Author: hrs
Date: Mon Jan 10 18:02:47 2011
New Revision: 217227

  - Bump version numbers for the upcoming release.
  - Clean up old entries.
  Approved by:  re (implicit)


Modified: releng/8.2/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/article.sgml
--- releng/8.2/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/article.sgml        Mon Jan 
10 17:45:09 2011        (r217226)
+++ releng/8.2/release/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/relnotes/article.sgml        Mon Jan 
10 18:02:47 2011        (r217227)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-    <year>2010</year>
+    <year>2011</year>
     <holder role="";>The &os; Documentation 
@@ -132,64 +132,24 @@
-               <entry><ulink 
-                             >SA-09:15.ssl</ulink></entry>
-               <entry>3&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2009</entry>
-               <entry><para>SSL protocol flaw</para></entry>
-             </row>
-             <row>
-               <entry><ulink 
-                             >SA-09:16.rtld</ulink></entry>
-               <entry>3&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2009</entry>
-               <entry><para>Improper environment sanitization in 
-             </row>
-             <row>
-               <entry><ulink 
-                             >SA-09:17.freebsd-update</ulink></entry>
-               <entry>3&nbsp;Dec&nbsp;2009</entry>
-               <entry><para>Inappropriate directory permissions in 
-             </row>
-             <row>
-               <entry><ulink 
-                             >SA-10:01.bind</ulink></entry>
-               <entry>6&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2010</entry>
-               <entry><para>BIND &man.named.8; cache poisoning with DNSSEC 
-             </row>
-             <row>
-               <entry><ulink 
-                             >SA-10:02.ntpd</ulink></entry>
-               <entry>6&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2010</entry>
-               <entry><para>ntpd mode 7 denial of service</para></entry>
-             </row>
-             <row>
-               <entry><ulink 
-                             >SA-10:03.zfs</ulink></entry>
-               <entry>6&nbsp;Jan&nbsp;2010</entry>
-               <entry><para>ZFS ZIL playback with insecure 
-             </row>
-             <row>
-               <entry><ulink 
-                             >SA-10:04.jail</ulink></entry>
-               <entry>27&nbsp;May&nbsp;2010</entry>
-               <entry><para>Insufficient environment sanitization in 
-             </row>
-             <row>
-               <entry><ulink 
-                             >SA-10:05.opie</ulink></entry>
-               <entry>27&nbsp;May&nbsp;2010</entry>
-               <entry><para>OPIE off-by-one stack overflow</para></entry>
-             </row>
-             <row>
-               <entry><ulink 
-                             >SA-10:06.nfsclient</ulink></entry>
-               <entry>27&nbsp;May&nbsp;2010</entry>
-               <entry><para>Unvalidated input in nfsclient</para></entry>
-             </row>
-             <row>
-               <entry><ulink 
-                             >SA-10:07.mbuf</ulink></entry>
-               <entry>13&nbsp;July&nbsp;2010</entry>
-               <entry><para>Lost mbuf flag resulting in data 
+               <entry><ulink 
+                             >SA-10:08.bzip2</ulink></entry>
+               <entry>20&nbsp;September&nbsp;2010</entry>
+               <entry><para>Integer overflow in bzip2 
+             </row>
+<!-- XXX: not for 8.2
+             <row>
+               <entry><ulink 
+                             >SA-10:09.pseudofs</ulink></entry>
+               <entry>10&nbsp;October&nbsp;2010</entry>
+               <entry><para>Spurious mutex unlock</para></entry>
+             </row>
+             <row>
+               <entry><ulink 
+                             >SA-10:10.openssl</ulink></entry>
+               <entry>29&nbsp;November&nbsp;2010</entry>
+               <entry><para>OpenSSL multiple vulnerabilities</para></entry>
@@ -199,1272 +159,68 @@
     <sect2 id="kernel">
       <title>Kernel Changes</title>
-      <para>The &man.ddb.4; debugger has been improved:</para>
-      <itemizedlist>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>It now supports <command>show
-             ifnets</command> and <command>show ifnet <replaceable>struct
-               ifnet *</replaceable></command> commands to print a list of
-           <quote>ifnet *</quote> of each virtual network stack and
-           fields of specified <varname>fip</varname>,
-           respectively.</para>
