On 13.02.2012 0:56, Dmitry Morozovsky wrote:
On Mon, 13 Feb 2012, Andrey Zonov wrote:


Please don't. Even if you can't write the pidfile, you should run the
service. The same as for pidfile_open() failure as documented in
example. Feel free to warn about problem with writing to pidfile, but
don't treat it as critial error.

The problem is the following you cannot stop such a service with standard rc.d
script and empty pidfile.

As for me, unstoppable (via standard way) service is at least slightly better
than unstartable.

OK, another solution for this problem is do not automatically remove pidfile when pidfile_write() fails. I can explain this.

Sometimes daemons crash and I want to restart them. I use cron for this purpose like this:

*/5 * * * * root /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mydaemon status > /dev/null || /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mydaemon start

and if mydaemon doesn't listen any socket or pidfile_write() fails and remove pidfile (it doesn't hold lock on it, in fact) mydaemon will start.

If you have other solution -- welcome.

Andrey Zonov
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