On Sep 30, 2011, at 8:16 AM, Alexander Best wrote:

> On Wed Sep 28 11, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
>> Author: bz
>> Date: Wed Sep 28 08:47:17 2011
>> New Revision: 225827
>> URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/225827
>> Log:
>>  Fix handling of corrupt compress(1)ed data. [11:04]

That's the wrong line to cite;-)   You mean 11:05.

> a thread on freebsd-questions@ indicates that the changes to uipc_usrreq.c
> broke support for flash.
> the thread's subject line is "FreeBSD 9-Beta3 and FlashPlayer".

And so does an email to security@, etc. already.  Colin is aware of the fact
and looking into the changes needed.  We obviously all missed that part.
As far as I understood him there's a mix of "linux is different" and
"the linuxolator was always buggy there and we luckily caught that now" 

Assume it will be handled some way properly.


Bjoern A. Zeeb                                 You have to have visions!
         Stop bit received. Insert coin for new address family.

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