On 12/18/2010 08:34, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
On 12/17/10 13:07, Warner Losh wrote:
On 12/17/2010 08:22, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
On 12/16/10 13:04, Robert Watson wrote:
On Thu, 16 Dec 2010, David O'Brien wrote:
Bump WARNS to 6.
FYI, this broke the tinderbox on arm, ia64, mips, and sparc64.
Errr. Reverted. I built it on the architectures I had access to...
For WARNS-related changes, I generally use "make universe" to test
across architectures. This builds all of our architectures world +
all available kernels, and seems the most effective way to avoid
the above situations. (I've fallen into exactly the same trap...)
The one thing to be cautious about is that make universe won't fail
if an individual build fails, so you need to check the logs to make
sure everything actually succeeded.
The trouble with make universe is that it has been broken for months
and months now. ARM and powerpc64 are disconnected from the build
entirely, as are big-endian and 64-bit MIPS, and an increasing
number of ARM and PowerPC kernels depend on FDT tools not built by
default, and so do not build. Build infrastructure changes also make
it appear that the PowerPC GENERIC64 kernel is broken when it is
not. This severely reduces the coverage of make universe for
problems like this.
I have a patch at
http://people.freebsd.org/~nwhitehorn/universe.diff that fixes both
of these problems, by teaching the universe rule in src/Makefile
about MACHINEs with multiple MACHINE_ARCHs and by enabling the build
of the FDT tools by default, which adds about 300K to world. The way
these are done is probably not optimal, but it is a better than the
current situation and is a good stopgap. With the patch, all
architectures succeed except for the ARM AVILA kernel, which seems
genuinely broken, and the various 64-bit MIPS kernels, since 64-bit
MIPS is not hooked up to the build yet. If I don't hear any
objections, I would like to commit it on Wednesday the 22nd.
That works for me. As far as I can tell, doing the MIPS64 stuff will
just take about a day of patiently fixing some breakage... Maybe
I'll get to it over the holidays.
Thanks! With your imprimatur, I've committed the src/Makefile portion
of the patch early. The FDT piece will wait until Wednesday, as
FDT should have always been built from the moment it went into the
tree. It was a mistake to make it optional, since we have no good way
to make host tools optional based on the target we're compiling...
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