Author: jhb
Date: Tue Oct 13 18:04:19 2020
New Revision: 366677

  Add support to the KTLS OCF module for AES-CBC MTE ciphersuites.
  This is a simplistic approach which encrypts each TLS record in two
  separate passes: one to generate the MAC and a second to encrypt.
  This supports TLS 1.0 connections with implicit IVs as well as TLS
  1.1+ with explicit IVs.
  Reviewed by:  gallatin
  Sponsored by: Netflix
  Differential Revision:


Modified: head/sys/opencrypto/ktls_ocf.c
--- head/sys/opencrypto/ktls_ocf.c      Tue Oct 13 18:00:23 2020        
+++ head/sys/opencrypto/ktls_ocf.c      Tue Oct 13 18:04:19 2020        
@@ -45,7 +45,17 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 struct ocf_session {
        crypto_session_t sid;
+       crypto_session_t mac_sid;
+       int mac_len;
        struct mtx lock;
+       bool implicit_iv;
+       /* Only used for TLS 1.0 with the implicit IV. */
+       bool in_progress;
+       uint64_t next_seqno;
+       char iv[AES_BLOCK_LEN];
 struct ocf_operation {
@@ -62,6 +72,16 @@ static SYSCTL_NODE(_kern_ipc_tls_stats, OID_AUTO, ocf,
     "Kernel TLS offload via OCF stats");
+static counter_u64_t ocf_tls10_cbc_crypts;
+SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_kern_ipc_tls_stats_ocf, OID_AUTO, tls10_cbc_crypts,
+    CTLFLAG_RD, &ocf_tls10_cbc_crypts,
+    "Total number of OCF TLS 1.0 CBC encryption operations");
+static counter_u64_t ocf_tls11_cbc_crypts;
+SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_kern_ipc_tls_stats_ocf, OID_AUTO, tls11_cbc_crypts,
+    CTLFLAG_RD, &ocf_tls11_cbc_crypts,
+    "Total number of OCF TLS 1.1/1.2 CBC encryption operations");
 static counter_u64_t ocf_tls12_gcm_crypts;
 SYSCTL_COUNTER_U64(_kern_ipc_tls_stats_ocf, OID_AUTO, tls12_gcm_crypts,
     CTLFLAG_RD, &ocf_tls12_gcm_crypts,
@@ -135,6 +155,166 @@ ktls_ocf_dispatch(struct ocf_session *os, struct crypt
 static int
+ktls_ocf_tls_cbc_encrypt(struct ktls_session *tls,
+    const struct tls_record_layer *hdr, uint8_t *trailer, struct iovec *iniov,
+    struct iovec *outiov, int iovcnt, uint64_t seqno,
+    uint8_t record_type __unused)
+       struct uio uio, out_uio;
+       struct tls_mac_data ad;
+       struct cryptop crp;
+       struct ocf_session *os;
+       struct iovec iov[iovcnt + 2];
+       struct iovec out_iov[iovcnt + 1];
+       int i, error;
+       uint16_t tls_comp_len;
+       uint8_t pad;
+       bool inplace;
+       os = tls->cipher;
+       if (os->implicit_iv) {
+               mtx_lock(&os->lock);
+               KASSERT(!os->in_progress,
+                   ("concurrent implicit IV encryptions"));
+               if (os->next_seqno != seqno) {
+                       printf("KTLS CBC: TLS records out of order.  "
+                           "Expected %ju, got %ju\n",
+                           (uintmax_t)os->next_seqno, (uintmax_t)seqno);
+                       mtx_unlock(&os->lock);
+                       return (EINVAL);
+               }
+               os->in_progress = true;
+               mtx_unlock(&os->lock);
+       }
+       /*
+        * Compute the payload length.
+        *
+        * XXX: This could be easily computed O(1) from the mbuf
+        * fields, but we don't have those accessible here.  Can
+        * at least compute inplace as well while we are here.