-       </listitem>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>It now supports <command>show all
-             lltables</command>, <command>show lltable
-             <replaceable>struct lltable *</replaceable></command>, and
-           <command>show llentry <replaceable>struct llentry
-               *</replaceable></command> commands to print a list of
-           <quote>lltable *</quote> of each virtual network stack,
-           fields of specified structures respectively.</para>
-       </listitem>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>The <command>show mount</command> command now prints
-           active string mount options.</para>
-       </listitem>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>It now supports <command>show
-             vnetrcrs</command> command to dump the whole log of
-           distinctive <varname>curvnet</varname> recursion
-           events.</para>
-       </listitem>
-       <listitem>
-         <para>It now supports <command>show
-             vnet_sysinit</command> and <command>show
-             vnet_unsysinit</command> commands to print
-           ordered call lists.</para>
-       </listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-      <para>A new kernel thread called <quote>deadlock
-         resolver</quote> has been added.  This can be used to detect
-       possible deadlock by using information of thread state and
-       heuristic analysis.  This is not enabled by default.  To
-       enable this, an option <option>option DEADLKRES</option> in
-       kernel configuration file and recompilation of the
-       kernel.</para>
-      <para>The default &man.devfs.5; rules now expose the upper 256
-       of &man.pty.4; device nodes.</para>
-      <para>Two commands to enable/disable read-ahead have been added
-       to &man.fcntl.2; system call:</para>
-      <itemizedlist>
-       <listitem>
-         <para><varname>F_READAHEAD</varname> specifies the amount
-           for sequential access.  The amount is specified in bytes and is
-           rounded up to nearest block size.</para>
-       </listitem>
-       <listitem>
-         <para><varname>F_RDAHEAD</varname> is a Darwin compatible
-           version that use 128KB as the sequential access
-           size.</para>
-       </listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-      <para>Note that the read-ahead amount is also limited by
-       sysctl variable <varname>vfs.read_max</varname>, which may
-       need to be raised in order to better utilize this
-       feature.</para>
-      <para>The &man.lindev.4; driver has been added.  This is for
-       supporting various Linux-specific pseudo devices such as
-       <filename>/dev/full</filename>.  Note that this is not
-       included in <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel.</para>
-      <para>A POSIX function pselect(3) has been reimplemented as a
-       system call &man.pselect.2; to eliminate race
-       condition.</para>
-      <para>A kernel option <option>option
-         INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE</option> has been added to
-       <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel by default.</para>
-      <para>A bug in the &man.sched.4bsd.4; scheduler that the
-       timestamp for the sleeping operation is not cleaned up on the
-       wakeup has been fixed.</para>
-      <para>A race condition in the &man.sched.4bsd.4; scheduler has
-       been fixed.</para>
-      <para>A bug in the &man.sched.ule.4; scheduler which prevented
-       process usage (<literal>%CPU</literal>) from working correctly
-       has been fixed.</para>
-      <para>New SDT (Statically Defined Tracing) probes such as ones
-       for <literal>opencrypto</literal> and <literal>vnet</literal>
-       have been added to &os; &man.dtrace.1; subsystem.</para>
-      <para arch="powerpc">&os; now supports SMP in PowerPC G5
-       systems.  Note that SMP support on &os;/&arch.powerpc; is
-       disabled by default in <filename>GENERIC</filename>
-       kernel.</para>
-      <para arch="sparc64">&os; now supports UltraSPARC IV, IV+, and
-       SPARC64 V CPUs.</para>
-      <para>The &man.syscons.4; driver has been improved.  The history
-       buffer can be fully saved/restored in the VESA mode switching
-       via a loader tunable
-      <para>A bug in the &man.tty.4; driver that
-       <varname>TIOCSTI</varname> did not work has been fixed.  This
-       affects applications like &man.mail.1;.</para>
-      <para arch="amd64,i386">An x86 real mode emulator based on
-       OpenBSD's x86emu implementation has been added to improve real
-       mode BIOS call support on both &arch.i386; and &arch.amd64;.
