On Friday, April 29, 2011 08:28:30 Kevin Lo wrote:
> Author: kevlo
> Date: Fri Apr 29 06:28:29 2011
> New Revision: 221199
> URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/221199
> Log:
>   Guard against default ni_chan
>   PR: kern/144642
>   Submitted by: Arthur Hartwig <a_hartwig at fastmaildot fm>
> Modified:
>   head/sys/dev/usb/wlan/if_rum.c

This seems about right, but.. did anyone ever verify that any beacons
get sent? and if so are the information included correct?

If the call fails due to the channel not yet being set, no further
attempt to setup the beacons are made. This might be quite harmless
for IBSS as long as other nodes are sending beacons. But for AP mode
it is rather critical. There also seem to be at least one missing
backcall, iv_update_beacon, this should ensure that beacons contain
updated information, eg. node's powersafe states. It can also be used
to ensure the beacon is setup.

Any takers? :)

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