Author: nwhitehorn
Date: Sat Dec  3 17:15:16 2011
New Revision: 228240

  MFC r228194:
  Prevent user astonishment by providing the shell option at the end, after
  any installer-provided configuration files have been copied. This allows
  users to edit their fstab, if desired, and to see what the installer has
  placed in rc.conf.
  Requested by: phk
  Approved by:  re (kensmith)

Directory Properties:
  stable/9/usr.sbin/bsdinstall/   (props changed)
  stable/9/usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/9/usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/auto
--- stable/9/usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/auto   Sat Dec  3 17:03:48 2011        
+++ stable/9/usr.sbin/bsdinstall/scripts/auto   Sat Dec  3 17:15:16 2011        
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ finalconfig() {
        exec 3>&1
        REVISIT=$(dialog --backtitle "FreeBSD Installer" \
            --title "Final Configuration" --no-cancel --menu \
-           "Setup of your FreeBSD system is nearly complete. You can now 
modify your configuration choices or apply more complex changes using a shell." 
0 0 0 \
+           "Setup of your FreeBSD system is nearly complete. You can now 
modify your configuration choices. After this screen, you will have an 
opportunity to make more complex changes using a shell." 0 0 0 \
                "Exit" "Apply configuration and exit installer" \
                "Add User" "Add a user to the system" \
                "Root Password" "Change root password" \
@@ -165,8 +165,7 @@ finalconfig() {
                "Network" "Networking configuration" \
                "Services" "Set daemons to run on startup" \
                "Time Zone" "Set system timezone" \
-               "Handbook" "Install FreeBSD Handbook (requires network)" \
-               "Shell" "Open a shell in the new system" 2>&1 1>&3)
+               "Handbook" "Install FreeBSD Handbook (requires network)" 2>&1 
        exec 3>&-
        case "$REVISIT" in
@@ -198,15 +197,6 @@ finalconfig() {
                bsdinstall docsinstall
-       "Shell")
-               clear
-               echo This shell is operating in a chroot in the new system. \
-                   When finished making configuration changes, type \"exit\".
-               chroot "$BSDINSTALL_CHROOT" /bin/sh 2>&1
-               # Don't hose local rc.conf changes
-               cp $BSDINSTALL_CHROOT/etc/rc.conf 
-               finalconfig
-               ;;
@@ -222,5 +212,14 @@ if [ ! -z "$BSDINSTALL_FETCHDEST" ]; the
        rm -rf "$BSDINSTALL_FETCHDEST"
+dialog --backtitle "FreeBSD Installer" --title "Manual Configuration" \
+    --yesno "The installation is now finished. Before exiting the installer, 
would you like to open a shell in the new system to make any final manual 
modifications?" 0 0
+if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+       clear
+       echo This shell is operating in a chroot in the new system. \
+           When finished making configuration changes, type \"exit\".
+       chroot "$BSDINSTALL_CHROOT" /bin/sh 2>&1
 echo "Installation Completed at $(date)" >> $BSDINSTALL_LOG
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