Author: np
Date: Tue Feb  7 07:56:00 2012
New Revision: 231117

  MFC r222974:
  Add "context" subcommand to fetch and display SGE context.

Directory Properties:
  stable/8/tools/tools/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/8/tools/tools/cxgbetool/cxgbetool.c
--- stable/8/tools/tools/cxgbetool/cxgbetool.c  Tue Feb  7 07:32:39 2012        
+++ stable/8/tools/tools/cxgbetool/cxgbetool.c  Tue Feb  7 07:56:00 2012        
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
+#define        max(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
 static const char *progname, *nexus;
 struct reg_info {
@@ -62,6 +64,15 @@ struct mod_regs {
        const struct reg_info *ri;
+struct field_desc {
+       const char *name;     /* Field name */
+       unsigned short start; /* Start bit position */
+       unsigned short end;   /* End bit position */
+       unsigned char shift;  /* # of low order bits omitted and implicitly 0 */
+       unsigned char hex;    /* Print field in hex instead of decimal */
+       unsigned char islog2; /* Field contains the base-2 log of the value */
 #include "reg_defs_t4.c"
 #include "reg_defs_t4vf.c"
@@ -70,6 +81,7 @@ usage(FILE *fp)
        fprintf(fp, "Usage: %s <nexus> [operation]\n", progname);
+           "\tcontext <type> <id>                 show an SGE context\n"
            "\tfilter <idx> [<param> <val>] ...    set a filter\n"
            "\tfilter <idx> delete|clear           delete a filter\n"
            "\tfilter list                         list all filters\n"
@@ -1125,6 +1137,227 @@ filter_cmd(int argc, const char *argv[])
        return set_filter(idx, argc - 1, argv + 1);
+ * Shows the fields of a multi-word structure.  The structure is considered to
+ * consist of @nwords 32-bit words (i.e, it's an (@nwords * 32)-bit structure)
+ * whose fields are described by @fd.  The 32-bit words are given in @words
+ * starting with the least significant 32-bit word.
+ */
+static void
+show_struct(const uint32_t *words, int nwords, const struct field_desc *fd)
+       unsigned int w = 0;
+       const struct field_desc *p;
+       for (p = fd; p->name; p++)
+               w = max(w, strlen(p->name));
+       while (fd->name) {
+               unsigned long long data;
+               int first_word = fd->start / 32;
+               int shift = fd->start % 32;
+               int width = fd->end - fd->start + 1;
+               unsigned long long mask = (1ULL << width) - 1;
+               data = (words[first_word] >> shift) |
+                      ((uint64_t)words[first_word + 1] << (32 - shift));
+               if (shift)
+                      data |= ((uint64_t)words[first_word + 2] << (64 - 
+               data &= mask;
+               if (fd->islog2)
+                       data = 1 << data;
+               printf("%-*s ", w, fd->name);
+               printf(fd->hex ? "%#llx\n" : "%llu\n", data << fd->shift);
+               fd++;
+       }
+#define FIELD(name, start, end) { name, start, end, 0, 0, 0 }
+#define FIELD1(name, start) FIELD(name, start, start)
+static void
+show_sge_context(const struct t4_sge_context *p)
+       static struct field_desc egress[] = {
+               FIELD1("StatusPgNS:", 180),
+               FIELD1("StatusPgRO:", 179),
+               FIELD1("FetchNS:", 178),
+               FIELD1("FetchRO:", 177),
+               FIELD1("Valid:", 176),
+               FIELD("PCIeDataChannel:", 174, 175),
+               FIELD1("DCAEgrQEn:", 173),
+               FIELD("DCACPUID:", 168, 172),
+               FIELD1("FCThreshOverride:", 167),