-       The &man.atkbdc.4;, &man.dpms.4;, vesa(4), &man.vga.4; driver
-       now use this emulator and work on the both platforms.</para>
-      <para>The VIMAGE &man.jail.8; virtualization container can work
-       with &man.sctp.4; now.  Note that the VIMAGE is not enabled by
-       default in <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel.</para>
-      <para>The VIMAGE &man.jail.8; now supports
-       <varname>ip4.saddrsel</varname>,
-       <varname>ip4.nosaddrsel</varname>,
-       <varname>ip6.saddrsel</varname>, and
-       <varname>ip6.nosaddrsel</varname> to control whether to use
-       source address selection or the primary jail address for
-       unbound outgoing connections.  The default value is to use
-       source address selection.</para>
+      <para></para>
       <sect3 id="boot">
        <title>Boot Loader Changes</title>
-       <para arch="pc98">The <filename>boot2</filename> bootcode has
-         been reimplemented based on the &arch.i386 counterpart.  It
-         now supports ELF binary, UFS2 file system, and larger number
-         of slices.</para>
-       <para arch="ia64">The EFI <filename>loader</filename> program
-         now supports a command-line option <option>-dev
-           <replaceable>currdev</replaceable></option> to specify the
-         default value of <varname>currdev</varname>.  This option
-         can be set by the EFI boot manager.</para>
-       <para arch="powerpc">The &man.loader.8; program now supports
-         U-Boot storage.</para>
-       <para arch="i386">The algorithm the &man.loader.8; uses has
-         been improved to choose a memory range for its heap when
-         using a range above 1MB.  This fixes a symptom that the
-         loader fails to load a kernel.</para>
-        <para>A kernel environment variable
-         <varname>vfs.root.mountfrom</varname> now supports
-         multiple elements for root file system in a space-separated
-         list.  Each list element will be tried in order and the
-         first available one will be mounted.</para>
-        <para>The <filename>zfsloader</filename> has been added.  This
-         is a separate &man.zfs.8; enabled loader.  Note that a ZFS
-         bootcode (<filename>zfsboot</filename> or
-         <filename>gptzfsboot</filename>) need to be installed
-         to use this new loader.</para>
-        <para>The <filename>zfsboot</filename> and
-         <filename>gptzfsboot</filename> bootcode now fully support
-         64-bit LBAs for disk addresses.  This allows booting from
-         large volumes.</para>
+       <para></para>
       <sect3 id="proc">
        <title>Hardware Support</title>
-        <para arch="powerpc">The <filename>adb</filename> driver now
-         supports for interpreting taps on ADB touchpads as a button
-         click.</para>
-        <para>The amdsbwd(4) driver for AMD SB600/SB7xx watchdog
-         timer has been added.</para>
-        <para arch="powerpc">The <filename>apt</filename> driver for
-         the Apple Touchpad present on MacBook has been added to
-         <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel.</para>
-        <para arch="sparc64">The epic(4) driver for the front panel
-         LEDs in Sun Fire V215/V245 has been added.</para>
-        <para>A bug in the &man.ipmi.4; driver that caused incorrect
-         watchdog timer setting has been fixed.</para>
-        <para arch="sparc64">The &man.pci.4; driver now supports a
-         JBus to PCIe bridge (called as <quote>Fire</quote>) found in
-         the Sun Fire V215/V245 and Sun Ultra 25/45 machines.</para>
-        <para arch="powerpc">The &man.smu.4; driver now provides
-         thermal management and monitoring features.  This allows fan
-         control and thermal monitoring on SMU-based Apple G5
-         machines, as well as an &man.led.4; interface to control the
-         sleep LED.</para>
-       <para>The &man.tnt4882.4; driver for IEEE-488 (GPIB) bus now
-         supports National Instruments TNT5004 chip.</para>
-        <para>The &man.uart.4; driver now supports NetMos NM9865
-         family of Serial/Parallel ports.</para>
-       <para>The &man.uep.4; driver for USB onscreen touch panel
-         from eGalax has been added.  This driver is supported by
-         <filename>x11-drivers/xf86-input-egalax</filename>.</para>
-       <para>A bug in the &man.uftdi.4; driver that can allow to send
-         a zero length packet has been fixed.</para>
-       <para>The &man.usb.4; subsystem now reports &man.devd.8;
-         <literal>notify</literal> events with the device properties
-         instead of <literal>attach</literal> events.  The following is an
-         example entry of &man.devd.conf.5; to match a &man.umass.4;
-         device with a SCSI subclass and BBB protocol:</para>
-       <programlisting>notify 100 {
-       match "system"          "USB";
-       match "subsystem"       "INTERFACE";
-       match "type"            "ATTACH";
-       match "intclass"        "0x08";
-       match "intsubclass"     "0x06";
-       match "intprotocol"     "0x50";
-       action "/path/to/command -flag";
+       <para></para>
        <sect4 id="mm">
          <title>Multimedia Support</title>
-          <para>The &; driver now supports LCD
-           brightness control notify handler.</para>
-          <para>The &; helper driver now supports
-           default display brightness, wired LAN power, and bass
-           gain.</para>
-          <para>The &man.agp.4; driver has been improved.  It includes
-           a fix for aperture size calculation issue which prevents
-           some graphics cards from working.</para>
-          <para>The &man.snd.hda.4; driver now allows AD1981HD codecs
-           to use playback mixer.</para>
-          <para>The &man.snd.hda.4; driver now supports multichannel
-           (4.0 and 7.1) playback support.  The 5.1 mode support is
-           disabled now due to unidentified synchronization problem.