+        */
+       tls_comp_len = 0;
+       inplace = true;
+       for (i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) {
+               tls_comp_len += iniov[i].iov_len;
+               if (iniov[i].iov_base != outiov[i].iov_base)
+                       inplace = false;
+       }
+       /* Initialize the AAD. */
+       ad.seq = htobe64(seqno);
+       ad.type = hdr->tls_type;
+       ad.tls_vmajor = hdr->tls_vmajor;
+       ad.tls_vminor = hdr->tls_vminor;
+       ad.tls_length = htons(tls_comp_len);
+       /* First, compute the MAC. */
+       iov[0].iov_base = &ad;
+       iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(ad);
+       memcpy(&iov[1], iniov, sizeof(*iniov) * iovcnt);
+       iov[iovcnt + 1].iov_base = trailer;
+       iov[iovcnt + 1].iov_len = os->mac_len;
+       uio.uio_iov = iov;
+       uio.uio_iovcnt = iovcnt + 2;
+       uio.uio_offset = 0;
+       uio.uio_segflg = UIO_SYSSPACE;
+       uio.uio_td = curthread;
+       uio.uio_resid = sizeof(ad) + tls_comp_len + os->mac_len;
+       crypto_initreq(&crp, os->mac_sid);
+       crp.crp_payload_start = 0;
+       crp.crp_payload_length = sizeof(ad) + tls_comp_len;
+       crp.crp_digest_start = crp.crp_payload_length;
+       crp.crp_op = CRYPTO_OP_COMPUTE_DIGEST;
+       crp.crp_flags = CRYPTO_F_CBIMM;
+       crypto_use_uio(&crp, &uio);
+       error = ktls_ocf_dispatch(os, &crp);
+       crypto_destroyreq(&crp);
+       if (error) {
+               if (os->implicit_iv) {
+                       mtx_lock(&os->lock);
+                       os->in_progress = false;
+                       mtx_unlock(&os->lock);
+               }
+               return (error);
+       }
+       /* Second, add the padding. */
+       pad = (unsigned)(AES_BLOCK_LEN - (tls_comp_len + os->mac_len + 1)) %
+           AES_BLOCK_LEN;
+       for (i = 0; i < pad + 1; i++)
+               trailer[os->mac_len + i] = pad;
+       /* Finally, encrypt the record. */
+       /*
+        * Don't recopy the input iovec, instead just adjust the
+        * trailer length and skip over the AAD vector in the uio.
+        */
+       iov[iovcnt + 1].iov_len += pad + 1;
+       uio.uio_iov = iov + 1;
+       uio.uio_iovcnt = iovcnt + 1;
+       uio.uio_resid = tls_comp_len + iov[iovcnt + 1].iov_len;
+       KASSERT(uio.uio_resid % AES_BLOCK_LEN == 0,
+           ("invalid encryption size"));
+       crypto_initreq(&crp, os->sid);
+       crp.crp_payload_start = 0;
+       crp.crp_payload_length = uio.uio_resid;
+       crp.crp_op = CRYPTO_OP_ENCRYPT;
+       crp.crp_flags = CRYPTO_F_CBIMM | CRYPTO_F_IV_SEPARATE;
+       if (os->implicit_iv)
+               memcpy(crp.crp_iv, os->iv, AES_BLOCK_LEN);
+       else
+               memcpy(crp.crp_iv, hdr + 1, AES_BLOCK_LEN);
+       crypto_use_uio(&crp, &uio);
+       if (!inplace) {
+               memcpy(out_iov, outiov, sizeof(*iniov) * iovcnt);
+               out_iov[iovcnt] = iov[iovcnt + 1];
+               out_uio.uio_iov = out_iov;
+               out_uio.uio_iovcnt = iovcnt + 1;
+               out_uio.uio_offset = 0;
+               out_uio.uio_segflg = UIO_SYSSPACE;
+               out_uio.uio_td = curthread;
+               out_uio.uio_resid = uio.uio_resid;
+               crypto_use_output_uio(&crp, &out_uio);
+       }
+       if (os->implicit_iv)
+               counter_u64_add(ocf_tls10_cbc_crypts, 1);
+       else
+               counter_u64_add(ocf_tls11_cbc_crypts, 1);
+       if (inplace)
+               counter_u64_add(ocf_inplace, 1);
+       else
+               counter_u64_add(ocf_separate_output, 1);
+       error = ktls_ocf_dispatch(os, &crp);
+       crypto_destroyreq(&crp);
+       if (os->implicit_iv) {
