Author: obrien
Date: Tue Nov 15 06:44:07 2011
New Revision: 227524

  Improve the chances of matching an outputted string with the line of code.


Modified: head/usr.sbin/pmccontrol/pmccontrol.c
--- head/usr.sbin/pmccontrol/pmccontrol.c       Tue Nov 15 06:35:21 2011        
+++ head/usr.sbin/pmccontrol/pmccontrol.c       Tue Nov 15 06:44:07 2011        
@@ -147,8 +147,9 @@ pmcc_do_enable_disable(struct pmcc_op_li
        npmc = 0;
        for (c = 0; c < ncpu; c++) {
                if ((t = pmc_npmc(c)) < 0)
-                       err(EX_OSERR, "Unable to determine the number of "
-                           "PMCs in CPU %d", c);
+                       err(EX_OSERR,
+                           "Unable to determine the number of PMCs in CPU %d",
+                           c);
                npmc = t > npmc ? t : npmc;
@@ -211,8 +212,8 @@ pmcc_do_enable_disable(struct pmcc_op_li
                        if (error < 0)
                                err(EX_OSERR, "%s of PMC %d on CPU %d failed",
-                                   b == PMCC_OP_ENABLE ? "Enable" :
-                                   "Disable", j, i);
+                                   b == PMCC_OP_ENABLE ? "Enable" : "Disable",
+                                   j, i);
        return error;
@@ -308,8 +309,9 @@ pmcc_do_list_events(void)
                printf("%s\n", pmc_name_of_class(c));
                if (pmc_event_names_of_class(c, &eventnamelist, &nevents) < 0)
-                       err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: Cannot find information for "
-                           "event class \"%s\"", pmc_name_of_class(c));
+                       err(EX_OSERR,
+"ERROR: Cannot find information for event class \"%s\"",
+                           pmc_name_of_class(c));
                for (j = 0; j < nevents; j++)
                        printf("\t%s\n", eventnamelist[j]);
@@ -481,7 +483,8 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                if (STAILQ_EMPTY(&head))
-                       errx(EX_USAGE, "No PMCs specified to enable or 
+                       errx(EX_USAGE,
+                           "No PMCs specified to enable or disable");
                error = pmcc_do_enable_disable(&head);

Modified: head/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcpl_calltree.c
--- head/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcpl_calltree.c      Tue Nov 15 06:35:21 2011        
+++ head/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcpl_calltree.c      Tue Nov 15 06:44:07 2011        
@@ -575,7 +575,8 @@ pmcpl_ct_topkeypress(int c, WINDOW *w)
        switch (c) {
        case 'f':
                pmcstat_skiplink = !pmcstat_skiplink;
-               wprintw(w, "skip empty link %s", pmcstat_skiplink ? "on" : 
+               wprintw(w, "skip empty link %s",
+                   pmcstat_skiplink ? "on" : "off");

Modified: head/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcpl_gprof.c
--- head/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcpl_gprof.c Tue Nov 15 06:35:21 2011        
+++ head/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcpl_gprof.c Tue Nov 15 06:44:07 2011        
@@ -333,8 +333,9 @@ pmcpl_gmon_initimage(struct pmcstat_imag
                count = 0;
                do {
                        if (++count > 999)
-                               errx(EX_CANTCREAT, "ERROR: cannot create a "
-                                   "gmon file for \"%s\"", name);
+                               errx(EX_CANTCREAT,
+                                   "ERROR: cannot create a gmon file for"
+                                   " \"%s\"", name);
                        snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%.*s~%3.3d.gmon",
                            nlen, sn, count);
                        if (pmcstat_string_lookup(name) == NULL) {
@@ -516,8 +517,8 @@ pmcpl_gmon_shutdown(FILE *mf)
                                if (pgf->pgf_overflow && args.pa_verbosity >= 1)
-                                       warnx("WARNING: profile \"%s\" "
-                                           "overflowed.",
+                                       warnx(
+"WARNING: profile \"%s\" overflowed.",

Modified: head/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcstat.c
--- head/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcstat.c     Tue Nov 15 06:35:21 2011        
+++ head/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcstat.c     Tue Nov 15 06:44:07 2011        
@@ -156,8 +156,9 @@ pmcstat_get_cpumask(const char *cpuspec,
        do {
                cpu = strtol(s, &end, 0);
                if (cpu < 0 || end == s)
-                       errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: Illegal CPU specification "
-                           "\"%s\".", cpuspec);
+                       errx(EX_USAGE,
+                           "ERROR: Illegal CPU specification \"%s\".",
+                           cpuspec);
                CPU_SET(cpu, cpumask);
                s = end + strspn(end, ", \t");
        } while (*s);
@@ -179,9 +180,9 @@ pmcstat_attach_pmcs(void)