-           Devices which supports the 7.1 mode can handle the 5.1
-           operation via software upmix done by &man.sound.4;.  Note
-           that stereo stream is no longer duplicated to all
-           ports.</para>
+         <para></para>
        <sect4 id="net-if">
          <title>Network Interface Support</title>
-          <para>The &man.ath.4; driver now supports Atheros
-           AR9285-based devices.</para>
-          <para>A bug in the &man.ath.4; driver which causes a problem
-           of AR5416-based chipsets including AR9285 has been fixed.</para>
-          <para>The &man.bge.4; driver now supports BCM5761, BCM5784, and
-           BCM57780-based devices.</para>
-          <para>The &man.bge.4; driver now supports TSO (TCP
-           Segmentation Offloading) on BCM5755 or newer
-           controllers.</para>
-          <para>A long-standing bug in the &man.bge.4; driver which
-           was related to ASF heartbeat sending has been
-           fixed.</para>
-          <para>A long-standing stability issue of the &man.bce.4; and
-           &man.bge.4; driver due to a hardware bug in its DMA
-           handling when the system has more than 4GB memory has been
-           fixed.  This applies to BCM5714, BCM5715, and BCM5708
-           controllers.</para>
-          <para>A bug in the &man.bge.4; driver that incorrectly
-           enabled TSO on BCM5754/BCM5754M controllers has been
-           fixed.</para>
-         <para>A bug in the &man.if.bridge.4; driver has been fixed.
-           The MTU was set based on the firstly-added member even if
-           the addition failed.</para>
-         <para>The &man.if.bridge.4; driver now supports
-           <varname>SIOCSIFMTU</varname> ioctl.  For example,
-           <command>ifconfig bridge0 mtu 1280</command> can change
-           the MTU of <literal>bridge0</literal> to
-           <literal>1280</literal>.  Changing the MTU is allowed only
-           when all members have the same MTU value.</para>
-          <para>The &man.bwn.4; driver for Broadcom BCM43xx chipsets
-           has been added.</para>
-          <para>The &man.cxgb.4; driver has been updated to T3
-           firmware 7.8.0.</para>
-          <para>The &man.cxgb.4; driver now supports hardware
-           filtering based on inspection of L2/L3/L4 headers.
-           Filtering based on source IP address, destination IP
-           address, source port number, destination port number,
-           802.1q VLAN frame tag, UDP, TCP, and MAC address is
-           possible.  The configuration can be done by the
-           cxgbtool(8) utility.  Note that cxgbtool(8) is in
-           <filename>src/usr.sbin/cxgbtool</filename> but not
-           compiled by default.</para>
-          <para>The &man.em.4; driver has been updated to version
-           7.0.5.</para>
-          <para>The et(4) driver now supports MSI and Tx checksum
-           offloading of IPv4, TCP, and UDP.</para>
-         <para>The &man.fxp.4; driver now exports the hardware MAC
-           statistics via sysctl variables.</para>
-          <para>The &man.igb.4; driver has been updated to version
-           1.9.5.</para>
-          <para>The &man.iwn.4; driver has been updated.  This
-           includes various improvements and bugfixes regarding RF
-           switch, bgscan support, suspend/resume support, locking
-           issue, and more.  The line <literal>device iwnfw</literal>
-           in the kernel configuration file will include all firmware
-           images.</para>
-          <para>The &man.ixgbe.4; driver has been updated to version
-           2.2.0.</para>
-          <para>The &man.msk.4; driver has been improved:</para>
-         <itemizedlist>
-           <listitem>
-             <para>It now supports Marvell Yukon 88E8042, 88E8057,
-               88E8059 (Yukon Optima) devices and DGE-560SX (Yukon
-               XL).</para>
-           </listitem>
-           <listitem>
-             <para>A rudimentary interrupt moderation with
-               programmable countdown timer register has been
-               implemented.  The default parameter of the holdoff
-               time is 100us and this can be changed via sysctl
-               variable
-               Note that the interrupt moderation is shared resource
-               on a dual-port controllers and it is impossible to use
-               separate interrupt moderation values for each
-               port.</para>
-           </listitem>
-           <listitem>
-             <para>A stability issue has been fixed. A heavy RX
-               traffic while rebooting is in progress could prevent
-               the system from working.</para>
-         </itemizedlist>
-          <para>The &man.mxge.4; driver has been updated to firmware
-           version 1.4.50 from Myricom.</para>
-          <para>The &; driver no longer performs an
-           unnecessary interface up/down during getting IP address
-           via DHCP.</para>
-          <para>The &; driver now uses <literal>2048</literal>
-           as PCIe Maximum Read Request Size.  This improves bulk
-           transfer performance.</para>
-          <para>The &; driver for Ralink
-           RT2700U/RT2800U/RT3000U USB 802.11agn devices has been