+               FIELD("WRLength:", 162, 166),
+               FIELD1("WRLengthKnown:", 161),
+               FIELD1("ReschedulePending:", 160),
+               FIELD1("OnChipQueue:", 159),
+               FIELD1("FetchSizeMode", 158),
+               { "FetchBurstMin:", 156, 157, 4, 0, 1 },
+               { "FetchBurstMax:", 153, 154, 6, 0, 1 },
+               FIELD("uPToken:", 133, 152),
+               FIELD1("uPTokenEn:", 132),
+               FIELD1("UserModeIO:", 131),
+               FIELD("uPFLCredits:", 123, 130),
+               FIELD1("uPFLCreditEn:", 122),
+               FIELD("FID:", 111, 121),
+               FIELD("HostFCMode:", 109, 110),
+               FIELD1("HostFCOwner:", 108),
+               { "CIDXFlushThresh:", 105, 107, 0, 0, 1 },
+               FIELD("CIDX:", 89, 104),
+               FIELD("PIDX:", 73, 88),
+               { "BaseAddress:", 18, 72, 9, 1 },
+               FIELD("QueueSize:", 2, 17),
+               FIELD1("QueueType:", 1),
+               FIELD1("CachePriority:", 0),
+               { NULL }
+       };
+       static struct field_desc fl[] = {
+               FIELD1("StatusPgNS:", 180),
+               FIELD1("StatusPgRO:", 179),
+               FIELD1("FetchNS:", 178),
+               FIELD1("FetchRO:", 177),
+               FIELD1("Valid:", 176),
+               FIELD("PCIeDataChannel:", 174, 175),
+               FIELD1("DCAEgrQEn:", 173),
+               FIELD("DCACPUID:", 168, 172),
+               FIELD1("FCThreshOverride:", 167),
+               FIELD("WRLength:", 162, 166),
+               FIELD1("WRLengthKnown:", 161),
+               FIELD1("ReschedulePending:", 160),
+               FIELD1("OnChipQueue:", 159),
+               FIELD1("FetchSizeMode", 158),
+               { "FetchBurstMin:", 156, 157, 4, 0, 1 },
+               { "FetchBurstMax:", 153, 154, 6, 0, 1 },
+               FIELD1("FLMcongMode:", 152),
+               FIELD("MaxuPFLCredits:", 144, 151),
+               FIELD("FLMcontextID:", 133, 143),
+               FIELD1("uPTokenEn:", 132),
+               FIELD1("UserModeIO:", 131),
+               FIELD("uPFLCredits:", 123, 130),
+               FIELD1("uPFLCreditEn:", 122),
+               FIELD("FID:", 111, 121),
+               FIELD("HostFCMode:", 109, 110),
+               FIELD1("HostFCOwner:", 108),
+               { "CIDXFlushThresh:", 105, 107, 0, 0, 1 },
+               FIELD("CIDX:", 89, 104),
+               FIELD("PIDX:", 73, 88),
+               { "BaseAddress:", 18, 72, 9, 1 },
+               FIELD("QueueSize:", 2, 17),
+               FIELD1("QueueType:", 1),
+               FIELD1("CachePriority:", 0),
+               { NULL }
+       };
+       static struct field_desc ingress[] = {
+               FIELD1("NoSnoop:", 145),
+               FIELD1("RelaxedOrdering:", 144),
+               FIELD1("GTSmode:", 143),
+               FIELD1("ISCSICoalescing:", 142),
+               FIELD1("Valid:", 141),
+               FIELD1("TimerPending:", 140),
+               FIELD1("DropRSS:", 139),
+               FIELD("PCIeChannel:", 137, 138),
+               FIELD1("SEInterruptArmed:", 136),
+               FIELD1("CongestionMgtEnable:", 135),
+               FIELD1("DCAIngQEnable:", 134),
+               FIELD("DCACPUID:", 129, 133),
+               FIELD1("UpdateScheduling:", 128),
+               FIELD("UpdateDelivery:", 126, 127),
+               FIELD1("InterruptSent:", 125),
+               FIELD("InterruptIDX:", 114, 124),
+               FIELD1("InterruptDestination:", 113),
+               FIELD1("InterruptArmed:", 112),
+               FIELD("RxIntCounter:", 106, 111),
