[[ I know it is a bit late here ]]

On Nov 29, 2011, at 1:50 PM, Doug Barton wrote:

> On 11/29/2011 12:47, Gábor Kövesdán wrote:
>> On 2011.11.29. 20:46, Max Khon wrote:
>>> Log:
>>>   Turn off profiled libs build by default.
>>>   Can be enabled back using WITH_PROFILE=yes in /etc/src.conf
>> I think it was useful. Profiling is useful for developing any piece of
>> software that builds on libc or other common libs, even for software
>> that is not directly related to FreeBSD. I think it should be reverted.
> Since we ask users to read -current, it would be useful if our
> developers did too. :)

But that's not the place to discuss this...  It should have gone through arch@ 
not current@

> As Max pointed out in his message about this, the profiled libs are only
> really useful to a tiny percentage of developers. If you need them,
> twist the knob. Building them should be off by default.

I can't profile my programs effectively without them.  Am I now forced to build 
profile libs with a full FreeBSD to get them?  Seems like a big step backwards.


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