-           added.</para>
-          <para>The sge(4) driver for Silicon Integrated Systems
-           SiS190/191 Fast/Gigabit Ethernet has been added.  This
-           supports TSO and TSO over VLAN.</para>
-          <para>The &man.ste.4; driver has been improved:</para>
-         <itemizedlist>
-           <listitem>
-             <para>The DMA handling has been improved.</para>
-           </listitem>
-           <listitem>
-             <para>Wake-On-LAN is now supported.</para>
-           </listitem>
-           <listitem>
-             <para>Unnecessary reinitialization of the
-               interfaces has been eliminated.</para>
-           </listitem>
-           <listitem>
-             <para>RX interrupt moderation with single shot timer has
-               been implemented.  The default parameter of the
-               moderation time is 150us and this can be changed via
-               sysctl variable
-               Setting it 0 effectively disables the RX interrupt
-               moderation feature.</para>
-           </listitem>
-         </itemizedlist>
-          <para>The tsec(4) driver now supports &man.altq.4;.</para>
-          <para>The &man.u3g.4; driver has been improved and now works
-           with ZTE MF636, Option Gi0322, Globetrotter GE40x, and
-           Novatel MC950D.</para>
-          <para>The &man.uhso.4; driver for Option HSDPA USB devices
-           has been added.  A new &man.uhsoctl.1; userland utility
-           can be used to initiate and close the WAN
-           connection.</para>
-          <para>The &man.vge.4; driver has been improved:</para>
-         <itemizedlist>
-           <listitem>
-             <para>The DMA handling has been improved.</para>
-           </listitem>
-           <listitem>
-             <para>Wake-On-LAN is now supported.</para>
-           </listitem>
-           <listitem>
-             <para>Unnecessary reinitialization of the
-               interfaces has been eliminated.</para>
-           </listitem>
-           <listitem>
-             <para>Hardware MAC statistics are now supported via sysctl 
-           </listitem>
-           <listitem>
-             <para>Interrupt moderation with single shot timer and
-               scheme supported by VT61xx controllers have been
-               implemented.  The default parameters are tuned to
-               generate interrupt less than 8k per second, and these
-               parameters can be changed via sysctl variables
-               and
-               Note that an up/down cycle is needed to make a
-               parameter change take effect.</para>
-           </listitem>
-         </itemizedlist>
-          <para>The &man.urtw.4; driver has been improved and now
-           supports RTL8187B-based devices.</para>
-          <para>The &os; Xen netfront driver has been improved in
-           stability and performance.</para>
+         <para></para>
       <sect3 id="net-proto">
        <title>Network Protocols</title>
-        <para>&os; flowtable now supports IPv6.  This is for per-CPU
-         caching flows as a means of accelerating L3 and L2 lookups
-         as well as providing stateful load balancing when ECMP
-         (Equal-Cost Multi-Path routing) is enabled by <option>option
-         RADIX_MPATH</option>.</para>
-       <para>A new capability flag <literal>LINKSTATE</literal> has
-         been added to <varname>struct
-         ifnet.if_capabilities</varname>.  This indicates if the
-         interface can check the link state or not.  The
-         &man.ifconfig.8; utility now shows this flag if
-         supported.</para>
-       <para>A new event handler <varname>iflladdr_event</varname>
-         has been added.  This signals that the L2 address on an
-         interface has changed, and lets stacked interfaces such as
-         &man.vlan.4; detect that their lower interface has changed
-         and adjust things in order to keep working.  This fixes an
-         issue of &man.lagg.4; and &man.vlan.4; configuration.</para>
-        <para>IPcomp (IP Payload Compression Protocol defined in RFC
-         2393) protocol is now enabled by default.  Note that this
-         requires <option>option IPSEC</option> in the kernel
-         configuration file and <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel
-         does not include it.  This functionality can be disabled by
-         using a sysctl variable
-         <varname>net.inet.ipcomp.ipcomp_enable</varname>.</para>
-       <para>The &man.ipfw.4; subsystem including &man.dummynet.4;
-         has been updated to <quote>ipfw3</quote> and various bugs
-         have been fixed:</para>
-       <itemizedlist>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>The major enhancement is a completely restructured
-             version of &man.dummynet.4;, with support for different
-             packet scheduling algorithms (loadable at runtime),
-             faster queue/pipe lookup, and a much cleaner internal
-             architecture and kernel/userland ABI which simplifies
-             future extensions.</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>All of O(N) sequences in the firewall rule
-             evaluation removed from the kernel critical sections.