+               FIELD("RxIntCounterThreshold:", 104, 105),
+               FIELD1("Generation:", 103),
+               { "BaseAddress:", 48, 102, 9, 1 },
+               FIELD("PIDX:", 32, 47),
+               FIELD("CIDX:", 16, 31),
+               { "QueueSize:", 4, 15, 4, 0 },
+               { "QueueEntrySize:", 2, 3, 4, 0, 1 },
+               FIELD1("QueueEntryOverride:", 1),
+               FIELD1("CachePriority:", 0),
+               { NULL }
+       };
+       static struct field_desc flm[] = {
+               FIELD1("NoSnoop:", 79),
+               FIELD1("RelaxedOrdering:", 78),
+               FIELD1("Valid:", 77),
+               FIELD("DCACPUID:", 72, 76),
+               FIELD1("DCAFLEn:", 71),
+               FIELD("EQid:", 54, 70),
+               FIELD("SplitEn:", 52, 53),
+               FIELD1("PadEn:", 51),
+               FIELD1("PackEn:", 50),
+               FIELD1("DBpriority:", 48),
+               FIELD("PackOffset:", 16, 47),
+               FIELD("CIDX:", 8, 15),
+               FIELD("PIDX:", 0, 7),
+               { NULL }
+       };
+       static struct field_desc conm[] = {
+               FIELD1("CngDBPHdr:", 6),
+               FIELD1("CngDBPData:", 5),
+               FIELD1("CngIMSG:", 4),
+               FIELD("CngChMap:", 0, 3),
+               { NULL }
+       };
+       if (p->mem_id == SGE_CONTEXT_EGRESS)
+               show_struct(p->data, 6, (p->data[0] & 2) ? fl : egress);
+       else if (p->mem_id == SGE_CONTEXT_FLM)
+               show_struct(p->data, 3, flm);
+       else if (p->mem_id == SGE_CONTEXT_INGRESS)
+               show_struct(p->data, 5, ingress);
+       else if (p->mem_id == SGE_CONTEXT_CNM)
+               show_struct(p->data, 1, conm);
+#undef FIELD
+#undef FIELD1
+static int
+get_sge_context(int argc, const char *argv[])
+       int rc;
+       char *p;
+       long cid;
+       struct t4_sge_context cntxt = {0};
+       if (argc != 2) {
+               warnx("sge_context: incorrect number of arguments.");
+               return (EINVAL);
+       }
+       if (!strcmp(argv[0], "egress"))
+               cntxt.mem_id = SGE_CONTEXT_EGRESS;
+       else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "ingress"))
+               cntxt.mem_id = SGE_CONTEXT_INGRESS;
+       else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "fl"))
+               cntxt.mem_id = SGE_CONTEXT_FLM;
+       else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "cong"))
+               cntxt.mem_id = SGE_CONTEXT_CNM;
+       else {
+               warnx("unknown context type \"%s\"; known types are egress, "
+                   "ingress, fl, and cong.", argv[0]);
+               return (EINVAL);
+       }
+       p = str_to_number(argv[1], &cid, NULL);
+       if (*p) {
+               warnx("invalid context id \"%s\"", argv[1]);
+               return (EINVAL);
+       }
+       cntxt.cid = cid;
+       rc = doit(CHELSIO_T4_GET_SGE_CONTEXT, &cntxt);
+       if (rc != 0)
+               return (rc);
+       show_sge_context(&cntxt);
+       return (0);
 static int
 loadfw(int argc, const char *argv[])
@@ -1306,6 +1539,8 @@ run_cmd(int argc, const char *argv[])
                rc = dump_regs(argc, argv);
        else if (!strcmp(cmd, "filter"))
                rc = filter_cmd(argc, argv);
+       else if (!strcmp(cmd, "context"))
+               rc = get_sge_context(argc, argv);
        else if (!strcmp(cmd, "loadfw"))
                rc = loadfw(argc, argv);
        else if (!strcmp(cmd, "memdump"))
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