Author: gibbs
Date: Tue Jun 14 14:53:17 2011
New Revision: 223081

  Lay groundwork in CAM for recording and reporting physical path and
  other device attributes stored in the CAM Existing Device Table (EDT).
  This includes some infrastructure requried by the enclosure services
  driver to export physical path information.
  Make the CAM device advanced info interface accept store requests.
        - Replace scsi_get_sas_addr() with a scsi_get_devid() which takes
          a callback that decides whether to accept a particular descriptor.
          Provide callbacks for NAA IEEE Registered addresses and for SAS
          addresses, replacing the old function.  This is needed because
          the old function doesn't work for an enclosure address for a SAS
          device, which is not flagged as a SAS address, but is NAA IEEE
          Registered.  It may be worthwhile merging this interface with the
          devid match interface.
        - Add a few more defines for some device ID fields.
        - Update for the CCB_DEV_ADVINFO interface change.
        - Add the new fields for the physical path string to the CAM EDT.
        - Rename CCB_GDEV_ADVINFO to simply CCB_DEV_ADVINFO, and the ccb
          structure to ccb_dev_advinfo.
        - Add a flag that changes this CCB's action to store, rather than
          the default, retrieve.
        - Add a new buffer type, CDAI_TYPE_PHYS_PATH, for the new CAM EDT
          physpath field.
        - Remove the never-implemented transport & proto flags.
        - Add xpt_getattr(), which provides a wrapper for fetching a device's
          attribute using the GEOM strings as key.  This method currently
          supports "GEOM::ident" and "GEOM::physpath".
  Submitted by: will
  Reviewed by : gibbs
  Extend the XPT_DEV_MATCH api to allow a device search by device ID.
  As far as the API is concerned, device ID is a binary blob to be
  interpreted by the transport layer.  The SCSI implementation assumes
  it is an array of VPD device ID descriptors.
        Create a new structure, device_id_match_pattern, and
        update the XPT_DEV_MATCH datastructures and flags so
        that this pattern type can be used.
        - A single pattern matching on both inquiry data and device
          ID is invalid.  Report any violators.
        - Pass device ID match requests through to the new routine
          scsi_devid_match().  The direct call of a SCSI routine is
          a layering violation, but no worse than the one a few
          lines up that checks inquiry data.  Defer cleaning this
          up until our future, larger, rototilling of CAM.
        - Zero out cam_ed and cam_et nodes on allocation.  Prior to
          this change, device_id_len and device_id were not inialized,
          preventing proper detection of the presence of this
        Add the scsi_match_devid() routine.
  Add a helper function for extracting peripherial driver names
        Add the cam_periph_list() method which fills an sbuf
        with a comma delimited list of the peripheral instances
        associated with a given CAM path.
  Add a helper functions for SCSI commands used by the SES driver.
        Add structure definitions and csio filling functions for
        the receive diagnostic results and send diagnostic commands.
  Misc CAM XPT cleanups.
        events at the time async event handlers are attached
        even when registering just for events on a partitular
        SIM.  Previously, you had to register for these
        events on all SIMs in the system in order to get
        the initial broadcast even though subsequent device
        and path arrivals would be delivered.
        Remove SIM mutex held asserts from path accessors.
        CAM paths are reference counted and it is this
        reference count, not the sim mutex, that garantees
        they are stable.
  Sponsored by: Spectra Logic Corporation


Modified: head/sbin/camcontrol/camcontrol.c
--- head/sbin/camcontrol/camcontrol.c   Tue Jun 14 13:35:24 2011        
+++ head/sbin/camcontrol/camcontrol.c   Tue Jun 14 14:53:17 2011        
@@ -5044,13 +5044,13 @@ getdevid(struct cam_devitem *item)
         * then allocate that much memory and try again.
-       ccb->ccb_h.func_code = XPT_GDEV_ADVINFO;
+       ccb->ccb_h.func_code = XPT_DEV_ADVINFO;
        ccb->ccb_h.flags = CAM_DIR_IN;
-       ccb->cgdai.flags = CGDAI_FLAG_PROTO;
-       ccb->cgdai.buftype = CGDAI_TYPE_SCSI_DEVID;
-       ccb->cgdai.bufsiz = item->device_id_len;
+       ccb->cdai.flags = 0;
+       ccb->cdai.buftype = CDAI_TYPE_SCSI_DEVID;
+       ccb->cdai.bufsiz = item->device_id_len;
        if (item->device_id_len != 0)
-               ccb->cgdai.buf = (uint8_t *)item->device_id;
+               ccb->cdai.buf = (uint8_t *)item->device_id;
        if (cam_send_ccb(dev, ccb) < 0) {
                warn("%s: error sending XPT_GDEV_ADVINFO CCB", __func__);
@@ -5069,13 +5069,13 @@ retry:
                 * This is our first time through.  Allocate the buffer,
                 * and then go back to get the data.
-               if (ccb->cgdai.provsiz == 0) {
+               if (ccb->cdai.provsiz == 0) {
                        warnx("%s: invalid .provsiz field returned with "
                             "XPT_GDEV_ADVINFO CCB", __func__);
                        retval = 1;
                        goto bailout;
-               item->device_id_len = ccb->cgdai.provsiz;
+               item->device_id_len = ccb->cdai.provsiz;
                item->device_id = malloc(item->device_id_len);
                if (item->device_id == NULL) {
                        warn("%s: unable to allocate %d bytes", __func__,
@@ -5283,8 +5283,9 @@ findsasdevice(struct cam_devlist *devlis
                 * XXX KDM look for LUN IDs as well?