+               KASSERT(os->mac_len + pad + 1 >= AES_BLOCK_LEN,
+                   ("trailer too short to read IV"));
+               memcpy(os->iv, trailer + os->mac_len + pad + 1 - AES_BLOCK_LEN,
+                   AES_BLOCK_LEN);
+               mtx_lock(&os->lock);
+               os->next_seqno = seqno + 1;
+               os->in_progress = false;
+               mtx_unlock(&os->lock);
+       }
+       return (error);
+static int
 ktls_ocf_tls12_gcm_encrypt(struct ktls_session *tls,
     const struct tls_record_layer *hdr, uint8_t *trailer, struct iovec *iniov,
     struct iovec *outiov, int iovcnt, uint64_t seqno,
@@ -377,12 +557,14 @@ ktls_ocf_free(struct ktls_session *tls)
 static int
 ktls_ocf_try(struct socket *so, struct ktls_session *tls, int direction)
-       struct crypto_session_params csp;
+       struct crypto_session_params csp, mac_csp;
        struct ocf_session *os;
-       int error;
+       int error, mac_len;
        memset(&csp, 0, sizeof(csp));
-       csp.csp_flags |= CSP_F_SEPARATE_OUTPUT | CSP_F_SEPARATE_AAD;
+       memset(&mac_csp, 0, sizeof(mac_csp));
+       mac_csp.csp_mode = CSP_MODE_NONE;
+       mac_len = 0;
        switch (tls->params.cipher_algorithm) {
        case CRYPTO_AES_NIST_GCM_16:
@@ -393,27 +575,75 @@ ktls_ocf_try(struct socket *so, struct ktls_session *t
                        return (EINVAL);
+               /* Only TLS 1.2 and 1.3 are supported. */
+               if (tls->params.tls_vmajor != TLS_MAJOR_VER_ONE ||
+                   tls->params.tls_vminor < TLS_MINOR_VER_TWO ||
+                   tls->params.tls_vminor > TLS_MINOR_VER_THREE)
+                       return (EPROTONOSUPPORT);
+               /* TLS 1.3 is not yet supported for receive. */
+               if (direction == KTLS_RX &&
+                   tls->params.tls_vminor == TLS_MINOR_VER_THREE)
+                       return (EPROTONOSUPPORT);
+               csp.csp_flags |= CSP_F_SEPARATE_OUTPUT | CSP_F_SEPARATE_AAD;
                csp.csp_mode = CSP_MODE_AEAD;
                csp.csp_cipher_alg = CRYPTO_AES_NIST_GCM_16;
                csp.csp_cipher_key = tls->params.cipher_key;
                csp.csp_cipher_klen = tls->params.cipher_key_len;
                csp.csp_ivlen = AES_GCM_IV_LEN;
+       case CRYPTO_AES_CBC:
+               switch (tls->params.cipher_key_len) {
+               case 128 / 8:
+               case 256 / 8:
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       return (EINVAL);
+               }
+               switch (tls->params.auth_algorithm) {
+               case CRYPTO_SHA1_HMAC:
+                       mac_len = SHA1_HASH_LEN;
+                       break;
+               case CRYPTO_SHA2_256_HMAC:
+                       mac_len = SHA2_256_HASH_LEN;
+                       break;
+               case CRYPTO_SHA2_384_HMAC:
+                       mac_len = SHA2_384_HASH_LEN;
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       return (EINVAL);
+               }
+               /* Only TLS 1.0-1.2 are supported. */
+               if (tls->params.tls_vmajor != TLS_MAJOR_VER_ONE ||
+                   tls->params.tls_vminor < TLS_MINOR_VER_ZERO ||
+                   tls->params.tls_vminor > TLS_MINOR_VER_TWO)
+                       return (EPROTONOSUPPORT);
+               /* AES-CBC is not supported for receive. */
+               if (direction == KTLS_RX)
+                       return (EPROTONOSUPPORT);
+               csp.csp_flags |= CSP_F_SEPARATE_OUTPUT;
+               csp.csp_mode = CSP_MODE_CIPHER;
+               csp.csp_cipher_alg = CRYPTO_AES_CBC;
+               csp.csp_cipher_key = tls->params.cipher_key;
