Author: kensmith
Date: Mon Jan  2 18:59:55 2012
New Revision: 229307

  Re-copy usr.sbin/pkg_install/add/main.c to take into effect r229305.
  Pointy Hat:     kensmith
  Approved by:    re (implicit)

     - copied unchanged from r229306, releng/9.0/usr.sbin/pkg_install/add/main.c
Directory Properties:
  release/9.0.0/usr.sbin/pkg_install/add/main.c   (props changed)

Copied: release/9.0.0/usr.sbin/pkg_install/add/main.c (from r229306, 
--- /dev/null   00:00:00 1970   (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ release/9.0.0/usr.sbin/pkg_install/add/main.c       Mon Jan  2 18:59:55 
2012        (r229307, copy of r229306, 
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+ *
+ * FreeBSD install - a package for the installation and maintainance
+ * of non-core utilities.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ * Jordan K. Hubbard
+ * 18 July 1993
+ *
+ * This is the add module.
+ */
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <err.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include "lib.h"
+#include "add.h"
+char   *Prefix         = NULL;
+Boolean        PrefixRecursive = FALSE;
+char   *Chroot         = NULL;
+Boolean        NoInstall       = FALSE;
+Boolean        NoRecord        = FALSE;
+Boolean Remote         = FALSE;
+Boolean KeepPackage    = FALSE;
+Boolean FailOnAlreadyInstalled = TRUE;
+Boolean IgnoreDeps     = FALSE;
+char   *Mode           = NULL;
+char   *Owner          = NULL;
+char   *Group          = NULL;
+char   *PkgName        = NULL;
+char   *PkgAddCmd      = NULL;
+char   *Directory      = NULL;
+char   FirstPen[FILENAME_MAX];
+add_mode_t AddMode     = NORMAL;
+char   **pkgs;
+struct {
+       int lowver;     /* Lowest version number to match */
+       int hiver;      /* Highest version number to match */
+       const char *directory;  /* Directory it lives in */
+} releases[] = {
+       { 410000, 410000, "/packages-4.1-release" },
+       { 420000, 420000, "/packages-4.2-release" },
+       { 430000, 430000, "/packages-4.3-release" },
+       { 440000, 440000, "/packages-4.4-release" },
+       { 450000, 450000, "/packages-4.5-release" },
+       { 460000, 460001, "/packages-4.6-release" },
+       { 460002, 460099, "/packages-4.6.2-release" },
+       { 470000, 470099, "/packages-4.7-release" },
+       { 480000, 480099, "/packages-4.8-release" },
+       { 490000, 490099, "/packages-4.9-release" },
+       { 491000, 491099, "/packages-4.10-release" },
+       { 492000, 492099, "/packages-4.11-release" },
+       { 500000, 500099, "/packages-5.0-release" },
+       { 501000, 501099, "/packages-5.1-release" },
+       { 502000, 502009, "/packages-5.2-release" },
+       { 502010, 502099, "/packages-5.2.1-release" },
+       { 503000, 503099, "/packages-5.3-release" },
+       { 504000, 504099, "/packages-5.4-release" },
+       { 505000, 505099, "/packages-5.5-release" },
+       { 600000, 600099, "/packages-6.0-release" },
+       { 601000, 601099, "/packages-6.1-release" },
+       { 602000, 602099, "/packages-6.2-release" },
+       { 603000, 603099, "/packages-6.3-release" },
+       { 604000, 604099, "/packages-6.4-release" },
+       { 700000, 700099, "/packages-7.0-release" },
+       { 701000, 701099, "/packages-7.1-release" },
+       { 702000, 702099, "/packages-7.2-release" },
+       { 703000, 703099, "/packages-7.3-release" },
+       { 704000, 704099, "/packages-7.4-release" },
+       { 800000, 800499, "/packages-8.0-release" },
+       { 801000, 801499, "/packages-8.1-release" },
+       { 802000, 802499, "/packages-8.2-release" },
+       { 900000, 900499, "/packages-9.0-release" },
+       { 300000, 399000, "/packages-3-stable" },
+       { 400000, 499000, "/packages-4-stable" },
+       { 502100, 502128, "/packages-5-current" },
+       { 503100, 599000, "/packages-5-stable" },
+       { 600100, 699000, "/packages-6-stable" },
+       { 700100, 799000, "/packages-7-stable" },
+       { 800500, 899000, "/packages-8-stable" },
+       { 900000, 999000, "/packages-9-current" },
+       { 0, 9999999, "/packages-current" },
+       { 0, 0, NULL }
+static char *getpackagesite(void);
