On 02/19/2011 15:12, Carlos A. M. dos Santos wrote:
On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 6:07 PM, Bruce Cran<br...@cran.org.uk> wrote:
On Saturday 19 February 2011 17:25:32 Carlos A. M. dos Santos wrote:
Did anybody complain about this? If not, would you mid either revert
this commit or just go ahead and move all "potentially" offensive
jokes to fortunes-o? Anything from Grouch Marx or Mark Twain will
probably qualify.
I'm happy to revert the checkin if you think the fortune should be in the main
file, since it appears the PR submitter was complaining just as much about
being unprofessional as offensive. Would you like me to go ahead and revert
the move?
I suggest you to revert the commit
Serious overkill, particularly since:
1. The commit has already been MFC'ed, and
2. The fortune in question actually _is_ potentially offensive
And let me save you another loop through the arguments you've already
put forward. I realize that this fortune does not offend _you_, that's
not the issue. I also heard your argument that "If you're going to do
this one, you have to do them all!" Which I reject with the standard
The nerderati community likes to demonstrate how cool and sophisticated
we are at least in part by showing how un-offended we get by things in
fortune. Well, that's great for you. The problem with diving into
editing the fortune databases is that you run right into the mother of
all bikesheds with everyone trying to _prove_ how hip and sophisticated
they are. For this reason in addition to the note that I sent to this
list I spoke privately to Bruce about the fact that what we have now is
a sort of detente, where the people who would like to move some of the
fortunes into fortunes-o do not do that, but we apply a stricter
standard to _new_ fortunes. This "works" in the sense that nothing is
really made worse by it, and everyone is a little unhappy because no one
is getting everything they want.
Bruce did what he thought was the right thing in an effort to close a
PR. There is no reason to castigate him for it, and there is certainly
no reason to revert the commit. Every once in a while someone has to
come along and step on this particular land mine, it was just Bruce's
turn. Everyone can now move along and find more productive things to
work on.
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Nothin' ever doesn't change, but nothin' changes much.
-- OK Go
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