Author: gjb (doc committer)
Date: Mon Jan  2 22:23:26 2012
New Revision: 229328

  MFC r228823:
   - Enclose tabbed content in quote
   - Start a sentence on a newline

Directory Properties:
  stable/9/usr.bin/rctl/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/9/usr.bin/rctl/rctl.8
--- stable/9/usr.bin/rctl/rctl.8        Mon Jan  2 22:22:19 2012        
+++ stable/9/usr.bin/rctl/rctl.8        Mon Jan  2 22:23:26 2012        
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd July 14, 2011
+.Dd December 22, 2011
 .Dt RCTL 8
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ Syntax for a rule is subject:subject-id:
 Subject defines the kind of entity the rule applies to.
 It can be either process, user, login class, or jail.
-Subject ID identifies the subject.  It can be user name,
-numerical user ID, login class name, or jail name.
+Subject ID identifies the subject.
+It can be user name, numerical user ID, login class name, or jail name.
 Resource identifies the resource the rule controls.
@@ -122,35 +122,35 @@ A filter that matches all defined rules 
 .Bl -column -offset 3n "pseudoterminals"
-.It cputime            CPU time, in seconds
-.It datasize           data size, in bytes
-.It stacksize          stack size, in bytes
-.It coredumpsize       core dump size, in bytes
-.It memoryuse          resident set size, in bytes
-.It memorylocked       locked memory, in bytes
-.It maxproc            number of processes
-.It openfiles          file descriptor table size
-.It vmemoryuse         address space limit, in bytes
-.It pseudoterminals    number of PTYs
-.It swapuse            swap usage, in bytes
-.It nthr               number of threads
-.It msgqqueued         number of queued SysV messages
-.It msgqsize           SysV message queue size, in bytes
-.It nmsgq              number of SysV message queues
-.It nsem               number of SysV semaphores
-.It nsemop             number of SysV semaphores modified in a single semop(2) 
-.It nshm               number of SysV shared memory segments
-.It shmsize            SysV shared memory size, in bytes
-.It wallclock          wallclock time, in seconds
+.It "cputime           CPU time, in seconds"
+.It "datasize          data size, in bytes"
+.It "stacksize         stack size, in bytes"
+.It "coredumpsize      core dump size, in bytes"
+.It "memoryuse         resident set size, in bytes"
+.It "memorylocked      locked memory, in bytes"
+.It "maxproc           number of processes"
+.It "openfiles         file descriptor table size"
+.It "vmemoryuse                address space limit, in bytes"
+.It "pseudoterminals   number of PTYs"
+.It "swapuse           swap usage, in bytes"
+.It "nthr              number of threads"
+.It "msgqqueued                number of queued SysV messages"
+.It "msgqsize          SysV message queue size, in bytes"
+.It "nmsgq             number of SysV message queues"
+.It "nsem              number of SysV semaphores"
+.It "nsemop            number of SysV semaphores modified in a single semop(2) 
+.It "nshm              number of SysV shared memory segments"
+.It "shmsize           SysV shared memory size, in bytes"
+.It "wallclock         wallclock time, in seconds"
 .Bl -column -offset 3n "pseudoterminals"
-.It deny       deny the allocation; not supported for cpu and wallclock
-.It log                log a warning to the console
-.It devctl     send notification to
+.It "deny      deny the allocation; not supported for cpu and wallclock"
+.It "log               log a warning to the console"
+.It "devctl    send notification to"
 .Xr devd 8
-.It sig*       e.g. sigterm; send a signal to the offending process
+.It "sig*      e.g. sigterm; send a signal to the offending process"
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