-             The worst case is now O(log N).</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>It now supports <literal>ipfw0</literal> pseudo
-             interface for logging similar to &man.pflog.4;.  A sysctl
-             <varname>net.inet.ip.fw.verbose=0</varname> enables logging
-             to <literal>ipfw0</literal>, and
-             <varname>net.inet.ip.fw.verbose=1</varname> sends logging to
-             &man.syslog.3; as before.</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>The <literal>me</literal> keyword in the &man.ipfw.4;
-             rule now matches any IPv6 addresses configured on an
-             interface as well as IPv4 ones.</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>A bug that <command>keep-alive</command> rule did
-             not work for IPv6 packets has been fixed.</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>The <literal>lookup</literal> match option has been 
-           <programlisting>lookup {dst-ip|src-ip|dst-port|src-port|uid|jail} 
-           <para>This searches the specified field in table
-             <replaceable>N</replaceable> and sets
-             <literal>tablearg</literal> accordingly.  With
-             <literal>dst-ip</literal> or <literal>src-ip</literal>
-             the option replicates two existing options.  When used
-             with other arguments, the option can be useful to
-             quickly dispatch traffic based on other fields.</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>A bug in the &man.sysctl.8; variable
-             <varname>ip.fw.one_pass</varname> handling has been
-             fixed.  A packet which comes from a pipe without being
-             delayed incorrectly ignored this variable.</para>
-         </listitem>
-       </itemizedlist>
-       <para>A memory alignment issue in the &; and
-         &;, Netgraph node drivers have been fixed.  This
-         fixes kernel panics due to the misalignment.</para>
-       <para>The &; and &; Netgraph node
-         drivers now supports a flag <literal>persistent</literal>.
-         It disables automatic node shutdown when the last hook gets
-         disconnected.  The new control messages
-         <literal>NGM_BRIDGE_SET_PERSISTENT</literal> and
-         <literal>NGM_HUB_SET_PERSISTENT</literal> have been added
-         for the flag.</para>
-       <para>The &; subsystem now supports
-         <literal>sloppy</literal> keyword to enable a TCP state
-         machine for tracking TCP connections with no sequence number
-         check.  This feature is in the latest version of
-         <application>pf</application>.</para>
-       <para>The &man.pfil.9; framework for packet filtering in &os;
-         kernel now supports separate packet filtering instances like
-         &man.ipfw.4; for each VIMAGE jail.</para>
-       <para>A bug that proxy ARP entries cannot be added over
-         point-to-point link types has been fixed.</para>
-        <para>The &man.tap.4; pseudo interface now reports the link
-         state properly by updating <varname>if_link_state</varname>
-         variable in the kernel.</para>
-        <para>The &man.vlan.4; pseudo interface has been added to
-         <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel.</para>
-        <para>The &man.vlan.4; pseudo interface now supports TSO (TCP
-         Segmentation Offloading).  The capability flag is named as
-         <varname>IFCAP_VLAN_HWTSO</varname> and it is separated from
-         <varname>IFCAP_VLAN_HWTAGGING</varname>.  The &man.age.4;,
-         &man.alc.4;, &man.ale.4;, &man.bce.4;, &man.bge.4;,
-         &man.cxgb.4;, &man.jme.4;, &;, and &man.mxge.4;
-         driver support this feature.</para>
-        <para>The &man.vlan.4; pseudo interface for IEEE 802.1Q VLAN
-         now ignore renaming of the parent's interface name.  The
-         configured VLAN interfaces continue to work with the new
-         name while previously the configurations were removed as the
-         renaming happens.</para>
+       <para></para>
       <sect3 id="disks">
        <title>Disks and Storage</title>
-        <para>The &man.ada.4; driver now supports
-         <varname>BIO_DELETE</varname>.  For SSDs this uses
-         <literal>TRIM</literal> feature of <literal>DATA SET
-         MANAGEMENT</literal> command, as defined by ACS-2
-         specification working draft.  For Compact Flash use
-         <literal>CFA ERASE</literal> command, same as &;
-         does.  This change realizes restoring write speed of SSDs
-         which supports <literal>TRIM</literal> command by doing
-         <command>newfs -E
-         <replaceable>/dev/ada1</replaceable></command>, for
-         example.</para>
-        <para>The &man.ahci.4; driver now supports SATA part of
-         Marvell 88SE912x controllers.</para>
-        <para>The &man.ahci.4; driver now supports FIS-based (Frame
-         Information Structure) switching of port multiplier on
-         supported controllers.</para>
-        <para>The &man.ahd.4; driver now supports three separated
-         error counters for correctable, uncorrectable, and fatal, in
-         &man.sysctl.8; MIB.</para>
-        <para>A new kernel option <option>option ATA_CAM</option> has
