On 10/6/2010 12:49 AM, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
Author: netchild
Date: Wed Oct  6 07:49:28 2010
New Revision: 213472
URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/213472

   Add some missing files to optionally delete.

   Submitted by:        Paul B Mahol<one...@gmail.com>


Modified: head/tools/build/mk/OptionalObsoleteFiles.inc
--- head/tools/build/mk/OptionalObsoleteFiles.inc       Wed Oct  6 07:34:41 
2010        (r213471)
+++ head/tools/build/mk/OptionalObsoleteFiles.inc       Wed Oct  6 07:49:28 
2010        (r213472)
@@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ OLD_FILES+=usr/share/man/man8/authpf.8.g

  .if ${MK_BIND} == no

Traditionally we haven't deleted these. In the case of named-related files I would prefer that we did not because:

1. That check is off by default
2. If the user is not running named it won't do any harm
3. The default for installing named from the ports is to continue to use the infrastructure in the base (such as this script, and /etc/rc.d/named).

I'm not sure what the right answer for all the periodic scripts is, but for this one I would like it not to be included in the obsolete files.

At some point down the road we may have a more flexible structure in place for such things, but until we do ...



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