On 12/02/11 09:17, John Baldwin wrote:
On 12/2/11 4:44 AM, Joel Dahl wrote:
On 02-12-2011 0:38, Ken Smith wrote:
Author: kensmith
Date: Fri Dec 2 00:38:47 2011
New Revision: 228192
URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/228192
Add a screen that asks if the user would like to enable crash dumps,
giving them a very brief description of the trade-offs. Whether the
user opts in or out add an entry to what will become /etc/rc.conf
explaining what dumpdev is and how to turn on/off crash dumps.
The folks
who handle interacting with users submitting PRs have asked for
Hmm. Two things I'd like to bring up:
* Not specifically aimed at this commit, but my recommendation
would be that we keep bsdinstall as simple as possible: installing
should require a minimum amount of keystrokes. I realise this is
just one
more screen, but I hope we don't turn bsdinstall into a configuration
utility where you can disable/enable just about anything in rc.conf.
* Mentioning future system crashes during installation feels awkward.
Is that
really what we want? I understand the problem and how this helps
us with
debugging, but this is like saying to users that what they are
is unstable and that it'll eventuelly crash and die. I know we
ways of making crash dumps smarter in order to not fill up /var,
which in
turn would allow us to always have it on. Maybe that is the right
All non-trivial software has bugs and eventually crashes. I don't
expect this to be a surprise to someone installing a UNIX-like
operating system. Note that this isn't the PC-BSD installer, but the
FreeBSD installer. Also, there have been long discussions about this
and ample time for other patches to be developed but they haven't. If
you want this changed, implement the alternate solution. Until then
this is better than not having it at all.
This was also my conclusion when Ken asked me to review this patch. I
also don't want the installer to become bloated and made the same
original objection, but (a) this patch existed and (b) the long
discussion meant that Ken felt it was a particular important decision
that deserved its own screen. In particular, the explanation of why you
might or might not want it was larger than could fit in a line in the
regular services screen and the matter may require some thought.
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