-         been added.  This turns &man.ata.4; controller drivers into
-         &; interface modules.  When enabled, this option
-         deprecates all &man.ata.4; peripheral drivers and interfaces
-         such as <filename>ad</filename> and
-         <filename>acd</filename>, and allows &; drivers
-         <filename>ada</filename>, and <filename>cd</filename> and
-         interfaces to be natively used instead.  Note that this is
-         not enabled by default in the <filename>GENERIC</filename>
-         kernel.</para>
-        <para>A bug in the &man.ata.4; driver which can lead to
-         interrupt storms and command timeouts has been fixed.</para>
-        <para>USB mass storage device support in the &man.ata.4;
-         driver has been removed.  Note that this was not used in
-         <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel and the &man.umass.4;
-         driver supports such devices for a long time.</para>
-       <para>&os; &; SCSI framework has been improved:</para>
-       <itemizedlist>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>SATA and PATA support has been improved and it now
-             recognizes more detail device capabilities.  For example,
-             the &man.ahci.4; and &man.siis.4; driver now reports maximum
-             tag number to the framework to optimize the NCQ
-             handling.</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>A loader tunable
-             <varname></varname> has been added.
-             This controls the delay time before &; probes
-             the attached devices.</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>SCSI error recovery for devices on buses without
-             automatic sense reporting has been improved.  Typical
-             devices are on ATAPI and USB.  For example, this allows
-             &; to wait, while CD drive loads disk, instead
-             of immediately return error status.</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>The &; ATA transport layer now supports
-             Power-Up In Stand-by (PUIS).  The PUIS is a configuration of
-             SATA or PATA drives to prevent them from automatic spin-up
-             when power is applied.  A typical application is staggered
-             spin-up.</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>The &; ATA transport layer now supports
-             negotiating and enabling additional SATA features such as
-             device initiated power management, Automatic Partial to
-             Slumber mode transition, and DMA auto-activation.</para>
-         </listitem>
-       </itemizedlist>
-       <para>A livelock issue of the &man.ciss.4; driver under a high
-         load has been fixed.</para>
-        <para>A bug in the &man.fdc.4; driver which prevents the
-         kernel module from unloading has been fixed.</para>
-       <para>The &man.glabel.8; now supports the following sysctl
-         variables for each label type to enable the labeling itself:</para>
-         <programlisting>kern.geom.label.ext2fs.enable
-       <para>Note that all of them are also loader tunables.  They
-         are enabled (set as <literal>1</literal>) by default.</para>
-        <para>&man.geom.8; providers including complex ones such as
-         &man.gconcat.8;, &man.gmirror.8;, &man.graid3.8,
-         &man.gstripe.8;, and some hardware RAID device drivers like
-         &man.twa.4; now inform its optimal access block size to the
-         upper layer.</para>
-        <para>The &man.gmirror.8; utility now supports
-         <command>configure <option>-p</option>
-           <replaceable>priority</replaceable></command> command to
-         change the providers priority.</para>
-        <para>The balancing mode algorithm <literal>load</literal>
-         used in the &man.gmirror.8; utility has been changed and it
-         is now the default one instead of
-         <literal>split</literal>:</para>
-       <itemizedlist>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>Instead of measuring last request execution time for
-             each drive and choosing one with smallest time, use
-             averaged number of requests, running on each drive. This
-             information is more accurate and timely. It allows to
-             distribute load between drives in more even and
-             predictable way.</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>For each drive track offset of the last submitted
-             request. If new request offset matches previous one or
-             close for some drive, prefer that drive.  It allows to
-             significantly speedup simultaneous sequential reads.</para>
-         </listitem>
-       </itemizedlist>
-       <para>The &man.gmultipath.8; utility now supports
-         <command>destroy</command>, <command>rotate</command>,
-         <command>getactive</command> commands.</para>
-       <para>A bug in the &man.graid3.8; which causes a panic when a
-         large request arrives has been fixed.  This happens when
-         <varname>MAXPHYS</varname> is set as larger than 128k.</para>
-        <para>The default block size of &man.gstripe.8; has been
-         increased from 4k to 64k.</para>
-       <para>The <literal>GEOM_SCHED</literal> module has been added.