                        if (pmc_attach(ev->ev_pmcid, pt->pt_pid) == 0)
                        else if (errno != ESRCH)
-                               err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: cannot attach pmc "
-                                   "\"%s\" to process %d", ev->ev_name,
-                                   (int) pt->pt_pid);
+                               err(EX_OSERR,
+"ERROR: cannot attach pmc \"%s\" to process %d",
+                                   ev->ev_name, (int)pt->pt_pid);
        if (count == 0)
@@ -198,11 +199,11 @@ pmcstat_cleanup(void)
        STAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(ev, &args.pa_events, ev_next, tmp)
            if (ev->ev_pmcid != PMC_ID_INVALID) {
                if (pmc_stop(ev->ev_pmcid) < 0)
-                       err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: cannot stop pmc 0x%x "
-                           "\"%s\"", ev->ev_pmcid, ev->ev_name);
+                       err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: cannot stop pmc 0x%x \"%s\"",
+                           ev->ev_pmcid, ev->ev_name);
                if (pmc_release(ev->ev_pmcid) < 0)
-                       err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: cannot release pmc "
-                           "0x%x \"%s\"", ev->ev_pmcid, ev->ev_name);
+                       err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: cannot release pmc 0x%x \"%s\"",
+                           ev->ev_pmcid, ev->ev_name);
                STAILQ_REMOVE(&args.pa_events, ev, pmcstat_ev, ev_next);
@@ -424,8 +425,8 @@ pmcstat_print_counters(void)
                if (pmc_read(ev->ev_pmcid, &value) < 0)
-                       err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: Cannot read pmc "
-                           "\"%s\"", ev->ev_name);
+                       err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: Cannot read pmc \"%s\"",
+                           ev->ev_name);
                (void) fprintf(args.pa_printfile, "%*ju ",
                    ev->ev_fieldwidth + extra_width,
@@ -641,8 +642,9 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                                err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: Cannot stat \"%s\"",
                        if (!S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
-                               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: \"%s\" is not a "
-                                   "directory.", optarg);
+                               errx(EX_USAGE,
+                                   "ERROR: \"%s\" is not a directory.",
+                                   optarg);
                        args.pa_samplesdir = optarg;
                        args.pa_flags     |= FLAG_HAS_SAMPLESDIR;
                        args.pa_required  |= FLAG_DO_GPROF;
@@ -801,15 +803,16 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                            args.pa_printfile != stderr)
                                (void) fclose(args.pa_printfile);
                        if ((args.pa_printfile = fopen(optarg, "w")) == NULL)
-                               errx(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: cannot open \"%s\" for "
-                                   "writing.", optarg);
+                               errx(EX_OSERR,
+                                   "ERROR: cannot open \"%s\" for writing.",
+                                   optarg);
                        args.pa_flags |= FLAG_DO_PRINT;
                case 'O':       /* sampling output */
                        if (args.pa_outputpath)
-                               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: option -O may only be "
-                                   "specified once.");
+                               errx(EX_USAGE,
+"ERROR: option -O may only be specified once.");
                        args.pa_outputpath = optarg;
                        args.pa_flags |= FLAG_HAS_OUTPUT_LOGFILE;
@@ -824,8 +827,8 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                case 'R':       /* read an existing log file */
                        if (args.pa_inputpath != NULL)
-                               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: option -R may only be "
-                                   "specified once.");
+                               errx(EX_USAGE,
+"ERROR: option -R may only be specified once.");
                        args.pa_inputpath = optarg;
                        if (args.pa_printfile == stderr)
                                args.pa_printfile = stdout;
@@ -855,8 +858,9 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                case 'w':       /* wait interval */
                        interval = strtod(optarg, &end);
                        if (*end != '\0' || interval <= 0)
-                               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: Illegal wait interval "
-                                   "value \"%s\".", optarg);
+                               errx(EX_USAGE,