-               item_addr = scsi_get_sas_addr(item->device_id,
-                                             item->device_id_len);
+               item_addr = scsi_get_devid(item->device_id,
+                                          item->device_id_len,
+                                          scsi_devid_is_sas_target);
                if (item_addr == NULL)

Modified: head/sys/cam/cam_ccb.h
--- head/sys/cam/cam_ccb.h      Tue Jun 14 13:35:24 2011        (r223080)
+++ head/sys/cam/cam_ccb.h      Tue Jun 14 14:53:17 2011        (r223081)
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@ typedef enum {
                                /* Device statistics (error counts, etc.) */
        XPT_FREEZE_QUEUE        = 0x0d,
                                /* Freeze device queue */
-       XPT_GDEV_ADVINFO        = 0x0e,
-                               /* Advanced device information */
+       XPT_DEV_ADVINFO         = 0x0e,
+                               /* Get/Set Device advanced information */
 /* SCSI Control Functions: 0x10->0x1F */
        XPT_ABORT               = 0x10,
                                /* Abort the specified CCB */
@@ -391,15 +391,24 @@ typedef enum {
        DEV_MATCH_TARGET        = 0x002,
        DEV_MATCH_LUN           = 0x004,
        DEV_MATCH_INQUIRY       = 0x008,
+       DEV_MATCH_DEVID         = 0x010,
        DEV_MATCH_ANY           = 0x00f
 } dev_pattern_flags;
+struct device_id_match_pattern {
+       uint8_t id_len;
+       uint8_t id[256];
 struct device_match_pattern {
-       path_id_t                               path_id;
-       target_id_t                             target_id;
-       lun_id_t                                target_lun;
-       struct scsi_static_inquiry_pattern      inq_pat;
-       dev_pattern_flags                       flags;
+       path_id_t                                       path_id;
+       target_id_t                                     target_id;
+       lun_id_t                                        target_lun;
+       dev_pattern_flags                               flags;
+       union {
+               struct scsi_static_inquiry_pattern      inq_pat;
+               struct device_id_match_pattern          devid_pat;
+       } data; 
 typedef enum {
@@ -745,6 +754,7 @@ struct ccb_relsim {
  * Definitions for the asynchronous callback CCB fields.
 typedef enum {
+       AC_ADVINFO_CHANGED      = 0x2000,/* Advance info might have changes */
        AC_CONTRACT             = 0x1000,/* A contractual callback */
        AC_GETDEV_CHANGED       = 0x800,/* Getdev info might have changed */
        AC_INQ_CHANGED          = 0x400,/* Inquiry info might have changed */
@@ -1094,19 +1104,20 @@ struct ccb_eng_exec {   /* This structure 
 #define XPT_CCB_INVALID        -1      /* for signaling a bad CCB to free */
- * CCB for getting advanced device information.  This operates in a fashion
+ * CCB for working with advanced device information.  This operates in a 
  * similar to XPT_GDEV_TYPE.  Specify the target in ccb_h, the buffer
  * type requested, and provide a buffer size/buffer to write to.  If the
- * buffer is too small, the handler will set GDEVAI_FLAG_MORE.
+ * buffer is too small, provsiz will be larger than bufsiz.
-struct ccb_getdev_advinfo {
+struct ccb_dev_advinfo {
        struct ccb_hdr ccb_h;
        uint32_t flags;
-#define        CGDAI_FLAG_TRANSPORT    0x1
-#define        CGDAI_FLAG_PROTO        0x2
+#define        CDAI_FLAG_STORE         0x1     /* If set, action becomes store 
        uint32_t buftype;               /* IN: Type of data being requested */
        /* NB: buftype is interpreted on a per-transport basis */
-#define        CGDAI_TYPE_SCSI_DEVID   1
+#define        CDAI_TYPE_SCSI_DEVID    1
+#define        CDAI_TYPE_SERIAL_NUM    2
+#define        CDAI_TYPE_PHYS_PATH     3
        off_t bufsiz;                   /* IN: Size of external buffer */
 #define        CAM_SCSI_DEVID_MAXLEN   65536   /* length in buffer is an 
uint16_t */
        off_t provsiz;                  /* OUT: Size required/used */
@@ -1151,7 +1162,7 @@ union ccb {
        struct  ccb_rescan              crcn;
        struct  ccb_debug               cdbg;
        struct  ccb_ataio               ataio;
-       struct  ccb_getdev_advinfo      cgdai;
+       struct  ccb_dev_advinfo         cdai;

Modified: head/sys/cam/cam_periph.c
--- head/sys/cam/cam_periph.c   Tue Jun 14 13:35:24 2011        (r223080)
+++ head/sys/cam/cam_periph.c   Tue Jun 14 14:53:17 2011        (r223081)
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #include <sys/proc.h>
 #include <sys/devicestat.h>
 #include <sys/bus.h>
+#include <sys/sbuf.h>
 #include <vm/vm.h>
 #include <vm/vm_extern.h>
@@ -303,6 +304,38 @@ cam_periph_find(struct cam_path *path, c
+ * Find a peripheral structure with the specified path, target, lun, 
+ * and (optionally) type.  If the name is NULL, this function will return
+ * the first peripheral driver that matches the specified path.