-         This supports scheduling disk I/O requests in a device
-         independent manner.  A supported algorithm is an
-         anticipatory scheduler <literal>gsched_rr</literal> which
-         gives very nice performance improvements in presence of
-         competing random access patterns.  See also &man.gsched.8;
-         manual page for more details.</para>
-        <para>The HAST (Highly Available STorage) framework has been
-         added:</para>
-       <itemizedlist>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>This is a framework to allow transparently storing
-             data on two physically separated machines connected over
-             the TCP/IP network.  HAST works in Primary-Secondary
-             (Master-Backup, Master-Slave) configuration, which means
-             that only one of the cluster nodes can be active at any
-             given time.  Only Primary node is able to handle I/O
-             requests to HAST-managed devices. Currently HAST is
-             limited to two cluster nodes in total.</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>This operates on block level; it provides disk-like
-             devices in <filename>/dev/hast/</filename> directory for
-             use by file systems and/or applications.  Working on
-             block level makes it transparent for file systems and
-             applications.  There in no difference between using
-             HAST-provided device and raw disk, partition, etc.  All
-             of them are just regular &man.geom.8; providers in
-             &os;.</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>The userland part consists of &man.hastd.8;,
-             &man.hastctl.8;, and &man.hast.conf.5;.  More details
-             can be found at <ulink
-               url="";></ulink>.</para>
-         </listitem>
-       </itemizedlist>
-        <para>The &man.isp.4; driver has been improved in
-         stability.</para>
-       <para>The &man.mvs.4; CAM ATA driver for Marvell
-         88SX50XX/88SX60XX/88SX70XX/SoC SATA controllers has been
-         added.  This driver supports same hardware as the
-         &man.ata.4; driver does, but provides many additional
-         features, such as NCQ and PMP.</para>
-        <para>The &man.siis.4; driver now enables MSI by default on
-         SiI3124-based devices.  This can be disabled by using a
-         <varname>hint.siis.<replaceable>0</replaceable>.msi</varname>
-         loader tunable.</para>
-        <para>The Max Read Request Size in the &man.siis.4; driver for
-         PCIe chips has been increased from 512 to 1024 bytes for
-         better performance.</para>
-       <para>The &man.twa.4; driver has been updated to the latest
-         version from LSI.</para>
+       <para></para>
       <sect3 id="fs">
        <title>File Systems</title>
-       <para>The &man.msdosfs.5; subsystem is now MP-safe and a race
-         condition when a force unmount happens has been
-         fixed.</para>
-       <para>&os; NFS subsystem now supports a timeout for the
-         negative name cache entries in the client.  This avoids a
-         bogus negative name cache entry from persisting forever when
-         another client creates an entry with the same name within
-         the same NFS server time of day clock tick.  The mount
-         option <option>negnametimeo</option> can be used to override
-         the default timeout interval (60 seconds) on a
-         per-mount-point basis.  a Setting
-         <option>negnametimeo</option> to <literal>0</literal>
-         disables negative name caching for the mount point.</para>
-       <para>A race condition in &os; NFS subsystem that occurs when
-         &man.nfsiod.8; threads are being created has been fixed.
-         This also fixes an interoperability issue found in
-         combination of a &os; NFS client and a Linux NFS
-         server.</para>
-       <para>The inode number handling in &man.ffs.7; file system is
-         now unsigned.  Previously some large inode numbers can be
-         treated as negative, and this issue shows up at file systems
-         with the size of more than 16Tb in 16k block case.  The
-         &man.newfs.8; utility never create a file system with more
-         than 2^32 inodes by cutting back on the number of inodes per
-         cylinder group if necessary to stay under the limit.</para>
-       <para>The UFS file system (&man.ffs.7;) now supports NFSv4
-         ACL.</para>
-        <para>&os; &man.VFS.9; subsystem now supports a new sysctl
-          variable <varname>vfs.vlru_allow_cache_src</varname>.  This
-          allow <filename>vnlru</filename> kernel thread to reclaim
-          of the directory vnodes that are source of the namecache
-          records.  This is not enabled by default because for
-          typical workload it would make namecache unusable, but
-          large nested directory tree easily puts any process that
-          accesses file system into one second wait for
-          <filename>vnlru</filename> kernel thread.</para>
-       <para>The ZFS file system has been improved:</para>
-       <itemizedlist>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>It now supports NFSv4 ACL.</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>The L2ARC code has been improved in stability and
-             performance.</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>The zpool version has been updated to
-             version 14.  It is now possible to use zpools created on
-             OpenSolaris 2009.06.</para>
-         </listitem>
-         <listitem>
-           <para>A sysctl variable

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