+"ERROR: Illegal wait interval value \"%s\".",
+                                   optarg);
                        args.pa_flags |= FLAG_HAS_WAIT_INTERVAL;
                        args.pa_interval = interval;
@@ -870,8 +874,9 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                case 'z':
                        graphdepth = strtod(optarg, &end);
                        if (*end != '\0' || graphdepth <= 0)
-                               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: Illegal callchain "
-                                   "depth \"%s\".", optarg);
+                               errx(EX_USAGE,
+                                   "ERROR: Illegal callchain depth \"%s\".",
+                                   optarg);
                        args.pa_graphdepth = graphdepth;
                        args.pa_required |= FLAG_DO_CALLGRAPHS;
@@ -908,8 +913,8 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
        /* disallow -O and -R together */
        if (args.pa_outputpath && args.pa_inputpath)
-               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: options -O and -R are mutually "
-                   "exclusive.");
+               errx(EX_USAGE,
+                   "ERROR: options -O and -R are mutually exclusive.");
        /* -m option is allowed with -R only. */
        if (args.pa_flags & FLAG_DO_ANNOTATE && args.pa_inputpath == NULL)
@@ -918,8 +923,8 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
        /* -m option is not allowed combined with -g or -G. */
        if (args.pa_flags & FLAG_DO_ANNOTATE &&
            args.pa_flags & (FLAG_DO_GPROF | FLAG_DO_CALLGRAPHS))
-               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: option -m and -g | -G are mutually "
-                   "exclusive");
+               errx(EX_USAGE,
+                   "ERROR: option -m and -g | -G are mutually exclusive");
        if (args.pa_flags & FLAG_READ_LOGFILE) {
                errmsg = NULL;
@@ -930,8 +935,9 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                else if (!STAILQ_EMPTY(&args.pa_events))
                        errmsg = "a PMC event specification";
                if (errmsg)
-                       errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: option -R may not be used with "
-                           "%s.", errmsg);
+                       errx(EX_USAGE,
+                           "ERROR: option -R may not be used with %s.",
+                           errmsg);
        } else if (STAILQ_EMPTY(&args.pa_events))
                /* All other uses require a PMC spec. */
@@ -939,58 +945,66 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
        /* check for -t pid without a process PMC spec */
        if ((args.pa_required & FLAG_HAS_TARGET) &&
            (args.pa_flags & FLAG_HAS_PROCESS_PMCS) == 0)
-               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: option -t requires a process mode PMC "
-                   "to be specified.");
+               errx(EX_USAGE,
+"ERROR: option -t requires a process mode PMC to be specified."
+                   );
        /* check for process-mode options without a command or -t pid */
        if ((args.pa_required & FLAG_HAS_PROCESS_PMCS) &&
            (args.pa_flags & (FLAG_HAS_COMMANDLINE | FLAG_HAS_TARGET)) == 0)
-               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: options -d, -E, -p, -P, and -W require "
-                   "a command line or target process.");
+               errx(EX_USAGE,
+"ERROR: options -d, -E, -p, -P, and -W require a command line or target 
+                   );
        /* check for -p | -P without a target process of some sort */
        if ((args.pa_required & (FLAG_HAS_COMMANDLINE | FLAG_HAS_TARGET)) &&
            (args.pa_flags & (FLAG_HAS_COMMANDLINE | FLAG_HAS_TARGET)) == 0)
-               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: options -P and -p require a "
-                   "target process or a command line.");
+               errx(EX_USAGE,
+"ERROR: options -P and -p require a target process or a command line."
+                   );
        /* check for process-mode options without a process-mode PMC */
        if ((args.pa_required & FLAG_HAS_PROCESS_PMCS) &&
            (args.pa_flags & FLAG_HAS_PROCESS_PMCS) == 0)
-               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: options -d, -E, and -W require a "
-                   "process mode PMC to be specified.");
+               errx(EX_USAGE,
+"ERROR: options -d, -E, and -W require a process mode PMC to be specified."
+                   );
        /* check for -c cpu with no system mode PMCs or logfile. */
        if ((args.pa_required & FLAG_HAS_SYSTEM_PMCS) &&
            (args.pa_flags & FLAG_HAS_SYSTEM_PMCS) == 0 &&
            (args.pa_flags & FLAG_READ_LOGFILE) == 0)
-               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: option -c requires at least one "
-                   "system mode PMC to be specified.");
+               errx(EX_USAGE,
+"ERROR: option -c requires at least one system mode PMC to be specified."