+ */
+cam_periph_list(struct cam_path *path, struct sbuf *sb)
+       struct periph_driver **p_drv;
+       struct cam_periph *periph;
+       int count;
+       count = 0;
+       xpt_lock_buses();
+       for (p_drv = periph_drivers; *p_drv != NULL; p_drv++) {
+               TAILQ_FOREACH(periph, &(*p_drv)->units, unit_links) {
+                       if (xpt_path_comp(periph->path, path) != 0)
+                               continue;
+                       if (sbuf_len(sb) != 0)
+                               sbuf_cat(sb, ",");
+                       sbuf_printf(sb, "%s%d", periph->periph_name,
+                                   periph->unit_number);
+                       count++;
+               }
+       }
+       xpt_unlock_buses();
+       return (count);
 cam_periph_acquire(struct cam_periph *periph)
@@ -654,12 +687,12 @@ cam_periph_mapmem(union ccb *ccb, struct
                dirs[1] = CAM_DIR_IN;
                numbufs = 2;
-       case XPT_GDEV_ADVINFO:
-               if (ccb->cgdai.bufsiz == 0)
+       case XPT_DEV_ADVINFO:
+               if (ccb->cdai.bufsiz == 0)
                        return (0);
-               data_ptrs[0] = (uint8_t **)&ccb->cgdai.buf;
-               lengths[0] = ccb->cgdai.bufsiz;
+               data_ptrs[0] = (uint8_t **)&ccb->cdai.buf;
+               lengths[0] = ccb->cdai.bufsiz;
                dirs[0] = CAM_DIR_IN;
                numbufs = 1;
@@ -813,9 +846,9 @@ cam_periph_unmapmem(union ccb *ccb, stru
                data_ptrs[0] = &ccb->smpio.smp_request;
                data_ptrs[1] = &ccb->smpio.smp_response;
-       case XPT_GDEV_ADVINFO:
+       case XPT_DEV_ADVINFO:
                numbufs = min(mapinfo->num_bufs_used, 1);
-               data_ptrs[0] = (uint8_t **)&ccb->cgdai.buf;
+               data_ptrs[0] = (uint8_t **)&ccb->cdai.buf;
                /* allow ourselves to be swapped once again */

Modified: head/sys/cam/cam_periph.h
--- head/sys/cam/cam_periph.h   Tue Jun 14 13:35:24 2011        (r223080)
+++ head/sys/cam/cam_periph.h   Tue Jun 14 14:53:17 2011        (r223081)
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ cam_status cam_periph_alloc(periph_ctor_
                            char *name, cam_periph_type type, struct cam_path *,
                            ac_callback_t *, ac_code, void *arg);
 struct cam_periph *cam_periph_find(struct cam_path *path, char *name);
+int            cam_periph_list(struct cam_path *, struct sbuf *);
 cam_status     cam_periph_acquire(struct cam_periph *periph);
 void           cam_periph_release(struct cam_periph *periph);
 void           cam_periph_release_locked(struct cam_periph *periph);
@@ -200,5 +201,12 @@ cam_periph_owned(struct cam_periph *peri
        return (mtx_owned(periph->sim->mtx));
+static __inline int
+cam_periph_sleep(struct cam_periph *periph, void *chan, int priority,
+                const char *wmesg, int timo)
+       return (msleep(chan, periph->sim->mtx, priority, wmesg, timo));
 #endif /* _KERNEL */
 #endif /* _CAM_CAM_PERIPH_H */

Modified: head/sys/cam/cam_xpt.c
--- head/sys/cam/cam_xpt.c      Tue Jun 14 13:35:24 2011        (r223080)
+++ head/sys/cam/cam_xpt.c      Tue Jun 14 14:53:17 2011        (r223081)
@@ -287,9 +287,6 @@ static xpt_targetfunc_t     xptdeftargetfunc
 static xpt_devicefunc_t        xptdefdevicefunc;
 static xpt_periphfunc_t        xptdefperiphfunc;
 static void            xpt_finishconfig_task(void *context, int pending);
-static int             xpt_for_all_busses(xpt_busfunc_t *tr_func, void *arg);
-static int             xpt_for_all_devices(xpt_devicefunc_t *tr_func,
-                                           void *arg);
 static void            xpt_dev_async_default(u_int32_t async_code,
                                              struct cam_eb *bus,
                                              struct cam_et *target,
@@ -1105,6 +1102,44 @@ xpt_announce_periph(struct cam_periph *p
                       periph->unit_number, announce_string);
+xpt_getattr(char *buf, size_t len, const char *attr, struct cam_path *path)
+       int ret = -1;
+       struct ccb_dev_advinfo cdai;
+       memset(&cdai, 0, sizeof(cdai));
+       xpt_setup_ccb(&cdai.ccb_h, path, CAM_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
+       cdai.ccb_h.func_code = XPT_DEV_ADVINFO;
+       cdai.bufsiz = len;
+       if (!strcmp(attr, "GEOM::ident"))
+               cdai.buftype = CDAI_TYPE_SERIAL_NUM;
+       else if (!strcmp(attr, "GEOM::physpath"))
+               cdai.buftype = CDAI_TYPE_PHYS_PATH;
+       else
+               goto out;
+       cdai.buf = malloc(cdai.bufsiz, M_CAMXPT, M_NOWAIT|M_ZERO);
+       if (cdai.buf == NULL) {
+               ret = ENOMEM;
+               goto out;
+       }
+       xpt_action((union ccb *)&cdai); /* can only be synchronous */
+       if ((cdai.ccb_h.status & CAM_DEV_QFRZN) != 0)
+               cam_release_devq(cdai.ccb_h.path, 0, 0, 0, FALSE);
+       if (cdai.provsiz == 0)
+               goto out;
+       ret = 0;
+       if (strlcpy(buf, cdai.buf, len) >= len)
+               ret = EFAULT;
+       if (cdai.buf != NULL)
+               free(cdai.buf, M_CAMXPT);
+       return ret;
 static dev_match_ret
 xptbusmatch(struct dev_match_pattern *patterns, u_int num_patterns,
            struct cam_eb *bus)
@@ -1241,6 +1276,7 @@ xptdevicematch(struct dev_match_pattern 
        for (i = 0; i < num_patterns; i++) {
                struct device_match_pattern *cur_pattern;
+               struct scsi_vpd_device_id *device_id_page;
                 * If the pattern in question isn't for a device node, we
@@ -1255,22 +1291,17 @@ xptdevicematch(struct dev_match_pattern 
                cur_pattern = &patterns[i].pattern.device_pattern;
+               /* Error out if mutually exclusive options are specified. */ 
+               if ((cur_pattern->flags & (DEV_MATCH_INQUIRY|DEV_MATCH_DEVID))
+                == (DEV_MATCH_INQUIRY|DEV_MATCH_DEVID))
+                       return(DM_RET_ERROR);
                 * If they want to match any device node, we give them any
                 * device node.