+               csp.csp_cipher_klen = tls->params.cipher_key_len;
+               csp.csp_ivlen = AES_BLOCK_LEN;
+               mac_csp.csp_flags |= CSP_F_SEPARATE_OUTPUT;
+               mac_csp.csp_mode = CSP_MODE_DIGEST;
+               mac_csp.csp_auth_alg = tls->params.auth_algorithm;
+               mac_csp.csp_auth_key = tls->params.auth_key;
+               mac_csp.csp_auth_klen = tls->params.auth_key_len;
+               break;
                return (EPROTONOSUPPORT);
-       /* Only TLS 1.2 and 1.3 are supported. */
-       if (tls->params.tls_vmajor != TLS_MAJOR_VER_ONE ||
-           tls->params.tls_vminor < TLS_MINOR_VER_TWO ||
-           tls->params.tls_vminor > TLS_MINOR_VER_THREE)
-               return (EPROTONOSUPPORT);
-       /* TLS 1.3 is not yet supported for receive. */
-       if (direction == KTLS_RX &&
-           tls->params.tls_vminor == TLS_MINOR_VER_THREE)
-               return (EPROTONOSUPPORT);
        os = malloc(sizeof(*os), M_KTLS_OCF, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO);
        if (os == NULL)
                return (ENOMEM);
@@ -425,15 +655,34 @@ ktls_ocf_try(struct socket *so, struct ktls_session *t
                return (error);
+       if (mac_csp.csp_mode != CSP_MODE_NONE) {
+               error = crypto_newsession(&os->mac_sid, &mac_csp,
+               if (error) {
+                       crypto_freesession(os->sid);
+                       free(os, M_KTLS_OCF);
+                       return (error);
+               }
+               os->mac_len = mac_len;
+       }
        mtx_init(&os->lock, "ktls_ocf", NULL, MTX_DEF);
        tls->cipher = os;
-       if (direction == KTLS_TX) {
-               if (tls->params.tls_vminor == TLS_MINOR_VER_THREE)
-                       tls->sw_encrypt = ktls_ocf_tls13_gcm_encrypt;
-               else
-                       tls->sw_encrypt = ktls_ocf_tls12_gcm_encrypt;
+       if (tls->params.cipher_algorithm == CRYPTO_AES_NIST_GCM_16) {
+               if (direction == KTLS_TX) {
+                       if (tls->params.tls_vminor == TLS_MINOR_VER_THREE)
+                               tls->sw_encrypt = ktls_ocf_tls13_gcm_encrypt;
+                       else
+                               tls->sw_encrypt = ktls_ocf_tls12_gcm_encrypt;
+               } else {
+                       tls->sw_decrypt = ktls_ocf_tls12_gcm_decrypt;
+               }
        } else {
-               tls->sw_decrypt = ktls_ocf_tls12_gcm_decrypt;
+               tls->sw_encrypt = ktls_ocf_tls_cbc_encrypt;
+               if (tls->params.tls_vminor == TLS_MINOR_VER_ZERO) {
+                       os->implicit_iv = true;
+                       memcpy(os->iv, tls->params.iv, AES_BLOCK_LEN);
+               }
        tls->free = ktls_ocf_free;
        return (0);
@@ -453,6 +702,8 @@ ktls_ocf_modevent(module_t mod, int what, void *arg)
        switch (what) {
        case MOD_LOAD:
+               ocf_tls10_cbc_crypts = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK);
+               ocf_tls11_cbc_crypts = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK);
                ocf_tls12_gcm_crypts = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK);
                ocf_tls13_gcm_crypts = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK);
                ocf_inplace = counter_u64_alloc(M_WAITOK);
@@ -463,6 +714,8 @@ ktls_ocf_modevent(module_t mod, int what, void *arg)
                error = ktls_crypto_backend_deregister(&ocf_backend);
                if (error)
                        return (error);
+               counter_u64_free(ocf_tls10_cbc_crypts);
+               counter_u64_free(ocf_tls11_cbc_crypts);
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