+                   );
        /* check for counting mode options without a counting PMC */
        if ((args.pa_required & FLAG_HAS_COUNTING_PMCS) &&
            (args.pa_flags & FLAG_HAS_COUNTING_PMCS) == 0)
-               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: options -C, -W and -o require at "
-                   "least one counting mode PMC to be specified.");
+               errx(EX_USAGE,
+"ERROR: options -C, -W and -o require at least one counting mode PMC to be 
+                   );
        /* check for sampling mode options without a sampling PMC spec */
        if ((args.pa_required & FLAG_HAS_SAMPLING_PMCS) &&
            (args.pa_flags & FLAG_HAS_SAMPLING_PMCS) == 0)
-               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: options -N, -n and -O require at "
-                   "least one sampling mode PMC to be specified.");
+               errx(EX_USAGE,
+"ERROR: options -N, -n and -O require at least one sampling mode PMC to be 
+                   );
        /* check if -g/-G/-m/-T are being used correctly */
        if ((args.pa_flags & FLAG_DO_ANALYSIS) &&
            !(args.pa_flags & (FLAG_HAS_SAMPLING_PMCS|FLAG_READ_LOGFILE)))
-               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: options -g/-G/-m/-T require sampling 
PMCs "
-                   "or -R to be specified.");
+               errx(EX_USAGE,
+"ERROR: options -g/-G/-m/-T require sampling PMCs or -R to be specified."
+                   );
        /* check if -O was spuriously specified */
        if ((args.pa_flags & FLAG_HAS_OUTPUT_LOGFILE) &&
            (args.pa_required & FLAG_HAS_OUTPUT_LOGFILE) == 0)
-                   "ERROR: option -O is used only with options "
-                   "-E, -P, -S and -W.");
+"ERROR: option -O is used only with options -E, -P, -S and -W."
+                   );
        /* -k kernel path require -g/-G/-m/-T or -R */
        if ((args.pa_flags & FLAG_HAS_KERNELPATH) &&
@@ -1017,8 +1031,9 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
        if ((args.pa_flags & FLAG_HAS_COUNTING_PMCS) &&
            (args.pa_flags & FLAG_HAS_SAMPLING_PMCS) &&
            ((args.pa_flags & FLAG_HAS_OUTPUT_LOGFILE) == 0))
-               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: option -O is required if counting and "
-                   "sampling PMCs are specified together.");
+               errx(EX_USAGE,
+"ERROR: option -O is required if counting and sampling PMCs are specified 
+                   );
         * Check if "-k kerneldir" was specified, and if whether
@@ -1044,8 +1059,9 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                                err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: Cannot stat \"%s\"",
                        if (!S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode))
-                               errx(EX_USAGE, "ERROR: \"%s\" is not a "
-                                   "directory.", buffer);
+                               errx(EX_USAGE,
+                                   "ERROR: \"%s\" is not a directory.",
+                                   buffer);
@@ -1058,8 +1074,9 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                else {
                        args.pa_graphfile = fopen(graphfilename, "w");
                        if (args.pa_graphfile == NULL)
-                               err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: cannot open \"%s\" "
-                                   "for writing", graphfilename);
+                               err(EX_OSERR,
+                                   "ERROR: cannot open \"%s\" for writing",
+                                   graphfilename);
        if (args.pa_flags & FLAG_DO_ANNOTATE) {
@@ -1073,11 +1090,13 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
        if ((args.pa_flags & FLAG_READ_LOGFILE) == 0) {
                if (pmc_init() < 0)
-                           "ERROR: Initialization of the pmc(3) library 
+                           "ERROR: Initialization of the pmc(3) library failed"
+                           );
                if ((npmc = pmc_npmc(0)) < 0) /* assume all CPUs are identical 
-                       err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: Cannot determine the number of 
PMCs "
-                           "on CPU %d", 0);
+                       err(EX_OSERR,
+"ERROR: Cannot determine the number of PMCs on CPU %d",
+                           0);
        /* Allocate a kqueue */
@@ -1152,17 +1171,18 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
        STAILQ_FOREACH(ev, &args.pa_events, ev_next) {
-           if (pmc_allocate(ev->ev_spec, ev->ev_mode,
+               if (pmc_allocate(ev->ev_spec, ev->ev_mode,
                    ev->ev_flags, ev->ev_cpu, &ev->ev_pmcid) < 0)
-                   err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: Cannot allocate %s-mode pmc with "
-                       "specification \"%s\"",
-                       PMC_IS_SYSTEM_MODE(ev->ev_mode) ? "system" : "process",
-                       ev->ev_spec);
-           if (PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(ev->ev_mode) &&
-               pmc_set(ev->ev_pmcid, ev->ev_count) < 0)
-                   err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: Cannot set sampling count "
-                       "for PMC \"%s\"", ev->ev_name);
+                       err(EX_OSERR,
+"ERROR: Cannot allocate %s-mode pmc with specification \"%s\"",
+                           PMC_IS_SYSTEM_MODE(ev->ev_mode) ?
