Author: jilles
Date: Sun May  8 17:40:10 2011
New Revision: 221669

  sh: Add \u/\U support (in $'...') for UTF-8.
  Because we have no iconv in base, support for other charsets is not
  Note that \u/\U are processed using the locale that was active when the
  shell started. This is necessary to avoid behaviour that depends on the
  parse/execute split (for example when placing braces around an entire
  script). Therefore, UTF-8 encoding is implemented manually.

  head/tools/regression/bin/sh/parser/dollar-quote10.0   (contents, props 
  head/tools/regression/bin/sh/parser/dollar-quote11.0   (contents, props 

Modified: head/bin/sh/main.c
--- head/bin/sh/main.c  Sun May  8 16:15:50 2011        (r221668)
+++ head/bin/sh/main.c  Sun May  8 17:40:10 2011        (r221669)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 int rootpid;
 int rootshell;
 struct jmploc main_handler;
-int localeisutf8;
+int localeisutf8, initial_localeisutf8;
 static void read_profile(const char *);
 static char *find_dot_file(char *);
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
        char *shinit;
        (void) setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
-       updatecharset();
+       initcharset();
        state = 0;
        if (setjmp(main_handler.loc)) {
                switch (exception) {

Modified: head/bin/sh/parser.c
--- head/bin/sh/parser.c        Sun May  8 16:15:50 2011        (r221668)
+++ head/bin/sh/parser.c        Sun May  8 17:40:10 2011        (r221669)
@@ -1219,6 +1219,29 @@ readcstyleesc(char *out)
                  if (v == 0 || (v >= 0xd800 && v <= 0xdfff))
                          synerror("Bad escape sequence");
                  /* We really need iconv here. */
+                 if (initial_localeisutf8 && v > 127) {
+                         CHECKSTRSPACE(4, out);
+                         /*
+                          * We cannot use wctomb() as the locale may have
+                          * changed.
+                          */
+                         if (v <= 0x7ff) {
+                                 USTPUTC(0xc0 | v >> 6, out);
+                                 USTPUTC(0x80 | (v & 0x3f), out);
+                                 return out;
+                         } else if (v <= 0xffff) {
+                                 USTPUTC(0xe0 | v >> 12, out);
+                                 USTPUTC(0x80 | ((v >> 6) & 0x3f), out);
+                                 USTPUTC(0x80 | (v & 0x3f), out);
+                                 return out;
+                         } else if (v <= 0x10ffff) {
+                                 USTPUTC(0xf0 | v >> 18, out);
+                                 USTPUTC(0x80 | ((v >> 12) & 0x3f), out);
+                                 USTPUTC(0x80 | ((v >> 6) & 0x3f), out);
+                                 USTPUTC(0x80 | (v & 0x3f), out);
+                                 return out;
+                         }
+                 }
                  if (v > 127)
                          v = '?';

Modified: head/bin/sh/sh.1
--- head/bin/sh/sh.1    Sun May  8 16:15:50 2011        (r221668)
+++ head/bin/sh/sh.1    Sun May  8 17:40:10 2011        (r221669)
@@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ The Unicode code point
 (eight hexadecimal digits)
-The sequences for Unicode code points currently only provide useful results
-for values below 128.
+The sequences for Unicode code points are currently only useful with
+UTF-8 locales.
 They reject code point 0 and UTF-16 surrogates.
 If an escape sequence would produce a byte with value 0,

Modified: head/bin/sh/var.c
--- head/bin/sh/var.c   Sun May  8 16:15:50 2011        (r221668)
+++ head/bin/sh/var.c   Sun May  8 17:40:10 2011        (r221669)
@@ -517,6 +517,13 @@ updatecharset(void)
        localeisutf8 = !strcmp(charset, "UTF-8");
+       updatecharset();
+       initial_localeisutf8 = localeisutf8;
  * Generate a list of exported variables.  This routine is used to construct
  * the third argument to execve when executing a program.

Modified: head/bin/sh/var.h
--- head/bin/sh/var.h   Sun May  8 16:15:50 2011        (r221668)
+++ head/bin/sh/var.h   Sun May  8 17:40:10 2011        (r221669)
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ extern struct var vterm;
 extern int localeisutf8;
+/* The parser uses the locale that was in effect at startup. */
+extern int initial_localeisutf8;
  * The following macros access the values of the above variables.
@@ -116,6 +118,7 @@ char *bltinlookup(const char *, int);
 void bltinsetlocale(void);
 void bltinunsetlocale(void);
 void updatecharset(void);
+void initcharset(void);
 char **environment(void);
 int showvarscmd(int, char **);
 int exportcmd(int, char **);

Added: head/tools/regression/bin/sh/parser/dollar-quote10.0
--- /dev/null   00:00:00 1970   (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/tools/regression/bin/sh/parser/dollar-quote10.0        Sun May  8 
17:40:10 2011        (r221669)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+# a umlaut
+s=$(printf '\303\244')
+# euro sign
+s=$s$(printf '\342\202\254')
+# Start a new shell so the locale change is picked up.
+ss="$(LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 ${SH} -c "printf %s \$'\u00e4\u20ac'")"
+[ "$s" = "$ss" ]

Added: head/tools/regression/bin/sh/parser/dollar-quote11.0
--- /dev/null   00:00:00 1970   (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/tools/regression/bin/sh/parser/dollar-quote11.0        Sun May  8 
17:40:10 2011        (r221669)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+# some sort of 't' outside BMP
+s=$s$(printf '\360\235\225\245')
+# Start a new shell so the locale change is picked up.
+ss="$(LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 ${SH} -c "printf %s \$'\U0001d565'")"
+[ "$s" = "$ss" ]
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