-               if (cur_pattern->flags == DEV_MATCH_ANY) {
-                       /* set the copy flag */
-                       retval |= DM_RET_COPY;
-                       /*
-                        * If we've already decided on an action, go ahead
-                        * and return.
-                        */
-                       if ((retval & DM_RET_ACTION_MASK) != DM_RET_NONE)
-                               return(retval);
-               }
+               if (cur_pattern->flags == DEV_MATCH_ANY)
+                       goto copy_dev_node;
                 * Not sure why someone would do this...
@@ -1292,11 +1323,22 @@ xptdevicematch(struct dev_match_pattern 
                if (((cur_pattern->flags & DEV_MATCH_INQUIRY) != 0)
                 && (cam_quirkmatch((caddr_t)&device->inq_data,
-                                   (caddr_t)&cur_pattern->inq_pat,
-                                   1, sizeof(cur_pattern->inq_pat),
+                                   (caddr_t)&cur_pattern->data.inq_pat,
+                                   1, sizeof(cur_pattern->data.inq_pat),
                                    scsi_static_inquiry_match) == NULL))
+               device_id_page = (struct scsi_vpd_device_id *)device->device_id;
+               if (((cur_pattern->flags & DEV_MATCH_DEVID) != 0)
+                && (device->device_id_len < SVPD_DEVICE_ID_HDR_LEN
+                 || scsi_devid_match((uint8_t *)device_id_page->desc_list,
+                                     device->device_id_len
+                                   - SVPD_DEVICE_ID_HDR_LEN,
+                                     cur_pattern->,
+                                     cur_pattern->data.devid_pat.id_len) != 0))
+                       continue;
                 * If we get to this point, the user definitely wants
                 * information on this device.  So tell the caller to copy
@@ -2889,6 +2931,8 @@ xpt_action_default(union ccb *start_ccb)
        case XPT_TERM_IO:
        case XPT_ENG_INQ:
                /* XXX Implement */
+               printf("%s: CCB type %#x not supported\n", __func__,
+                      start_ccb->ccb_h.func_code);
                start_ccb->ccb_h.status = CAM_PROVIDE_FAIL;
                if (start_ccb->ccb_h.func_code & XPT_FC_DEV_QUEUED) {
@@ -3528,16 +3572,12 @@ xpt_path_string(struct cam_path *path, c
 xpt_path_path_id(struct cam_path *path)
-       mtx_assert(path->bus->sim->mtx, MA_OWNED);
 xpt_path_target_id(struct cam_path *path)
-       mtx_assert(path->bus->sim->mtx, MA_OWNED);
        if (path->target != NULL)
                return (path->target->target_id);
@@ -3547,8 +3587,6 @@ xpt_path_target_id(struct cam_path *path
 xpt_path_lun_id(struct cam_path *path)
-       mtx_assert(path->bus->sim->mtx, MA_OWNED);
        if (path->device != NULL)
                return (path->device->lun_id);
@@ -4242,7 +4280,8 @@ xpt_alloc_target(struct cam_eb *bus, tar
        struct cam_et *target;
-       target = (struct cam_et *)malloc(sizeof(*target), M_CAMXPT, M_NOWAIT);
+       target = (struct cam_et *)malloc(sizeof(*target), M_CAMXPT,
+                                        M_NOWAIT|M_ZERO);
        if (target != NULL) {
                struct cam_et *cur_target;
@@ -4330,7 +4369,7 @@ xpt_alloc_device(struct cam_eb *bus, str
                device = NULL;
        } else {
                device = (struct cam_ed *)malloc(sizeof(*device),
-                                                M_CAMXPT, M_NOWAIT);
+                                                M_CAMXPT, M_NOWAIT|M_ZERO);
        if (device != NULL) {
@@ -4676,27 +4715,29 @@ xpt_register_async(int event, ac_callbac
        csa.callback_arg = cbarg;
        xpt_action((union ccb *)&csa);
        status = csa.ccb_h.status;
        if (xptpath) {
+       }
-               if ((status == CAM_REQ_CMP) &&
-                   (csa.event_enable & AC_FOUND_DEVICE)) {
-                       /*
-                        * Get this peripheral up to date with all
-                        * the currently existing devices.
-                        */
-                       xpt_for_all_devices(xptsetasyncfunc, &csa);
-               }
-               if ((status == CAM_REQ_CMP) &&
-                   (csa.event_enable & AC_PATH_REGISTERED)) {
-                       /*
-                        * Get this peripheral up to date with all
-                        * the currently existing busses.
-                        */
-                       xpt_for_all_busses(xptsetasyncbusfunc, &csa);
-               }
+       if ((status == CAM_REQ_CMP) &&
+           (csa.event_enable & AC_FOUND_DEVICE)) {
+               /*
+                * Get this peripheral up to date with all
+                * the currently existing devices.
+                */
+               xpt_for_all_devices(xptsetasyncfunc, &csa);
+       if ((status == CAM_REQ_CMP) &&
+           (csa.event_enable & AC_PATH_REGISTERED)) {
+               /*
+                * Get this peripheral up to date with all
+                * the currently existing busses.
