph, PR_PREVENT);
        if (error != 0) {
+               softc->flags &= ~DA_FLAG_OPEN;
        return (error);
@@ -2364,7 +2358,7 @@ dadone(struct cam_periph *periph, union 
                free(csio->data_ptr, M_SCSIDA);
-               if (announce_buf[0] != '\0') {
+               if (announce_buf[0] != '\0' && ((softc->flags & DA_FLAG_PROBED) 
== 0)) {
                         * Create our sysctl variables, now that we know
                         * we have successfully attached.
@@ -2378,9 +2372,7 @@ dadone(struct cam_periph *periph, union 
                                xpt_print(periph->path, "fatal error, "
                                    "could not acquire reference count\n");
-               softc->state = DA_STATE_NORMAL; 
                 * Since our peripheral may be invalidated by an error
                 * above or an external event, we must release our CCB
@@ -2390,7 +2382,13 @@ dadone(struct cam_periph *periph, union 
                 * operation.
-               cam_periph_unhold(periph);
+               softc->state = DA_STATE_NORMAL; 
+               wakeup(&softc->disk->d_mediasize);
+               if ((softc->flags & DA_FLAG_PROBED) == 0) {
+                       softc->flags |= DA_FLAG_PROBED;
+                       cam_periph_unhold(periph);
+               } else
+                       cam_periph_release_locked(periph);
        case DA_CCB_WAITING:
@@ -2408,6 +2406,30 @@ dadone(struct cam_periph *periph, union 
+static void
+dareprobe(struct cam_periph *periph)
+       struct da_softc   *softc;
+       cam_status status;
+       softc = (struct da_softc *)periph->softc;
+       /* Probe in progress; don't interfere. */
+       if ((softc->flags & DA_FLAG_PROBED) == 0)
+               return;
+       status = cam_periph_acquire(periph);
+       KASSERT(status == CAM_REQ_CMP,
+           ("dareprobe: cam_periph_acquire failed"));
+       if (softc->flags & DA_FLAG_CAN_RC16)
+               softc->state = DA_STATE_PROBE2;
+       else
+               softc->state = DA_STATE_PROBE;
+       xpt_schedule(periph, CAM_PRIORITY_DEV);
 static int
 daerror(union ccb *ccb, u_int32_t cam_flags, u_int32_t sense_flags)
@@ -2437,6 +2459,16 @@ daerror(union ccb *ccb, u_int32_t cam_fl
                                   &error_code, &sense_key, &asc, &ascq);
                if (sense_key == SSD_KEY_ILLEGAL_REQUEST)
                        error = cmd6workaround(ccb);
+               /*
+                * If the target replied with CAPACITY DATA HAS CHANGED UA,
+                * query the capacity and notify upper layers.
+                */
+               else if (sense_key == SSD_KEY_UNIT_ATTENTION &&
+                   asc == 0x2A && ascq == 0x09) {
+                       xpt_print(periph->path, "capacity data has changed\n");
+                       dareprobe(periph);
+                       sense_flags |= SF_NO_PRINT;
+               }
        if (error == ERESTART)
                return (ERESTART);
@@ -2490,164 +2522,6 @@ daprevent(struct cam_periph *periph, int
-static int
-dagetcapacity(struct cam_periph *periph)
-       struct da_softc *softc;
-       union ccb *ccb;
-       struct scsi_read_capacity_data *rcap;
-       struct scsi_read_capacity_data_long *rcaplong;
-       uint32_t block_len;
-       uint64_t maxsector;
-       int error, rc16failed;
-       u_int32_t sense_flags;
-       u_int lbppbe;   /* Logical blocks per physical block exponent. */
-       u_int lalba;    /* Lowest aligned LBA. */
-       softc = (struct da_softc *)periph->softc;
-       block_len = 0;
-       maxsector = 0;
-       lbppbe = 0;
-       lalba = 0;
-       error = 0;
-       rc16failed = 0;
-       rcaplong = NULL;
-       sense_flags = SF_RETRY_UA;
-       if (softc->flags & DA_FLAG_PACK_REMOVABLE)
-               sense_flags |= SF_NO_PRINT;
-       /* Do a read capacity */
-       rcap = (struct scsi_read_capacity_data *)malloc(sizeof(*rcaplong),
-                                                       M_SCSIDA,
-                                                       M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO);
-       if (rcap == NULL)
-               return (ENOMEM);
-       rcaplong = (struct scsi_read_capacity_data_long *)rcap;
-       ccb = cam_periph_getccb(periph, CAM_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
-       /* Try READ CAPACITY(16) first if we think it should work. */
-       if (softc->flags & DA_FLAG_CAN_RC16) {
-               scsi_read_capacity_16(&ccb->csio,
-                                     /*retries*/ 4,
-                                     /*cbfcnp*/ dadone,
-                                     /*tag_action*/ MSG_SIMPLE_Q_TAG,
-                                     /*lba*/ 0,
-                                     /*reladr*/ 0,
-                                     /*pmi*/ 0,
-                                     /*rcap_buf*/ (uint8_t *)rcaplong,
-                                     /*rcap_buf_len*/ sizeof(*rcaplong),
-                                     /*sense_len*/ SSD_FULL_SIZE,
-                                     /*timeout*/ 60000);
-               ccb->ccb_h.ccb_bp = NULL;
-               error = cam_periph_runccb(ccb, daerror,
-                                         /*cam_flags*/CAM_RETRY_SELTO,
-                                         sense_flags, softc->disk->d_devstat);
-               if (error == 0)
-                       goto rc16ok;
-               /* If we got ILLEGAL REQUEST, do not prefer RC16 any more. */
-               if ((ccb->ccb_h.status & CAM_STATUS_MASK) == CAM_REQ_INVALID) {
-                       softc->flags &= ~DA_FLAG_CAN_RC16;
-               } else if (((ccb->ccb_h.status & CAM_STATUS_MASK) ==
-                            CAM_SCSI_STATUS_ERROR)
-                       && (ccb->csio.scsi_status == SCSI_STATUS_CHECK_COND)
-                       && (ccb->ccb_h.status & CAM_AUTOSNS_VALID)
-                       && ((ccb->ccb_h.flags & CAM_SENSE_PHYS) == 0)
-                       && ((ccb->ccb_h.flags & CAM_SENSE_PTR) == 0)) {
-                       int sense_key, error_code, asc, ascq;
-                       scsi_extract_sense_len(&ccb->csio.sense_data,
-                                              ccb->csio.sense_len -
-                                              ccb->csio.sense_resid,
-                                              &error_code, &sense_key,
-                                              &asc, &ascq, /*show_errors*/1);
-                       /*
-                        * If we don't have enough sense to get the sense
-                        * key, or if it's illegal request, turn off
-                        * READ CAPACITY (16).