+                           "system" : "process", ev->ev_spec);
+               if (PMC_IS_SAMPLING_MODE(ev->ev_mode) &&
+                   pmc_set(ev->ev_pmcid, ev->ev_count) < 0)
+                       err(EX_OSERR,
+                           "ERROR: Cannot set sampling count for PMC \"%s\"",
+                           ev->ev_name);
        /* compute printout widths */
@@ -1204,8 +1224,8 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                EV_SET(&kev, SIGWINCH, EVFILT_SIGNAL, EV_ADD, 0, 0, NULL);
                if (kevent(pmcstat_kq, &kev, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) < 0)
-                       err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: Cannot register kevent for "
-                           "SIGWINCH");
+                       err(EX_OSERR,
+                           "ERROR: Cannot register kevent for SIGWINCH");
                args.pa_toptty = 1;
@@ -1248,8 +1268,8 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                    args.pa_interval * 1000, NULL);
                if (kevent(pmcstat_kq, &kev, 1, NULL, 0, NULL) < 0)
-                       err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: Cannot register kevent for "
-                           "timer");
+                       err(EX_OSERR,
+                           "ERROR: Cannot register kevent for timer");
        /* attach PMCs to the target process, starting it if specified */
@@ -1262,8 +1282,8 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
        /* Attach process pmcs to the target process. */
        if (args.pa_flags & (FLAG_HAS_TARGET | FLAG_HAS_COMMANDLINE)) {
                if (SLIST_EMPTY(&args.pa_targets))
-                       errx(EX_DATAERR, "ERROR: No matching target "
-                           "processes.");
+                       errx(EX_DATAERR,
+                           "ERROR: No matching target processes.");
                if (args.pa_flags & FLAG_HAS_PROCESS_PMCS)
@@ -1319,7 +1339,8 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                        keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
                        /* Get terminal width / height with ncurses. */
-                       getmaxyx(stdscr, pmcstat_displayheight, 
+                       getmaxyx(stdscr,
+                           pmcstat_displayheight, pmcstat_displaywidth);
                        pmcstat_displayheight--; pmcstat_displaywidth--;
@@ -1385,8 +1406,8 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                        } else if (kev.ident == SIGWINCH) {
                                if (ioctl(fileno(args.pa_printfile),
                                        TIOCGWINSZ, &ws) < 0)
-                                   err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: Cannot determine "
-                                       "window size");
+                                   err(EX_OSERR,
+                                       "ERROR: Cannot determine window size");
                                pmcstat_displayheight = ws.ws_row - 1;
                                pmcstat_displaywidth  = ws.ws_col - 1;
                        } else
@@ -1406,7 +1427,8 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
                if (do_print && !do_read) {
                        if ((args.pa_required & FLAG_HAS_OUTPUT_LOGFILE) == 0) {
-                               if (runstate == PMCSTAT_FINISHED && /* final 
newline */
+                               if (runstate == PMCSTAT_FINISHED &&
+                                   /* final newline */
                                    (args.pa_flags & FLAG_DO_PRINT) == 0)
                                        (void) fprintf(args.pa_printfile, "\n");
@@ -1433,19 +1455,19 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
        /* check if the driver lost any samples or events */
        if (check_driver_stats) {
                if (pmc_get_driver_stats(&ds_end) < 0)
-                       err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: Cannot retrieve driver "
-                           "statistics");
+                       err(EX_OSERR,
+                           "ERROR: Cannot retrieve driver statistics");
                if (ds_start.pm_intr_bufferfull != ds_end.pm_intr_bufferfull &&
                    args.pa_verbosity > 0)
-                       warnx("WARNING: some samples were dropped.  Please "
-                           "consider tuning the \"kern.hwpmc.nsamples\" "
-                           "tunable.");
+                       warnx("WARNING: some samples were dropped.\n"
+"Please consider tuning the \"kern.hwpmc.nsamples\" tunable."