+                */
+               xpt_for_all_busses(xptsetasyncbusfunc, &csa);
+       }
        return (status);
@@ -4852,8 +4893,10 @@ camisr_runqueue(void *V_queue)
                        if ((dev->flags & CAM_DEV_TAG_AFTER_COUNT) != 0
                         && (--dev->tag_delay_count == 0))
-                       if (!device_is_send_queued(dev))
-                               xpt_schedule_dev_sendq(ccb_h->path->bus, dev);
+                       if (!device_is_send_queued(dev)) {
+                               runq = xpt_schedule_dev_sendq(ccb_h->path->bus, 
+                                   dev);
+                       }
                if (ccb_h->status & CAM_RELEASE_SIMQ) {

Modified: head/sys/cam/cam_xpt.h
--- head/sys/cam/cam_xpt.h      Tue Jun 14 13:35:24 2011        (r223080)
+++ head/sys/cam/cam_xpt.h      Tue Jun 14 14:53:17 2011        (r223081)
@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ cam_status          xpt_create_path_unlocked(str
                                        struct cam_periph *perph,
                                        path_id_t path_id,
                                        target_id_t target_id, lun_id_t lun_id);
+int                    xpt_getattr(char *buf, size_t len, const char *attr,
+                                   struct cam_path *path);
 void                   xpt_free_path(struct cam_path *path);
 int                    xpt_path_comp(struct cam_path *path1,
                                      struct cam_path *path2);

Modified: head/sys/cam/cam_xpt_internal.h
--- head/sys/cam/cam_xpt_internal.h     Tue Jun 14 13:35:24 2011        
+++ head/sys/cam/cam_xpt_internal.h     Tue Jun 14 14:53:17 2011        
@@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ struct cam_ed {
        uint8_t          supported_vpds_len;
        uint32_t         device_id_len;
        uint8_t          *device_id;
+       uint8_t          physpath_len;
+       uint8_t          *physpath;     /* physical path string form */
        struct           ata_params ident_data;
        u_int8_t         inq_flags;     /*
                                         * Current settings for inquiry flags.

Modified: head/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_all.c
--- head/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_all.c        Tue Jun 14 13:35:24 2011        
+++ head/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_all.c        Tue Jun 14 14:53:17 2011        
@@ -3552,32 +3552,63 @@ scsi_calc_syncparam(u_int period)
        return (period/400);
-uint8_t *
-scsi_get_sas_addr(struct scsi_vpd_device_id *id, uint32_t len)
+scsi_devid_is_naa_ieee_reg(uint8_t *bufp)
-       uint8_t *bufp, *buf_end;
        struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *descr;
        struct scsi_vpd_id_naa_basic *naa;
-       bufp = buf_end = (uint8_t *)id;
-       bufp += SVPD_DEVICE_ID_HDR_LEN;
-       buf_end += len;
-       while (bufp < buf_end) {
-               descr = (struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *)bufp;
-               bufp += SVPD_DEVICE_ID_DESC_HDR_LEN;
-               /* Right now, we only care about SAS NAA IEEE Reg addrs */
-               if (((descr->id_type & SVPD_ID_PIV) != 0)
-                && (descr->proto_codeset >> SVPD_ID_PROTO_SHIFT) ==
-                    SCSI_PROTO_SAS
-                && (descr->id_type & SVPD_ID_TYPE_MASK) == SVPD_ID_TYPE_NAA){
-                       naa = (struct scsi_vpd_id_naa_basic *)bufp;
-                       if ((naa->naa >> 4) == SVPD_ID_NAA_IEEE_REG)
-                               return bufp;
-               }
-               bufp += descr->length;
+       descr = (struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *)bufp;
+       naa = (struct scsi_vpd_id_naa_basic *)descr->identifier;
+       if ((descr->id_type & SVPD_ID_TYPE_MASK) != SVPD_ID_TYPE_NAA)
+               return 0;
+       if (descr->length < sizeof(struct scsi_vpd_id_naa_ieee_reg))
+               return 0;
+       if ((naa->naa >> SVPD_ID_NAA_NAA_SHIFT) != SVPD_ID_NAA_IEEE_REG)
+               return 0;
+       return 1;
+scsi_devid_is_sas_target(uint8_t *bufp)
+       struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *descr;
+       descr = (struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *)bufp;
+       if (!scsi_devid_is_naa_ieee_reg(bufp))
+               return 0;
+       if ((descr->id_type & SVPD_ID_PIV) == 0) /* proto field reserved */
+               return 0;
+       if ((descr->proto_codeset >> SVPD_ID_PROTO_SHIFT) != SCSI_PROTO_SAS)
+               return 0;
+       return 1;
+uint8_t *
+scsi_get_devid(struct scsi_vpd_device_id *id, uint32_t page_len,
+    scsi_devid_checkfn_t ck_fn)
+       struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *desc;
+       uint8_t *page_end;
+       uint8_t *desc_buf_end;
+       page_end = (uint8_t *)id + page_len;
+       if (page_end < id->desc_list)
+               return (NULL);
