Author: pfg
Date: Fri Feb  3 23:35:39 2012
New Revision: 230970

  MFC:  r228740
  Many style fixes.
  Remove C99 initializers: they don't help in this case.
  Set errno to 0 before strtoll() (from NetBSD).
  PR:           151850
  Suggested by: bde
  Approved by:  jhb (Mentor)

Directory Properties:
  stable/8/sbin/newfs_msdos/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/8/sbin/newfs_msdos/newfs_msdos.8
--- stable/8/sbin/newfs_msdos/newfs_msdos.8     Fri Feb  3 23:32:22 2012        
+++ stable/8/sbin/newfs_msdos/newfs_msdos.8     Fri Feb  3 23:35:39 2012        
@@ -180,27 +180,27 @@ For reference purposes, this structure i
 .Bd -literal
 struct bsbpb {
-    u_int16_t  bps;            /* [-S] bytes per sector */
-    u_int8_t   spc;            /* [-c] sectors per cluster */
-    u_int16_t  res;            /* [-r] reserved sectors */
-    u_int8_t   nft;            /* [-n] number of FATs */
-    u_int16_t  rde;            /* [-e] root directory entries */
-    u_int16_t  sec;            /* [-s] total sectors */
-    u_int8_t   mid;            /* [-m] media descriptor */
-    u_int16_t  spf;            /* [-a] sectors per FAT */
-    u_int16_t  spt;            /* [-u] sectors per track */
-    u_int16_t  hds;            /* [-h] drive heads */
-    u_int32_t  hid;            /* [-o] hidden sectors */
-    u_int32_t  bsec;           /* [-s] big total sectors */
+    u_int16_t  bpbBytesPerSec;         /* [-S] bytes per sector */
+    u_int8_t   bpbSecPerClust;         /* [-c] sectors per cluster */
+    u_int16_t  bpbResSectors;          /* [-r] reserved sectors */
+    u_int8_t   bpbFATs;                /* [-n] number of FATs */
+    u_int16_t  bpbRootDirEnts;         /* [-e] root directory entries */
+    u_int16_t  bpbSectors;             /* [-s] total sectors */
+    u_int8_t   bpbMedia;               /* [-m] media descriptor */
+    u_int16_t  bpbFATsecs;             /* [-a] sectors per FAT */
+    u_int16_t  bpbSecPerTrack;         /* [-u] sectors per track */
+    u_int16_t  bpbHeads;               /* [-h] drive heads */
+    u_int32_t  bpbHiddenSecs;          /* [-o] hidden sectors */
+    u_int32_t  bpbHugeSectors;         /* [-s] big total sectors */
 /* FAT32 extensions */
 struct bsxbpb {
-    u_int32_t  bspf;           /* [-a] big sectors per FAT */
-    u_int16_t  xflg;           /* control flags */
-    u_int16_t  vers;           /* file system version */
-    u_int32_t  rdcl;           /* root directory start cluster */
-    u_int16_t  infs;           /* [-i] file system info sector */
-    u_int16_t  bkbs;           /* [-k] backup boot sector */
+    u_int32_t  bpbBigFATsecs;          /* [-a] big sectors per FAT */
+    u_int16_t  bpbExtFlags;            /* control flags */
+    u_int16_t  bpbFSVers;              /* file system version */
+    u_int32_t  bpbRootClust;           /* root directory start cluster */
+    u_int16_t  bpbFSInfo;              /* [-i] file system info sector */
+    u_int16_t  bpbBackup;              /* [-k] backup boot sector */

Modified: stable/8/sbin/newfs_msdos/newfs_msdos.c
--- stable/8/sbin/newfs_msdos/newfs_msdos.c     Fri Feb  3 23:32:22 2012        
+++ stable/8/sbin/newfs_msdos/newfs_msdos.c     Fri Feb  3 23:35:39 2012        
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ static const char rcsid[] =
 #define MINCLS12  1U           /* minimum FAT12 clusters */
