On Nov 15, 2011, at 1:24 PM, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:

>> ... and I also just remembered that I have seen recommendations that,
>> when FreeBSD is used as a virtual machine, hz should be set to 100 so
>> that the virtual interrupt overhead is reduced.  Those two
>> recommendations are at odds with each other.
> USB in virtual machines is a completely different story. All the timing 
> critical stuff is handled by the real USB host operating system. The OS 
> inside 
> the VM just has to respond to some "virtual" USB events. Timing does not 

        kern.hz=100 (!= 1000) recommendation matters because:
1. It causes too many interrupts on multicore systems, which folks reported 
caused performance degradation.
2. In VMs it caused clock skew IIRC.
        I could dig up sources if you need them.
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