On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 10:13:41PM +0400, Andrey Chernov wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 12:52:43PM -0500, David Schultz wrote:
> > Why complicate things with atomics at all?  A race might result in
> > arc4random(9) being seeded multiple times, but that's harmless.
> Multiply seeding in line is harmless, just waste of time and resources.
> Other case is one missing seeding when variable is set concurrently with
> its read. I see no complication using atomic. Latest version is even 
> shorter than previous ones.

Well, I almost forget about my special case: I have personal prohibition 
from @secteam (5 years old already) to commit anything to all RNG areas.

So, the question is: could anyone of you commit some version from this 
thread, please? 

I don't insist of atomics in this sutuation, so you can peek any version 
you like.

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