 #define MINCLS16  0x1000U      /* minimum FAT16 clusters */
 #define MINCLS32  2U           /* minimum FAT32 clusters */
-#define MAXCLS12  0xfedU       /* maximum FAT12 clusters */
+#define MAXCLS12  0xfedU       /* maximum FAT12 clusters */
 #define MAXCLS16  0xfff5U      /* maximum FAT16 clusters */
 #define MAXCLS32  0xffffff5U   /* maximum FAT32 clusters */
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ static const char rcsid[] =
 #define argtox(arg, lo, msg)  argtou(arg, lo, UINT_MAX, msg)
 struct bs {
-    u_int8_t bsJump[3];                /* bootstrap entry point */
+    u_int8_t bsJump[3];                        /* bootstrap entry point */
     u_int8_t bsOemName[8];             /* OEM name and version */
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ struct bsxbpb {
     u_int8_t bpbRootClust[4];          /* root directory start cluster */
     u_int8_t bpbFSInfo[2];             /* file system info sector */
     u_int8_t bpbBackup[2];             /* backup boot sector */
-    u_int8_t bpbReserved[12];                  /* reserved */
+    u_int8_t bpbReserved[12];          /* reserved */
 struct bsx {
@@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ struct bsx {
 struct de {
-    u_int8_t deName[11];       /* name and extension */
-    u_int8_t deAttributes;     /* attributes */
-    u_int8_t rsvd[10];         /* reserved */
-    u_int8_t deMTime[2];       /* creation time */
-    u_int8_t deMDate[2];       /* creation date */
-    u_int8_t deStartCluster[2];        /* starting cluster */
-    u_int8_t deFileSize[4];    /* size */
+    u_int8_t deName[11];               /* name and extension */
+    u_int8_t deAttributes;             /* attributes */
+    u_int8_t rsvd[10];                 /* reserved */
+    u_int8_t deMTime[2];               /* creation time */
+    u_int8_t deMDate[2];               /* creation date */
+    u_int8_t deStartCluster[2];                /* starting cluster */
+    u_int8_t deFileSize[4];            /* size */
 struct bpb {
@@ -160,29 +160,26 @@ struct bpb {
     u_int bpbHugeSectors;              /* big total sectors */
     u_int bpbBigFATsecs;               /* big sectors per FAT */
     u_int bpbRootClust;                /* root directory start cluster */
-    u_int bpbFSInfo;           /* file system info sector */
-    u_int bpbBackup;           /* backup boot sector */
+    u_int bpbFSInfo;                   /* file system info sector */
+    u_int bpbBackup;                   /* backup boot sector */
 #define BPBGAP 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-#define INIT(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) \
-    { .bpbBytesPerSec = a, .bpbSecPerClust = b, .bpbResSectors = c, .bpbFATs = 
d, .bpbRootDirEnts = e, \
-      .bpbSectors = f, .bpbMedia = g, .bpbFATsecs = h, .bpbSecPerTrack = i, 
.bpbHeads = j, }
 static struct {
     const char *name;
     struct bpb bpb;
 } const stdfmt[] = {
-    {"160",  INIT(512, 1, 1, 2,  64,  320, 0xfe, 1,  8, 1)},
-    {"180",  INIT(512, 1, 1, 2,  64,  360, 0xfc, 2,  9, 1)},
-    {"320",  INIT(512, 2, 1, 2, 112,  640, 0xff, 1,  8, 2)},
-    {"360",  INIT(512, 2, 1, 2, 112,  720, 0xfd, 2,  9, 2)},
-    {"640",  INIT(512, 2, 1, 2, 112, 1280, 0xfb, 2,  8, 2)},    
-    {"720",  INIT(512, 2, 1, 2, 112, 1440, 0xf9, 3,  9, 2)},
-    {"1200", INIT(512, 1, 1, 2, 224, 2400, 0xf9, 7, 15, 2)},
-    {"1232", INIT(1024,1, 1, 2, 192, 1232, 0xfe, 2,  8, 2)},    