-                        */
-                       if ((sense_key == -1)
-                        || (sense_key == SSD_KEY_ILLEGAL_REQUEST))
-                               softc->flags &= ~DA_FLAG_CAN_RC16;
-               }
-               rc16failed = 1;
-       }
-       /* Do READ CAPACITY(10). */
-       scsi_read_capacity(&ccb->csio,
-                          /*retries*/4,
-                          /*cbfncp*/dadone,
-                          MSG_SIMPLE_Q_TAG,
-                          rcap,
-                          SSD_FULL_SIZE,
-                          /*timeout*/60000);
-       ccb->ccb_h.ccb_bp = NULL;
-       error = cam_periph_runccb(ccb, daerror,
-                                 /*cam_flags*/CAM_RETRY_SELTO,
-                                 sense_flags,
-                                 softc->disk->d_devstat);
-       if (error == 0) {
-               block_len = scsi_4btoul(rcap->length);
-               maxsector = scsi_4btoul(rcap->addr);
-               if (maxsector != 0xffffffff || rc16failed)
-                       goto done;
-       } else
-               goto done;
-       /* If READ CAPACITY(10) returned overflow, use READ CAPACITY(16) */
-       scsi_read_capacity_16(&ccb->csio,
-                             /*retries*/ 4,
-                             /*cbfcnp*/ dadone,
-                             /*tag_action*/ MSG_SIMPLE_Q_TAG,
-                             /*lba*/ 0,
-                             /*reladr*/ 0,
-                             /*pmi*/ 0,
-                             /*rcap_buf*/ (uint8_t *)rcaplong,
-                             /*rcap_buf_len*/ sizeof(*rcaplong),
-                             /*sense_len*/ SSD_FULL_SIZE,
-                             /*timeout*/ 60000);
-       ccb->ccb_h.ccb_bp = NULL;
-       error = cam_periph_runccb(ccb, daerror,
-                                 /*cam_flags*/CAM_RETRY_SELTO,
-                                 sense_flags,
-                                 softc->disk->d_devstat);
-       if (error == 0) {
-               block_len = scsi_4btoul(rcaplong->length);
-               maxsector = scsi_8btou64(rcaplong->addr);
-               lbppbe = rcaplong->prot_lbppbe & SRC16_LBPPBE;
-               lalba = scsi_2btoul(rcaplong->lalba_lbp);
-       }
-       if (error == 0) {
-               if (block_len >= MAXPHYS || block_len == 0) {
-                       xpt_print(periph->path,
-                           "unsupportable block size %ju\n",
-                           (uintmax_t) block_len);
-                       error = EINVAL;
-               } else {
-                       dasetgeom(periph, block_len, maxsector,
-                                 rcaplong, sizeof(*rcaplong));
-                       if ((lalba & SRC16_LBPME)
-                        && softc->delete_method == DA_DELETE_NONE)
-                               softc->delete_method = DA_DELETE_UNMAP;
-               }
-       }
-       xpt_release_ccb(ccb);
-       free(rcap, M_SCSIDA);
-       return (error);
 static void
 dasetgeom(struct cam_periph *periph, uint32_t block_len, uint64_t maxsector,
          struct scsi_read_capacity_data_long *rcaplong, size_t rcap_len)
@@ -2747,6 +2621,20 @@ dasetgeom(struct cam_periph *periph, uin
                              min(sizeof(softc->rcaplong), rcap_len));
+       softc->disk->d_sectorsize = softc->params.secsize;
+       softc->disk->d_mediasize = softc->params.secsize * 
+       softc->disk->d_stripesize = softc->params.stripesize;
+       softc->disk->d_stripeoffset = softc->params.stripeoffset;
+       /* XXX: these are not actually "firmware" values, so they may be wrong 
+       softc->disk->d_fwsectors = softc->params.secs_per_track;
+       softc->disk->d_fwheads = softc->params.heads;
+       softc->disk->d_devstat->block_size = softc->params.secsize;
+       softc->disk->d_devstat->flags &= ~DEVSTAT_BS_UNAVAILABLE;
+       if (softc->delete_method > DA_DELETE_DISABLE)
+               softc->disk->d_flags |= DISKFLAG_CANDELETE;
+       else
+               softc->disk->d_flags &= ~DISKFLAG_CANDELETE;
 static void
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