On Thu, Apr 01, 2010 at 05:02:34PM -0700, Garrett Cooper wrote:
>     1. FILENAME_MAX could be less than PATH_MAX, and actually is on
> the BSDs (256 vs 1024). PATH_MAX allows for duplicate slashes and all
> sorts of whacky path crud and probably should be used more liberally
> in the pkg_install code. This however isn't always true in the NetBSD
> case because they're aiming for portability of pkg_install, however
> PATH_MAX is always guaranteed to be at least as large as FILENAME_MAX.

Well, I've been slowly working on eliminating the use of PATH_MAX in the
NetBSD/pkgsrc version of pkg_install. The performance gain from using
fixed stack space is minimal and the error handling generally
incompletely at best.

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