-    {"1440", INIT(512, 1, 1, 2, 224, 2880, 0xf0, 9, 18, 2)},
-    {"2880", INIT(512, 2, 1, 2, 240, 5760, 0xf0, 9, 36, 2)}
+    {"160",  {512, 1, 1, 2,  64,  320, 0xfe, 1,  8, 1, BPBGAP}},
+    {"180",  {512, 1, 1, 2,  64,  360, 0xfc, 2,  9, 1, BPBGAP}},
+    {"320",  {512, 2, 1, 2, 112,  640, 0xff, 1,  8, 2, BPBGAP}},
+    {"360",  {512, 2, 1, 2, 112,  720, 0xfd, 2,  9, 2, BPBGAP}},
+    {"640",  {512, 2, 1, 2, 112, 1280, 0xfb, 2,  8, 2, BPBGAP}},    
+    {"720",  {512, 2, 1, 2, 112, 1440, 0xf9, 3,  9, 2, BPBGAP}},
+    {"1200", {512, 1, 1, 2, 224, 2400, 0xf9, 7, 15, 2, BPBGAP}},
+    {"1232", {1024,1, 1, 2, 192, 1232, 0xfe, 2,  8, 2, BPBGAP}},    
+    {"1440", {512, 1, 1, 2, 224, 2880, 0xf0, 9, 18, 2, BPBGAP}},
+    {"2880", {512, 2, 1, 2, 240, 5760, 0xf0, 9, 36, 2, BPBGAP}}
 static const u_int8_t bootcode[] = {
@@ -494,7 +491,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
        if ((fd1 = open(bname, O_RDONLY)) == -1 || fstat(fd1, &sb))
            err(1, "%s", bname);
        if (!S_ISREG(sb.st_mode) || sb.st_size % bpb.bpbBytesPerSec ||
-           sb.st_size < bpb.bpbBytesPerSec || sb.st_size > bpb.bpbBytesPerSec 
* MAXU16)
+           sb.st_size < bpb.bpbBytesPerSec ||
+           sb.st_size > bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * MAXU16)
            errx(1, "%s: inappropriate file type or format", bname);
        bss = sb.st_size / bpb.bpbBytesPerSec;
@@ -503,19 +501,23 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
     if (!fat) {
        if (bpb.bpbHugeSectors < (bpb.bpbResSectors ? bpb.bpbResSectors : bss) +
            howmany((RESFTE + (bpb.bpbSecPerClust ? MINCLS16 : MAXCLS12 + 1)) *
-                   ((bpb.bpbSecPerClust ? 16 : 12) / BPN), bpb.bpbBytesPerSec 
* NPB) *
+               (bpb.bpbSecPerClust ? 16 : 12) / BPN,
+               bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * NPB) *
            bpb.bpbFATs +
            howmany(bpb.bpbRootDirEnts ? bpb.bpbRootDirEnts : DEFRDE,
                    bpb.bpbBytesPerSec / sizeof(struct de)) +
            (bpb.bpbSecPerClust ? MINCLS16 : MAXCLS12 + 1) *
-           (bpb.bpbSecPerClust ? bpb.bpbSecPerClust : howmany(DEFBLK, 
+           (bpb.bpbSecPerClust ? bpb.bpbSecPerClust :
+            howmany(DEFBLK, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec)))
            fat = 12;
        else if (bpb.bpbRootDirEnts || bpb.bpbHugeSectors <
                 (bpb.bpbResSectors ? bpb.bpbResSectors : bss) +
-                howmany((RESFTE + MAXCLS16) * 2, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec) * 
bpb.bpbFATs +
+                howmany((RESFTE + MAXCLS16) * 2, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec) *
+                bpb.bpbFATs +
                 howmany(DEFRDE, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec / sizeof(struct de)) +
                 (MAXCLS16 + 1) *
-                (bpb.bpbSecPerClust ? bpb.bpbSecPerClust : howmany(8192, 
+                (bpb.bpbSecPerClust ? bpb.bpbSecPerClust :
+                 howmany(8192, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec)))
            fat = 16;
            fat = 32;
@@ -539,21 +541,27 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
            x = bpb.bpbBackup + 1;
     if (!bpb.bpbResSectors)
-       bpb.bpbResSectors = fat == 32 ? MAX(x, MAX(16384 / bpb.bpbBytesPerSec, 
4)) : x;
+       bpb.bpbResSectors = fat == 32 ? 
