On 2/27/12 11:29 PM, Mikolaj Golub wrote:
On Mon, 27 Feb 2012 22:34:25 -0800 Julian Elischer wrote:

  JE>  I don't think this belongs in the kernel by default. It's not exactl a
  JE>  call for backout but It's teh next thing short of that. a call for "do
  JE>  you REALLY think we need this particular specific case catered for?"

The main goal of the patch was to provide ability to get another process
umask. It looks like usefulness of this is not questioned here.

well that's exactly what I AM questioning..  how often will this be used?
one person using this once in all of history isn't a real requirement for inclusion.
It seems to me that someone is more likely to figure out a sneaky way
to use this in a bad way than to want to use it in the way you expect.

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