Hello Hiroki,

* Hiroki Sato <h...@freebsd.org>, 20120108 18:40:
> +      <para revision="218847">A &man.utxrm.8; utility has been added.
> +     This allows one to remove an entry from the
> +     <filename>utmpx</filename> database by hand. This is useful
> +     when a login daemon crashes or fails to remove the entry
> +     during shutdown.</para>

We shouldn't forget to document the addition of utmpx as well.

Any comments on the following?

Index: article.sgml
--- article.sgml        (revision 229826)
+++ article.sgml        (working copy)
@@ -953,6 +953,13 @@
        &amp;&amp; and || around an arithmetic expression has been
+      <para revision="202188">The &man.utmp.5; user accounting database
+       has been replaced by &man.utmpx.3;. User accounting utilities
+       will now use <filename>utmpx</filename> database files
+       exclusively. The &man.wtmpcvt.1; utility can be used to convert
+       <filename>wtmp</filename> files to the new format, making it
+       possible to read them using the updated utilities.</para>
       <para revision="218847">A &man.utxrm.8; utility has been added.
        This allows one to remove an entry from the
        <filename>utmpx</filename> database by hand. This is useful

 Ed Schouten <e...@80386.nl>
 WWW: http://80386.nl/

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