+           MAX(x, MAX(16384 / bpb.bpbBytesPerSec, 4)) : x;
     else if (bpb.bpbResSectors < x)
-       errx(1, "too few reserved sectors (need %d have %d)", x, 
+       errx(1, "too few reserved sectors (need %d have %d)", x,
+            bpb.bpbResSectors);
     if (fat != 32 && !bpb.bpbRootDirEnts)
        bpb.bpbRootDirEnts = DEFRDE;
     rds = howmany(bpb.bpbRootDirEnts, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec / sizeof(struct de));
     if (!bpb.bpbSecPerClust)
-       for (bpb.bpbSecPerClust = howmany(fat == 16 ? DEFBLK16 : DEFBLK, 
+       for (bpb.bpbSecPerClust = howmany(fat == 16 ? DEFBLK16 :
+                                         DEFBLK, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec);
             bpb.bpbSecPerClust < MAXSPC &&
             bpb.bpbResSectors +
             howmany((RESFTE + maxcls(fat)) * (fat / BPN),
-                    bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * NPB) * bpb.bpbFATs +
+                    bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * NPB) *
+            bpb.bpbFATs +
             rds +
-            (u_int64_t)(maxcls(fat) + 1) * bpb.bpbSecPerClust <= 
-            bpb.bpbSecPerClust <<= 1);
+            (u_int64_t) (maxcls(fat) + 1) *
+            bpb.bpbSecPerClust <= bpb.bpbHugeSectors;
+            bpb.bpbSecPerClust <<= 1)
+           continue;
     if (fat != 32 && bpb.bpbBigFATsecs > MAXU16)
        errx(1, "too many sectors/FAT for FAT12/16");
     x1 = bpb.bpbResSectors + rds;
@@ -562,7 +570,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
        errx(1, "meta data exceeds file system size");
     x1 += x * bpb.bpbFATs;
     x = (u_int64_t)(bpb.bpbHugeSectors - x1) * bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * NPB /
-       (bpb.bpbSecPerClust * bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * NPB + fat / BPN * 
+       (bpb.bpbSecPerClust * bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * NPB + fat /
+        BPN * bpb.bpbFATs);
     x2 = howmany((RESFTE + MIN(x, maxcls(fat))) * (fat / BPN),
                 bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * NPB);
     if (!bpb.bpbBigFATsecs) {
@@ -570,7 +579,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
        x1 += (bpb.bpbBigFATsecs - 1) * bpb.bpbFATs;
     cls = (bpb.bpbHugeSectors - x1) / bpb.bpbSecPerClust;
-    x = (u_int64_t)bpb.bpbBigFATsecs * bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * NPB / (fat / BPN) 
+    x = (u_int64_t)bpb.bpbBigFATsecs * bpb.bpbBytesPerSec * NPB / (fat / BPN) -
+       RESFTE;
     if (cls > x)
        cls = x;
     if (bpb.bpbBigFATsecs < x2)
@@ -608,7 +618,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
        tm = localtime(&now);
        if (!(img = malloc(bpb.bpbBytesPerSec)))
            err(1, NULL);
-       dir = bpb.bpbResSectors + (bpb.bpbFATsecs ? bpb.bpbFATsecs : 
bpb.bpbBigFATsecs) * bpb.bpbFATs;
+       dir = bpb.bpbResSectors + (bpb.bpbFATsecs ? bpb.bpbFATsecs :
+                                  bpb.bpbBigFATsecs) * bpb.bpbFATs;
        memset(&si_sa, 0, sizeof(si_sa));
        si_sa.sa_handler = infohandler;
        if (sigaction(SIGINFO, &si_sa, NULL) == -1)
@@ -638,7 +649,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
            } else
                memset(img, 0, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec);
            if (!lsn ||
-             (fat == 32 && bpb.bpbBackup != MAXU16 && lsn == bpb.bpbBackup)) {
+               (fat == 32 && bpb.bpbBackup != MAXU16 &&
+                lsn == bpb.bpbBackup)) {
                x1 = sizeof(struct bs);
                bsbpb = (struct bsbpb *)(img + x1);
                mk2(bsbpb->bpbBytesPerSec, bpb.bpbBytesPerSec);
@@ -702,7 +714,8 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
                mk2(img + MINBPS - 2, DOSMAGIC);
            } else if (lsn >= bpb.bpbResSectors && lsn < dir &&
                       !((lsn - bpb.bpbResSectors) %
-                        (bpb.bpbFATsecs ? bpb.bpbFATsecs : 
bpb.bpbBigFATsecs))) {
+                        (bpb.bpbFATsecs ? bpb.bpbFATsecs :
+                         bpb.bpbBigFATsecs))) {
                mk1(img[0], bpb.bpbMedia);
                for (x = 1; x < fat * (fat == 32 ? 3 : 2) / 8; x++)