+                           );
                if (ds_start.pm_buffer_requests_failed !=
                    ds_end.pm_buffer_requests_failed &&
                    args.pa_verbosity > 0)
-                       warnx("WARNING: some events were discarded.  Please "
-                           "consider tuning the \"kern.hwpmc.nbuffers\" "
-                           "tunable.");
+                       warnx("WARNING: some events were discarded.\n"
+"Please consider tuning the \"kern.hwpmc.nbuffers\" tunable."
+                           );

Modified: head/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcstat_log.c
--- head/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcstat_log.c Tue Nov 15 06:35:21 2011        
+++ head/usr.sbin/pmcstat/pmcstat_log.c Tue Nov 15 06:44:07 2011        
@@ -421,8 +421,8 @@ pmcstat_image_get_aout_params(struct pmc
        assert(path != NULL);
        if (image->pi_iskernelmodule)
-               errx(EX_SOFTWARE, "ERROR: a.out kernel modules are "
-                   "unsupported \"%s\"", path);
+               errx(EX_SOFTWARE,
+                   "ERROR: a.out kernel modules are unsupported \"%s\"", path);
        (void) snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s%s",
            args.pa_fsroot, path);
@@ -645,8 +645,9 @@ pmcstat_image_get_elf_params(struct pmcs
        if (gelf_getehdr(e, &eh) != &eh) {
-               warnx("WARNING: Cannot retrieve the ELF Header for "
-                   "\"%s\": %s.", buffer, elf_errmsg(-1));
+               warnx(
+                   "WARNING: Cannot retrieve the ELF Header for \"%s\": %s.",
+                   buffer, elf_errmsg(-1));
                goto done;
@@ -667,16 +668,17 @@ pmcstat_image_get_elf_params(struct pmcs
        if (eh.e_type == ET_EXEC) {
                if (elf_getphnum(e, &nph) == 0) {
-                       warnx("WARNING: Could not determine the number of "
-                           "program headers in \"%s\": %s.", buffer,
+                       warnx(
+"WARNING: Could not determine the number of program headers in \"%s\": %s.",
+                           buffer,
                        goto done;
                for (i = 0; i < eh.e_phnum; i++) {
                        if (gelf_getphdr(e, i, &ph) != &ph) {
-                               warnx("WARNING: Retrieval of PHDR entry #%ju "
-                                   "in \"%s\" failed: %s.", (uintmax_t) i,
-                                   buffer, elf_errmsg(-1));
+                               warnx(
+"WARNING: Retrieval of PHDR entry #%ju in \"%s\" failed: %s.",
+                                   (uintmax_t) i, buffer, elf_errmsg(-1));
                                goto done;
                        switch (ph.p_type) {
@@ -685,8 +687,8 @@ pmcstat_image_get_elf_params(struct pmcs
                        case PT_INTERP:
                                if ((elfbase = elf_rawfile(e, NULL)) == NULL) {
-                                       warnx("WARNING: Cannot retrieve the "
-                                           "interpreter for \"%s\": %s.",
+                                       warnx(
+"WARNING: Cannot retrieve the interpreter for \"%s\": %s.",
                                            buffer, elf_errmsg(-1));
                                        goto done;
@@ -706,17 +708,18 @@ pmcstat_image_get_elf_params(struct pmcs
         * Get the min and max VA associated with this ELF object.
        if (elf_getshnum(e, &nsh) == 0) {
-               warnx("WARNING: Could not determine the number of sections "
-                   "for \"%s\": %s.", buffer, elf_errmsg(-1));
+               warnx(
+"WARNING: Could not determine the number of sections for \"%s\": %s.",
+                   buffer, elf_errmsg(-1));
                goto done;
        for (i = 0; i < nsh; i++) {
                if ((scn = elf_getscn(e, i)) == NULL ||
                    gelf_getshdr(scn, &sh) != &sh) {
-                       warnx("WARNING: Could not retrieve section header "
-                           "#%ju in \"%s\": %s.", (uintmax_t) i, buffer,
-                           elf_errmsg(-1));
+                       warnx(
+"WARNING: Could not retrieve section header #%ju in \"%s\": %s.",
+                           (uintmax_t) i, buffer, elf_errmsg(-1));
                        goto done;
                if (sh.sh_flags & SHF_EXECINSTR) {
@@ -912,8 +915,8 @@ pmcstat_image_unmap(struct pmcstat_proce
                         * the new one at [end].