+       desc_buf_end = MIN(id->desc_list + scsi_2btoul(id->length), page_end);
+       for (desc = (struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *)id->desc_list;
+            desc->identifier <= desc_buf_end
+         && desc->identifier + desc->length <= desc_buf_end;
+            desc = (struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *)(desc->identifier
+                                                   + desc->length)) {
+               if (ck_fn == NULL || ck_fn((uint8_t *)desc) != 0)
+                       return (desc->identifier);
-       return NULL;
+       return (NULL);
@@ -4174,6 +4205,77 @@ scsi_read_write(struct ccb_scsiio *csio,
+scsi_receive_diagnostic_results(struct ccb_scsiio *csio, u_int32_t retries,
+                               void (*cbfcnp)(struct cam_periph *, union ccb*),
+                               uint8_t tag_action, int pcv, uint8_t page_code,
+                               uint8_t *data_ptr, uint16_t allocation_length,
+                               uint8_t sense_len, uint32_t timeout)
+       struct scsi_receive_diag *scsi_cmd;
+       scsi_cmd = (struct scsi_receive_diag *)&csio->cdb_io.cdb_bytes;
+       memset(scsi_cmd, 0, sizeof(*scsi_cmd));
+       scsi_cmd->opcode = RECEIVE_DIAGNOSTIC;
+       if (pcv) {
+               scsi_cmd->byte2 |= SRD_PCV;
+               scsi_cmd->page_code = page_code;
+       }
+       scsi_ulto2b(allocation_length, scsi_cmd->length);
+       cam_fill_csio(csio,
+                     retries,
+                     cbfcnp,
+                     /*flags*/CAM_DIR_IN,
+                     tag_action,
+                     data_ptr,
+                     allocation_length,
+                     sense_len,
+                     sizeof(*scsi_cmd),
+                     timeout);
+scsi_send_diagnostic(struct ccb_scsiio *csio, u_int32_t retries,
+                    void (*cbfcnp)(struct cam_periph *, union ccb *),
+                    uint8_t tag_action, int unit_offline, int device_offline,
+                    int self_test, int page_format, int self_test_code,
+                    uint8_t *data_ptr, uint16_t param_list_length,
+                    uint8_t sense_len, uint32_t timeout)
+       struct scsi_send_diag *scsi_cmd;
+       scsi_cmd = (struct scsi_send_diag *)&csio->cdb_io.cdb_bytes;
+       memset(scsi_cmd, 0, sizeof(*scsi_cmd));
+       scsi_cmd->opcode = SEND_DIAGNOSTIC;
+       /*
+        * The default self-test mode control and specific test
+        * control are mutually exclusive.
+        */
+       if (self_test)
+               self_test_code = SSD_SELF_TEST_CODE_NONE;
+       scsi_cmd->byte2 = ((self_test_code << SSD_SELF_TEST_CODE_SHIFT)
+                        & SSD_SELF_TEST_CODE_MASK)
+                       | (unit_offline   ? SSD_UNITOFFL : 0)
+                       | (device_offline ? SSD_DEVOFFL  : 0)
+                       | (self_test      ? SSD_SELFTEST : 0)
+                       | (page_format    ? SSD_PF       : 0);
+       scsi_ulto2b(param_list_length, scsi_cmd->length);
+       cam_fill_csio(csio,
+                     retries,
+                     cbfcnp,
+                     /*flags*/param_list_length ? CAM_DIR_OUT : CAM_DIR_NONE,
+                     tag_action,
+                     data_ptr,
+                     param_list_length,
+                     sense_len,
+                     sizeof(*scsi_cmd),
+                     timeout);
 scsi_start_stop(struct ccb_scsiio *csio, u_int32_t retries,
                void (*cbfcnp)(struct cam_periph *, union ccb *),
@@ -4206,7 +4308,6 @@ scsi_start_stop(struct ccb_scsiio *csio,
@@ -4264,6 +4365,66 @@ scsi_static_inquiry_match(caddr_t inqbuf
         return (-1);
+ * Compare two buffers of vpd device descriptors for a match.
+ *
+ * \param lhs      Pointer to first buffer of descriptors to compare.
+ * \param lhs_len  The length of the first buffer.
+ * \param rhs     Pointer to second buffer of descriptors to compare.
+ * \param rhs_len  The length of the second buffer.
+ *
+ * \return  0 on a match, -1 otherwise.
+ *
+ * Treat rhs and lhs as arrays of vpd device id descriptors.  Walk lhs matching
+ * agains each element in rhs until all data are exhausted or we have found
+ * a match.
+ */
+scsi_devid_match(uint8_t *lhs, size_t lhs_len, uint8_t *rhs, size_t rhs_len)
+       struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *lhs_id;
+       struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *lhs_last;
+       struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *rhs_last;
+       uint8_t *lhs_end;
+       uint8_t *rhs_end;
+       lhs_end = lhs + lhs_len;
+       rhs_end = rhs + rhs_len;
+       /*
+        * rhs_last and lhs_last are the last posible position of a valid
+        * descriptor assuming it had a zero length identifier.  We use
+        * these variables to insure we can safely dereference the length
+        * field in our loop termination tests.
