Author: obrien
Date: Tue Nov 15 01:48:53 2011
New Revision: 227518

  Reformat comment to be more readable in standard Xterm.
  (while I'm here, wrap other long lines)


Modified: head/sys/kern/kern_descrip.c
--- head/sys/kern/kern_descrip.c        Tue Nov 15 01:39:02 2011        
+++ head/sys/kern/kern_descrip.c        Tue Nov 15 01:48:53 2011        
@@ -838,12 +838,12 @@ do_dup(struct thread *td, int flags, int
        if (flags & DUP_FIXED) {
                if (new >= fdp->fd_nfiles) {
-                        * The resource limits are here instead of e.g. 
-                        * because the file descriptor table may be shared 
-                        * processes, so we can't really use 
-                        * Instead of counting the number of actually allocated
-                        * descriptors, just put the limit on the size of the 
-                        * descriptor table.
+                        * The resource limits are here instead of e.g.
+                        * fdalloc(), because the file descriptor table may be
+                        * shared between processes, so we can't really use
+                        * racct_add()/racct_sub().  Instead of counting the
+                        * number of actually allocated descriptors, just put
+                        * the limit on the size of the file descriptor table.
 #ifdef RACCT
@@ -1516,7 +1516,7 @@ fdalloc(struct thread *td, int minfd, in
        if (fdp->fd_freefile > minfd)
-               minfd = fdp->fd_freefile;          
+               minfd = fdp->fd_freefile;
        maxfd = min((int)lim_cur(p, RLIMIT_NOFILE), maxfilesperproc);
@@ -2248,7 +2248,7 @@ closef(struct file *fp, struct thread *t
  * Initialize the file pointer with the specified properties.
- * 
+ *
  * The ops are set with release semantics to be certain that the flags, type,
  * and data are visible when ops is.  This is to prevent ops methods from being
  * called with bad data.
@@ -3758,28 +3758,32 @@ SYSINIT(select, SI_SUB_LOCK, SI_ORDER_FI
 static int
-badfo_readwrite(struct file *fp, struct uio *uio, struct ucred *active_cred, 
int flags, struct thread *td)
+badfo_readwrite(struct file *fp, struct uio *uio, struct ucred *active_cred,
+    int flags, struct thread *td)
        return (EBADF);
 static int
-badfo_truncate(struct file *fp, off_t length, struct ucred *active_cred, 
struct thread *td)
+badfo_truncate(struct file *fp, off_t length, struct ucred *active_cred,
+    struct thread *td)
        return (EINVAL);
 static int
-badfo_ioctl(struct file *fp, u_long com, void *data, struct ucred 
*active_cred, struct thread *td)
+badfo_ioctl(struct file *fp, u_long com, void *data, struct ucred *active_cred,
+    struct thread *td)
        return (EBADF);
 static int
-badfo_poll(struct file *fp, int events, struct ucred *active_cred, struct 
thread *td)
+badfo_poll(struct file *fp, int events, struct ucred *active_cred,
+    struct thread *td)
        return (0);
@@ -3793,7 +3797,8 @@ badfo_kqfilter(struct file *fp, struct k
 static int
-badfo_stat(struct file *fp, struct stat *sb, struct ucred *active_cred, struct 
thread *td)
+badfo_stat(struct file *fp, struct stat *sb, struct ucred *active_cred,
+    struct thread *td)
        return (EBADF);
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