Author: andreast
Date: Mon Apr  9 14:05:01 2012
New Revision: 234055

  MFC r233783:
    - Write the ISO9660 descriptor after the apm partition entries.
    - Fill the needed pmPartStatus flags. At least the OpenBIOS
      implementation relies on these flags.
    This commit fixes the panic seen on OS-X when inserting a FreeBSD/ppc disc.
    Additionally OpenBIOS recognizes the partition where the boot code is 
    This lets us load a FreeBSD/ppc PowerMac kernel inside qemu.
  PR:   powerpc/16209


Modified: stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/cd9660/cd9660_eltorito.c
--- stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/cd9660/cd9660_eltorito.c   Mon Apr  9 13:29:24 
2012        (r234054)
+++ stable/9/usr.sbin/makefs/cd9660/cd9660_eltorito.c   Mon Apr  9 14:05:01 
2012        (r234055)
@@ -538,9 +538,19 @@ cd9660_write_apm_partition_entry(FILE *f
     off_t sector_start, off_t nsectors, off_t sector_size,
     const char *part_name, const char *part_type)
-       uint32_t apm32;
+       uint32_t apm32, part_status;
        uint16_t apm16;
+       /* See Apple Tech Note 1189 for the details about the pmPartStatus
+        * flags.
+        * Below the flags which are default:
+        * - IsValid     0x01
+        * - IsAllocated 0x02
+        * - IsReadable  0x10
+        * - IsWritable  0x20
+        */
+       part_status = 0x01 | 0x02 | 0x10 | 0x20;
        if (fseeko(fd, (off_t)(idx + 1) * sector_size, SEEK_SET) == -1)
                err(1, "fseeko");
@@ -562,6 +572,17 @@ cd9660_write_apm_partition_entry(FILE *f
        fwrite(part_name, strlen(part_name) + 1, 1, fd);
        fseek(fd, 32 - strlen(part_name) - 1, SEEK_CUR);
        fwrite(part_type, strlen(part_type) + 1, 1, fd);
+       fseek(fd, 32 - strlen(part_type) - 1, SEEK_CUR);
+       apm32 = 0;
+       /* pmLgDataStart */
+        fwrite(&apm32, sizeof(apm32), 1, fd);
+       /* pmDataCnt */ 
+       apm32 = htobe32(nsectors);
+        fwrite(&apm32, sizeof(apm32), 1, fd);
+       /* pmPartStatus */
+       apm32 = htobe32(part_status);
+        fwrite(&apm32, sizeof(apm32), 1, fd);
        return 0;
@@ -666,12 +687,6 @@ cd9660_write_boot(FILE *fd)
                cd9660_write_apm_partition_entry(fd, 0, total_parts, 1,
                    total_parts, 512, "Apple", "Apple_partition_map");
-               /* Write ISO9660 descriptor, enclosing the whole disk */
-               cd9660_write_apm_partition_entry(fd, 1, total_parts, 0,
-                   diskStructure.totalSectors *
-                   (diskStructure.sectorSize / 512), 512, "ISO9660",
-                   "CD_ROM_Mode_1");
                /* Write all partition entries */
                apm_partitions = 0;
                TAILQ_FOREACH(t, &diskStructure.boot_images, image_list) {
@@ -679,11 +694,16 @@ cd9660_write_boot(FILE *fd)
-                           2 + apm_partitions++, total_parts,
+                           1 + apm_partitions++, total_parts,
                            t->sector * (diskStructure.sectorSize / 512),
                            t->num_sectors * (diskStructure.sectorSize / 512),
                            512, "CD Boot", "Apple_Bootstrap");
+               /* Write ISO9660 descriptor, enclosing the whole disk */
+                cd9660_write_apm_partition_entry(fd, 2 + apm_partitions,
+                   total_parts, 0, diskStructure.totalSectors *
+                   (diskStructure.sectorSize / 512), 512, "ISO9660",
+                   "CD_ROM_Mode_1");
        return 0;
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