+        */
+       lhs_last = (struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *)
+           (lhs_end - __offsetof(struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor, identifier));
+       rhs_last = (struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *)
+           (rhs_end - __offsetof(struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor, identifier));
+       lhs_id = (struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *)lhs;
+       while (lhs_id <= lhs_last
+           && (lhs_id->identifier + lhs_id->length) <= lhs_end) {
+               struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *rhs_id;
+               rhs_id = (struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *)rhs;
+               while (rhs_id <= rhs_last
+                   && (rhs_id->identifier + rhs_id->length) <= rhs_end) {
+                       if (rhs_id->length == lhs_id->length
+                        && memcmp(rhs_id->identifier, lhs_id->identifier,
+                                  rhs_id->length) == 0)
+                               return (0);
+                       rhs_id = (struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *)
+                          (rhs_id->identifier + rhs_id->length);
+               }
+               lhs_id = (struct scsi_vpd_id_descriptor *)
+                  (lhs_id->identifier + lhs_id->length);
+       }
+       return (-1);
 #ifdef _KERNEL
 static void

Modified: head/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_all.h
--- head/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_all.h        Tue Jun 14 13:35:24 2011        
+++ head/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_all.h        Tue Jun 14 14:53:17 2011        
@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ struct scsi_request_sense
        u_int8_t opcode;
        u_int8_t byte2;
+#define        SRS_DESC        0x01
        u_int8_t unused[2];
        u_int8_t length;
        u_int8_t control;
@@ -128,17 +129,33 @@ struct scsi_test_unit_ready
        u_int8_t control;
-struct scsi_send_diag
-       u_int8_t opcode;
-       u_int8_t byte2;
-#define        SSD_UOL         0x01
-#define        SSD_DOL         0x02
-#define        SSD_SELFTEST    0x04
-#define        SSD_PF          0x10
-       u_int8_t unused[1];
-       u_int8_t paramlen[2];
-       u_int8_t control;
+struct scsi_receive_diag {
+       uint8_t opcode;
+       uint8_t byte2;
+#define SRD_PCV                0x01
+       uint8_t page_code;
+       uint8_t length[2]; 
+       uint8_t control;
+struct scsi_send_diag {
+       uint8_t opcode;
+       uint8_t byte2;
+#define SSD_UNITOFFL                           0x01
+#define SSD_DEVOFFL                            0x02
+#define SSD_SELFTEST                           0x04
+#define SSD_PF                                 0x10
+#define SSD_SELF_TEST_CODE_MASK                        0xE0
+#define SSD_SELF_TEST_CODE_SHIFT               5
+#define                SSD_SELF_TEST_CODE_NONE         0x00
+#define                SSD_SELF_TEST_CODE_BG_SHORT     0x01
+#define                SSD_SELF_TEST_CODE_BG_EXTENDED  0x02
+#define                SSD_SELF_TEST_CODE_BG_ABORT     0x04
+#define                SSD_SELF_TEST_CODE_FG_SHORT     0x05
+#define                SSD_SELF_TEST_CODE_FG_EXTENDED  0x06
+       uint8_t reserved;
+       uint8_t length[2];
+       uint8_t control;
 struct scsi_sense
@@ -894,11 +911,12 @@ struct scsi_vpd_id_naa_basic
        uint8_t naa : 4;
        uint8_t naa_desig : 4;
+#define        SVPD_ID_NAA_NAA_SHIFT           4
 #define        SVPD_ID_NAA_IEEE_EXT            0x02
 #define        SVPD_ID_NAA_LOCAL_REG           0x03
 #define        SVPD_ID_NAA_IEEE_REG            0x05
 #define        SVPD_ID_NAA_IEEE_REG_EXT        0x06
-       uint8_t naa_data[0];
+       uint8_t naa_data[];
 struct scsi_vpd_id_naa_ieee_extended_id
@@ -1322,7 +1340,12 @@ void             scsi_print_inquiry(struct scsi_inq
 u_int          scsi_calc_syncsrate(u_int period_factor);
 u_int          scsi_calc_syncparam(u_int period);
-uint8_t *      scsi_get_sas_addr(struct scsi_vpd_device_id *id, uint32_t len);
+typedef int    (*scsi_devid_checkfn_t)(uint8_t *);
+int            scsi_devid_is_naa_ieee_reg(uint8_t *bufp);
+int            scsi_devid_is_sas_target(uint8_t *bufp);
+uint8_t *      scsi_get_devid(struct scsi_vpd_device_id *id, uint32_t len,
+                              scsi_devid_checkfn_t ck_fn);
 void           scsi_test_unit_ready(struct ccb_scsiio *csio, u_int32_t retries,
                                     void (*cbfcnp)(struct cam_periph *, 
@@ -1439,6 +1462,22 @@ void             scsi_synchronize_cache(struct ccb_
                                       u_int32_t begin_lba, u_int16_t lb_count,
                                       u_int8_t sense_len, u_int32_t timeout);
+void scsi_receive_diagnostic_results(struct ccb_scsiio *csio, u_int32_t 
+                                    void (*cbfcnp)(struct cam_periph *,
+                                                   union ccb*),
+                                    uint8_t tag_action, int pcv,
+                                    uint8_t page_code, uint8_t *data_ptr,
+                                    uint16_t allocation_length,
+                                    uint8_t sense_len, uint32_t timeout);
+void scsi_send_diagnostic(struct ccb_scsiio *csio, u_int32_t retries,
+                         void (*cbfcnp)(struct cam_periph *, union ccb *),
+                         uint8_t tag_action, int unit_offline,
+                         int device_offline, int self_test, int page_format,
+                         int self_test_code, uint8_t *data_ptr,
+                         uint16_t param_list_length, uint8_t sense_len,
+                         uint32_t timeout);
 void scsi_read_write(struct ccb_scsiio *csio, u_int32_t retries,
                     void (*cbfcnp)(struct cam_periph *, union ccb *),
                     u_int8_t tag_action, int readop, u_int8_t byte2, 
@@ -1455,6 +1494,8 @@ void scsi_start_stop(struct ccb_scsiio *
 int            scsi_inquiry_match(caddr_t inqbuffer, caddr_t table_entry);
 int            scsi_static_inquiry_match(caddr_t inqbuffer,
                                          caddr_t table_entry);
+int            scsi_devid_match(uint8_t *rhs, size_t rhs_len,
+                                uint8_t *lhs, size_t lhs_len);
 static __inline void scsi_extract_sense(struct scsi_sense_data *sense,