                        if ((pcmnew = malloc(sizeof(*pcmnew))) == NULL)
-                               err(EX_OSERR, "ERROR: Cannot split a map "
-                                   "entry");
+                               err(EX_OSERR,
+                                   "ERROR: Cannot split a map entry");
                        pcmnew->ppm_image = pcm->ppm_image;
@@ -964,8 +967,9 @@ pmcstat_image_addr2line(struct pmcstat_i
                if (image->pi_addr2line == NULL) {
                        if (!addr2line_warn) {
                                addr2line_warn = 1;
-                               warnx("WARNING: addr2line is needed"
-                                   "for source code information.");
+                               warnx(
+"WARNING: addr2line is needed for source code information."
+                                   );
                        return (0);
@@ -1283,8 +1287,9 @@ pmcstat_process_exec(struct pmcstat_proc
-               err(EX_SOFTWARE, "ERROR: Unsupported executable type for "
-                   "\"%s\"", pmcstat_string_unintern(path));
+               err(EX_SOFTWARE,
+                   "ERROR: Unsupported executable type for \"%s\"",
+                   pmcstat_string_unintern(path));
@@ -1338,10 +1343,9 @@ pmcstat_analyze_log(void)
                case PMCLOG_TYPE_INITIALIZE:
                        if ((ev.pl_u.pl_i.pl_version & 0xFF000000) !=
                            PMC_VERSION_MAJOR << 24 && args.pa_verbosity > 0)
-                               warnx("WARNING: Log version 0x%x does not "
-                                   "match compiled version 0x%x.",
-                                   ev.pl_u.pl_i.pl_version,
-                                   PMC_VERSION_MAJOR);
+                               warnx(
+"WARNING: Log version 0x%x does not match compiled version 0x%x.",
+                                   ev.pl_u.pl_i.pl_version, PMC_VERSION_MAJOR);
                case PMCLOG_TYPE_MAP_IN:
@@ -1556,8 +1560,9 @@ pmcstat_analyze_log(void)
        else if (ev.pl_state == PMCLOG_REQUIRE_DATA)
                return (PMCSTAT_RUNNING);
-       err(EX_DATAERR, "ERROR: event parsing failed (record %jd, "
-           "offset 0x%jx)", (uintmax_t) ev.pl_count + 1, ev.pl_offset);
+       err(EX_DATAERR,
+           "ERROR: event parsing failed (record %jd, offset 0x%jx)",
+           (uintmax_t) ev.pl_count + 1, ev.pl_offset);
@@ -1597,9 +1602,9 @@ pmcstat_print_log(void)
                        if ((ev.pl_u.pl_i.pl_version & 0xFF000000) !=
                            PMC_VERSION_MAJOR << 24 && args.pa_verbosity > 0)
-                               warnx("WARNING: Log version 0x%x != expected "
-                                   "version 0x%x.", ev.pl_u.pl_i.pl_version,
-                                   PMC_VERSION);
+                               warnx(
+"WARNING: Log version 0x%x != expected version 0x%x.",
+                                   ev.pl_u.pl_i.pl_version, PMC_VERSION);
                case PMCLOG_TYPE_MAP_IN:
                        PMCSTAT_PRINT_ENTRY("map-in","%d %p \"%s\"",
@@ -1680,8 +1685,8 @@ pmcstat_print_log(void)
        else if (ev.pl_state ==  PMCLOG_REQUIRE_DATA)
                return (PMCSTAT_RUNNING);
-       errx(EX_DATAERR, "ERROR: event parsing failed "
-           "(record %jd, offset 0x%jx).",
+       errx(EX_DATAERR,
+           "ERROR: event parsing failed (record %jd, offset 0x%jx).",
            (uintmax_t) ev.pl_count + 1, ev.pl_offset);
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