+int getosreldate(void);
+static void usage(void);
+static char opts[] = "hviIRfFnrp:P:SMt:C:K";
+static struct option longopts[] = {
+       { "chroot",     required_argument,      NULL,           'C' },
+       { "dry-run",    no_argument,            NULL,           'n' },
+       { "force",      no_argument,            NULL,           'f' },
+       { "help",       no_argument,            NULL,           'h' },
+       { "keep",       no_argument,            NULL,           'K' },
+       { "master",     no_argument,            NULL,           'M' },
+       { "no-deps",    no_argument,            NULL,           'i' },
+       { "no-record",  no_argument,            NULL,           'R' },
+       { "no-script",  no_argument,            NULL,           'I' },
+       { "prefix",     required_argument,      NULL,           'p' },
+       { "remote",     no_argument,            NULL,           'r' },
+       { "template",   required_argument,      NULL,           't' },
+       { "slave",      no_argument,            NULL,           'S' },
+       { "verbose",    no_argument,            NULL,           'v' },
+       { NULL,         0,                      NULL,           0 }
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+    int ch, error;
+    char **start;
+    char *cp, *packagesite = NULL, *remotepkg = NULL, *ptr;
+    static char temppackageroot[MAXPATHLEN];
+    static char pkgaddpath[MAXPATHLEN];
+    if (*argv[0] != '/' && strchr(argv[0], '/') != NULL)
+       PkgAddCmd = realpath(argv[0], pkgaddpath);
+    else
+       PkgAddCmd = argv[0];
+    start = argv;
+    while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, opts, longopts, NULL)) != -1) {
+       switch(ch) {
+       case 'v':
+           Verbose++;
+           break;
+       case 'p':
+           Prefix = optarg;
+           PrefixRecursive = FALSE;
+           break;
+       case 'P':
+           Prefix = optarg;
+           PrefixRecursive = TRUE;
+           break;
+       case 'I':
+           NoInstall = TRUE;
+           break;
+       case 'R':
+           NoRecord = TRUE;
+           break;
+       case 'f':
+           Force = TRUE;
+           break;
+       case 'F':
+           FailOnAlreadyInstalled = FALSE;
+           break;
+       case 'K':
+           KeepPackage = TRUE;
+           break;
+       case 'n':
+           Fake = TRUE;
+           break;
+       case 'r':
+           Remote = TRUE;
+           break;
+       case 't':
+           if (strlcpy(FirstPen, optarg, sizeof(FirstPen)) >= sizeof(FirstPen))
+               errx(1, "-t Argument too long.");
+           break;
+       case 'S':
+           AddMode = SLAVE;
+           break;
+       case 'M':
+           AddMode = MASTER;
+           break;
+       case 'C':
+           Chroot = optarg;
+           break;
+       case 'i':
+           IgnoreDeps = TRUE;
+           break;
+       case 'h':
+       default:
+           usage();
+           break;
+       }
+    }
+    argc -= optind;
+    argv += optind;
+    if (AddMode != SLAVE) {
+       pkgs = (char **)malloc((argc+1) * sizeof(char *));
+       for (ch = 0; ch <= argc; pkgs[ch++] = NULL) ;
+       /* Get all the remaining package names, if any */
+       for (ch = 0; *argv; ch++, argv++) {
+           char temp[MAXPATHLEN];
+           if (Remote) {
+               if ((packagesite = getpackagesite()) == NULL)
+                   errx(1, "package name too long");
+               if (strlcpy(temppackageroot, packagesite,
+                   sizeof(temppackageroot)) >= sizeof(temppackageroot))
+                   errx(1, "package name too long");
+               if (strlcat(temppackageroot, *argv, sizeof(temppackageroot))
+                   >= sizeof(temppackageroot))
+                   errx(1, "package name too long");
+               remotepkg = temppackageroot;
+               if (!((ptr = strrchr(remotepkg, '.')) && ptr[1] == 't' &&
+                       (ptr[2] == 'b' || ptr[2] == 'g' || ptr[2] == 'x') &&
+                       ptr[3] == 'z' && !ptr[4]))
+                   if (strlcat(remotepkg, ".tbz",
