On Sat, Jun 18, 2011 at 09:17:57AM +1000, Peter Jeremy wrote:
> On 2011-Jun-15 23:38:15 +0000, Nathan Whitehorn <nwhiteh...@freebsd.org> 
> wrote:
> >Log:
> >  Do not install the rescue tools onto the install CD. Since it is read
> >  only, they are very unlikely to be needed and take up a great deal of
> >  space.
> If I've correctly understood this change, I'm not sure this is a
> positive move.
> Based on a quick test, removing /rescue saves about 4MB (in reality,
> the saving should be less because /rescue removes the need for
> /stand).  OTOH, it renders the install CD useless as a recovery
> "fixit" disk - whilst the CD is unlikely to need recovery itself, it
> was useful for recovering hard disks

I think we would be far better off with an image which would provide a
release (without packages) + full fixit functionality.  Existing set of
images is quite suboptimal: install image cannot be used as fixit disc,
fixit disc cannot be used for installation.  People who want packages will
probably just burn DVD image; CD users more likely to go with ports.  Having
single installation image with everything but packages included is a clear
winner for CD format.

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