Author: jilles
Date: Sun Oct 24 22:03:21 2010
New Revision: 214304

  sh: Do not allow overriding a special builtin with a function.
  This is a syntax error.
  POSIX does not say explicitly whether defining a function with the same name
  as a special builtin is allowed, but it does say that it is impossible to
  call such a function.
  A special builtin can still be overridden with an alias.
  This commit is part of a set of changes that will ensure that when
  something looks like a special builtin to the parser, it is one. (Not the
  other way around, as it remains possible to call a special builtin named
  by a variable or other substitution.)
  Exp-run done by:      pav (with some other sh(1) changes)

  head/tools/regression/bin/sh/execution/func3.0   (contents, props changed)

Modified: head/bin/sh/parser.c
--- head/bin/sh/parser.c        Sun Oct 24 22:02:36 2010        (r214303)
+++ head/bin/sh/parser.c        Sun Oct 24 22:03:21 2010        (r214304)
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #include "alias.h"
 #include "show.h"
 #include "eval.h"
+#include "exec.h"      /* to check for special builtins */
 #ifndef NO_HISTORY
 #include "myhistedit.h"
@@ -606,6 +607,7 @@ simplecmd(union node **rpp, union node *
        union node *args, **app;
        union node **orig_rpp = rpp;
        union node *n = NULL;
+       int special;
        /* If we don't have any redirections already, then we must reset */
        /* rpp to be the address of the local redir variable.  */
@@ -647,6 +649,9 @@ simplecmd(union node **rpp, union node *
                            strchr(n->narg.text, '/'))
                                synerror("Bad function name");
+                       if (find_builtin(n->narg.text, &special) >= 0 &&
+                           special)
+                               synerror("Cannot override a special builtin 
with a function");
                        n->type = NDEFUN;
                        n-> = command();
                        funclinno = 0;

Added: head/tools/regression/bin/sh/execution/func3.0
--- /dev/null   00:00:00 1970   (empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/tools/regression/bin/sh/execution/func3.0      Sun Oct 24 22:03:21 
2010        (r214304)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# $FreeBSD$
+# This may fail when parsing or when defining the function, or the definition
+# may silently do nothing. In no event may the function be executed.
+sh -c 'unset() { echo overriding function executed, bad; }; v=1; unset v; exit 
"${v-0}"' 2>/dev/null
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