+                       sizeof(temppackageroot)) >= sizeof(temppackageroot))
+                       errx(1, "package name too long");
+           }
+           if (!strcmp(*argv, "-"))    /* stdin? */
+               pkgs[ch] = (char *)"-";
+           else if (isURL(*argv)) {    /* preserve URLs */
+               if (strlcpy(temp, *argv, sizeof(temp)) >= sizeof(temp))
+                   errx(1, "package name too long");
+               pkgs[ch] = strdup(temp);
+           }
+           else if ((Remote) && isURL(remotepkg)) {
+               if (strlcpy(temp, remotepkg, sizeof(temp)) >= sizeof(temp))
+                   errx(1, "package name too long");
+               pkgs[ch] = strdup(temp);
+           } else {                    /* expand all pathnames to fullnames */
+               if (fexists(*argv)) /* refers to a file directly */
+                   pkgs[ch] = strdup(realpath(*argv, temp));
+               else {          /* look for the file in the expected places */
+                   if (!(cp = fileFindByPath(NULL, *argv))) {
+                       /* let pkg_do() fail later, so that error is reported */
+                       if (strlcpy(temp, *argv, sizeof(temp)) >= sizeof(temp))
+                           errx(1, "package name too long");
+                       pkgs[ch] = strdup(temp);
+                   } else {
+                       if (strlcpy(temp, cp, sizeof(temp)) >= sizeof(temp))
+                           errx(1, "package name too long");
+                       pkgs[ch] = strdup(temp);
+                   }
+               }
+           }
+           if (packagesite != NULL)
+               packagesite[0] = '\0';
+       }
+    }
+    /* If no packages, yelp */
+    if (!ch) {
+       warnx("missing package name(s)");
+       usage();
+    }
+    else if (ch > 1 && AddMode == MASTER) {
+       warnx("only one package name may be specified with master mode");
+       usage();
+    }
+    /* Perform chroot if requested */
+    if (Chroot != NULL) {
+       if (chroot(Chroot))
+           errx(1, "chroot to %s failed", Chroot);
+    }
+    /* Make sure the sub-execs we invoke get found */
+    setenv("PATH", 
+          1);
+    /* Set a reasonable umask */
+    umask(022);
+    if ((error = pkg_perform(pkgs)) != 0) {
+       if (Verbose)
+           warnx("%d package addition(s) failed", error);
+       return error;
+    }
+    else
+       return 0;
+static char *
+    int reldate, i;
+    static char sitepath[MAXPATHLEN];
+    int archmib[] = { CTL_HW, HW_MACHINE_ARCH };
+    char arch[64];
+    size_t archlen = sizeof(arch);
+    if (getenv("PACKAGESITE")) {
+       if (strlcpy(sitepath, getenv("PACKAGESITE"), sizeof(sitepath))
+           >= sizeof(sitepath))
+           return NULL;
+       return sitepath;
+    }
+    if (getenv("PACKAGEROOT")) {
+       if (strlcpy(sitepath, getenv("PACKAGEROOT"), sizeof(sitepath))
+           >= sizeof(sitepath))
+           return NULL;
+    } else {
+       if (strlcat(sitepath, "";, sizeof(sitepath))
+           >= sizeof(sitepath))
+           return NULL;
+    }
+    if (strlcat(sitepath, "/pub/FreeBSD/ports/", sizeof(sitepath))
+       >= sizeof(sitepath))
+       return NULL;
+    if (sysctl(archmib, 2, arch, &archlen, NULL, 0) == -1)
+       return NULL;
+    arch[archlen-1] = 0;
+    if (strlcat(sitepath, arch, sizeof(sitepath)) >= sizeof(sitepath))
+       return NULL;
+    reldate = getosreldate();
+    for(i = 0; releases[i].directory != NULL; i++) {
+       if (reldate >= releases[i].lowver && reldate <= releases[i].hiver) {
+           if (strlcat(sitepath, releases[i].directory, sizeof(sitepath))
+               >= sizeof(sitepath))
+               return NULL;
+           break;
+       }
+    }
+    if (strlcat(sitepath, "/Latest/", sizeof(sitepath)) >= sizeof(sitepath))
+       return NULL;
+    return sitepath;
+static void
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n%s\n",
+       "usage: pkg_add [-viInfFrRMSK] [-t template] [-p prefix] [-P prefix] 
[-C chrootdir]",
+       "               pkg-name [pkg-name ...]");
+    exit(1);
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