                                        int *error_code, int *sense_key,

Modified: head/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_pass.c
--- head/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_pass.c       Tue Jun 14 13:35:24 2011        
+++ head/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_pass.c       Tue Jun 14 14:53:17 2011        
@@ -548,8 +548,8 @@ passsendccb(struct cam_periph *periph, u
            && ((ccb->ccb_h.flags & CAM_DIR_MASK) != CAM_DIR_NONE))
          || (ccb->ccb_h.func_code == XPT_DEV_MATCH)
          || (ccb->ccb_h.func_code == XPT_SMP_IO)
-         || ((ccb->ccb_h.func_code == XPT_GDEV_ADVINFO)
-          && (ccb->cgdai.bufsiz > 0)))) {
+         || ((ccb->ccb_h.func_code == XPT_DEV_ADVINFO)
+          && (ccb->cdai.bufsiz > 0)))) {
                bzero(&mapinfo, sizeof(mapinfo));

Modified: head/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_xpt.c
--- head/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_xpt.c        Tue Jun 14 13:35:24 2011        
+++ head/sys/cam/scsi/scsi_xpt.c        Tue Jun 14 14:53:17 2011        
@@ -542,6 +542,7 @@ static const int scsi_quirk_table_size =
 static cam_status      proberegister(struct cam_periph *periph,
                                      void *arg);
 static void     probeschedule(struct cam_periph *probe_periph);
+static int      device_has_vpd(struct cam_ed *device, uint8_t page_id);
 static void     probestart(struct cam_periph *periph, union ccb *start_ccb);
 static void     proberequestdefaultnegotiation(struct cam_periph *periph);
 static int       proberequestbackoff(struct cam_periph *periph,
@@ -1460,7 +1461,7 @@ probedone(struct cam_periph *periph, uni
                                path->device->device_id = (uint8_t *)devid;
                } else if (cam_periph_error(done_ccb, 0,
-                                           SF_RETRY_UA|SF_NO_PRINT,
+                                           SF_RETRY_UA,
                                            &softc->saved_ccb) == ERESTART) {
                } else if ((done_ccb->ccb_h.status & CAM_DEV_QFRZN) != 0) {
@@ -1506,9 +1507,9 @@ probe_device_check:
                                (u_int8_t *)malloc((serial_buf->length + 1),
                                                   M_CAMXPT, M_NOWAIT);
                        if (path->device->serial_num != NULL) {
-                               bcopy(serial_buf->serial_num,
-                                     path->device->serial_num,
-                                     serial_buf->length);
+                               memcpy(path->device->serial_num,
+                                      serial_buf->serial_num,
+                                      serial_buf->length);
                                path->device->serial_num_len =
@@ -2433,28 +2434,77 @@ scsi_devise_transport(struct cam_path *p
 static void
-scsi_getdev_advinfo(union ccb *start_ccb)
+scsi_dev_advinfo(union ccb *start_ccb)
        struct cam_ed *device;
-       struct ccb_getdev_advinfo *cgdai;
+       struct ccb_dev_advinfo *cdai;
        off_t amt;
        device = start_ccb->ccb_h.path->device;
-       cgdai = &start_ccb->cgdai;
-       switch(cgdai->buftype) {
-               cgdai->provsiz = device->device_id_len;
+       cdai = &start_ccb->cdai;
+       switch(cdai->buftype) {
+       case CDAI_TYPE_SCSI_DEVID:
+               if (cdai->flags & CDAI_FLAG_STORE)
+                       break;
+               cdai->provsiz = device->device_id_len;
                if (device->device_id_len == 0)
                amt = device->device_id_len;
-               if (cgdai->provsiz > cgdai->bufsiz)
-                       amt = cgdai->bufsiz;
-               bcopy(device->device_id, cgdai->buf, amt);
+               if (cdai->provsiz > cdai->bufsiz)
+                       amt = cdai->bufsiz;
+               memcpy(cdai->buf, device->device_id, amt);
+               break;
+       case CDAI_TYPE_SERIAL_NUM:
+               if (cdai->flags & CDAI_FLAG_STORE)
+                       break;
+               cdai->provsiz = device->serial_num_len;
+               if (device->serial_num_len == 0)
+                       break;
+               amt = device->serial_num_len;
+               if (cdai->provsiz > cdai->bufsiz)
+                       amt = cdai->bufsiz;
+               memcpy(cdai->buf, device->serial_num, amt);
+               break;
+       case CDAI_TYPE_PHYS_PATH:
+               if (cdai->flags & CDAI_FLAG_STORE) {
+                       if (device->physpath != NULL)
+                               free(device->physpath, M_CAMXPT);
+                       device->physpath_len = cdai->bufsiz;
+                       /* Clear existing buffer if zero length */
+                       if (cdai->bufsiz == 0)
+                               break;
+                       device->physpath = malloc(cdai->bufsiz, M_CAMXPT, 
+                       if (device->physpath == NULL) {
+                               start_ccb->ccb_h.status = CAM_REQ_ABORTED;
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       memcpy(device->physpath, cdai->buf, cdai->bufsiz);
+               } else {
+                       cdai->provsiz = device->physpath_len;
+                       if (device->physpath_len == 0)
+                               break;
+                       amt = device->physpath_len;
+                       if (cdai->provsiz > cdai->bufsiz)
+                               amt = cdai->bufsiz;
+                       memcpy(cdai->buf, device->physpath, amt);
+               }
        start_ccb->ccb_h.status = CAM_REQ_CMP;
+       if (cdai->flags & CDAI_FLAG_STORE) {
+               int owned;
+               owned = mtx_owned(start_ccb->ccb_h.path->bus->sim->mtx);
+               if (owned == 0)
+                       mtx_lock(start_ccb->ccb_h.path->bus->sim->mtx);
+               xpt_async(AC_ADVINFO_CHANGED, start_ccb->ccb_h.path,
+                         (void *)(uintptr_t)cdai->buftype);
+               if (owned == 0)
+                       mtx_unlock(start_ccb->ccb_h.path->bus->sim->mtx);
+       }
 static void
@@ -2486,9 +2536,9 @@ scsi_action(union ccb *start_ccb)
                (*(sim->sim_action))(sim, start_ccb);
-       case XPT_GDEV_ADVINFO:
+       case XPT_DEV_ADVINFO:
-               scsi_getdev_advinfo(start_ccb);
+               scsi_dev_advinfo(start_ccb);
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