On 01/07/2011 11:00, Jaakko Heinonen wrote:
On 2011-01-07, Doug Barton wrote:
If by silence you mean that there was no comment on the PR in the future
please don't take that as tacit approval. There are a non-trivial number
of PRs assigned to -rc, and historically the practice has been not to
comment on them until someone indicates that they actually plan to do
something about it.
In the future it would be great if you could send a note to the list
indicating that you plan to make a change, and then wait say 2 or 3
non-{weekend|holiday} days for feedback.
I mean this message:
I waited>2 weeks for comments and then committed the patch. Admittedly
I posted the patch as a bug follow-up but I made sure that the message
ended up to freebsd-rc list.
Yeah, that's Ok, and I should have mentioned that this change is fine.
My point more generally is that regular e-mail about proposed changes is
more likely to get useful attention and feedback.
Nothin' ever doesn't change, but nothin' changes much.
-- OK Go
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