                    mk1(img[x], fat == 32 && x % 4 == 3 ? 0x0f : 0xff);
@@ -817,16 +830,19 @@ getdiskinfo(int fd, const char *fname, c
        if (bpb->bpbBytesPerSec)
            dlp.d_secsize = bpb->bpbBytesPerSec;
        if (ioctl(fd, DIOCGDINFO, &dlp) == -1) {
-           if (bpb->bpbBytesPerSec == 0 && ioctl(fd, DIOCGSECTORSIZE, 
&dlp.d_secsize) == -1)
+           if (bpb->bpbBytesPerSec == 0 && ioctl(fd, DIOCGSECTORSIZE,
+                                                 &dlp.d_secsize) == -1)
                errx(1, "Cannot get sector size, %s", strerror(errno));
            dlp.d_secperunit = ms / dlp.d_secsize;
-           if (bpb->bpbSecPerTrack == 0 && ioctl(fd, DIOCGFWSECTORS, 
&dlp.d_nsectors) == -1) {
+           if (bpb->bpbSecPerTrack == 0 && ioctl(fd, DIOCGFWSECTORS,
+                                                 &dlp.d_nsectors) == -1) {
                warnx("Cannot get number of sectors per track, %s", 
                dlp.d_nsectors = 63;
-           if (bpb->bpbHeads == 0 && ioctl(fd, DIOCGFWHEADS, &dlp.d_ntracks) 
== -1) {
+           if (bpb->bpbHeads == 0 &&
+               ioctl(fd, DIOCGFWHEADS, &dlp.d_ntracks) == -1) {
                warnx("Cannot get number of heads, %s", strerror(errno));
                if (dlp.d_secperunit <= 63*1*1024)
                    dlp.d_ntracks = 1;
@@ -859,7 +875,8 @@ getdiskinfo(int fd, const char *fname, c
 static void
 print_bpb(struct bpb *bpb)
-    printf("BytesPerSec=%u SecPerClust=%u ResSectors=%u FATs=%u", 
bpb->bpbBytesPerSec, bpb->bpbSecPerClust, bpb->bpbResSectors,
+    printf("BytesPerSec=%u SecPerClust=%u ResSectors=%u FATs=%u",
+          bpb->bpbBytesPerSec, bpb->bpbSecPerClust, bpb->bpbResSectors,
     if (bpb->bpbRootDirEnts)
        printf(" RootDirEnts=%u", bpb->bpbRootDirEnts);
@@ -868,11 +885,13 @@ print_bpb(struct bpb *bpb)
     printf(" Media=%#x", bpb->bpbMedia);
     if (bpb->bpbFATsecs)
        printf(" FATsecs=%u", bpb->bpbFATsecs);
-    printf(" SecPerTrack=%u Heads=%u HiddenSecs=%u", bpb->bpbSecPerTrack, 
bpb->bpbHeads, bpb->bpbHiddenSecs);
+    printf(" SecPerTrack=%u Heads=%u HiddenSecs=%u", bpb->bpbSecPerTrack,
+          bpb->bpbHeads, bpb->bpbHiddenSecs);
     if (bpb->bpbHugeSectors)
        printf(" HugeSectors=%u", bpb->bpbHugeSectors);
     if (!bpb->bpbFATsecs) {
-       printf(" FATsecs=%u RootCluster=%u", bpb->bpbBigFATsecs, 
+       printf(" FATsecs=%u RootCluster=%u", bpb->bpbBigFATsecs,
+              bpb->bpbRootClust);
        printf(" FSInfo=");
        printf(bpb->bpbFSInfo == MAXU16 ? "%#x" : "%u", bpb->bpbFSInfo);
        printf(" Backup=");
@@ -919,6 +938,7 @@ argtooff(const char *arg, const char *ms
     char *s;
     off_t x;
+    errno = 0;
     x = strtoll(arg, &s, 0);
     /* allow at most one extra char */
     if (errno || x < 0 || (s[0] && s[1]) )
@@ -929,30 +949,30 @@ argtooff(const char *arg, const char *ms
            errx(1, "%s: bad %s", arg, msg);
            /* notreached */
-       case 's':       /* sector */
+       case 's':               /* sector */
        case 'S':
-           x <<= 9;    /* times 512 */
+           x <<= 9;            /* times 512 */
-       case 'k':       /* kilobyte */
+       case 'k':               /* kilobyte */
        case 'K':
-           x <<= 10;   /* times 1024 */
+           x <<= 10;           /* times 1024 */
-       case 'm':       /* megabyte */
+       case 'm':               /* megabyte */
        case 'M':
-           x <<= 20;   /* times 1024*1024 */
+           x <<= 20;           /* times 1024*1024 */
-       case 'g':       /* gigabyte */
+       case 'g':               /* gigabyte */
        case 'G':
-           x <<= 30;   /* times 1024*1024*1024 */
+           x <<= 30;           /* times 1024*1024*1024 */
-       case 'p':       /* partition start */
-       case 'P':       /* partition start */
-       case 'l':       /* partition length */
-       case 'L':       /* partition length */
+       case 'p':               /* partition start */
+       case 'P':
+       case 'l':               /* partition length */
+       case 'L':
            errx(1, "%s: not supported yet %s", arg, msg);
            /* notreached */
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