On Wed, Oct 06, 2010 at 12:44:28AM +0900, Hajimu UMEMOTO wrote:
> Hi,
> >>>>> On Mon, 4 Oct 2010 20:40:44 +0300
> >>>>> Kostik Belousov <kostik...@gmail.com> said:
> kostikbel> Yes, I saw that commit. And there is a software in wild that does 
> expect
> kostikbel> return value 0 and NULL returned pointer when protocol was not 
> found,
> kostikbel> as opposed to some processing error. The interpretation of non-zero
> kostikbel> error code is "We did something wrong, or system configuration is 
> wrong,
> kostikbel> etc". While zero error code and NULL pointer is perceived as "Wrong
> kostikbel> protocol name supplied".
> Okay, I found the description in Ubuntu's manpage.  So, I've committed
> to return zero when no protocol entry is found.
> Sincerely,

Thank you.

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