Author: gbe (doc committer)
Date: Thu Sep 17 20:25:31 2020
New Revision: 365850

  bus_dma(9): Some markup fixes
  - new sentence, new line
  - no blank before trailing delimiter
  - whitespace at end of input line
  MFC after:    3 days


Modified: head/share/man/man9/bus_dma.9
--- head/share/man/man9/bus_dma.9       Thu Sep 17 19:47:41 2020        
+++ head/share/man/man9/bus_dma.9       Thu Sep 17 20:25:31 2020        
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
 .Nm bus_dma_template_init ,
 .Nm bus_dma_template_tag ,
 .Nm bus_dma_template_clone ,
-.Nm bus_dma_template_fill,
+.Nm bus_dma_template_fill ,
 .Nm bus_dmamap_create ,
 .Nm bus_dmamap_destroy ,
 .Nm bus_dmamap_load ,
@@ -707,11 +707,13 @@ on success.
 .It Fn bus_dma_template_init "*template" "parent"
 Initializes a
 .Fa bus_dma_template_t
-structure.  If the
-.Fa parent 
+If the
+.Fa parent
 argument is non-NULL, this parent tag is associated with the template and
-will be compiled into the dma tag that is later created.  The values
-of the parent are not copied into the template.  During tag creation in
+will be compiled into the dma tag that is later created.
+The values of the parent are not copied into the template.
+During tag creation in
 .Fn bus_dma_tag_template ,
 any parameters from the parent tag that are more restrictive than what is
 in the provided template will overwrite what goes into the new tag.
@@ -724,21 +726,24 @@ The template is not modified by this function, and can
 freed upon return.
 .It Fn bus_dma_template_clone "*template" "dmat"
 Copies the fields from an existing tag to a template.
-The template does not need to be initialized first.  All of its fields will
-be overwritten by the values contained in the tag.  When paired with
+The template does not need to be initialized first.
+All of its fields will be overwritten by the values contained in the tag.
+When paired with
 .Fn bus_dma_template_tag ,
 this function is useful for creating copies of tags.
 .It Fn bus_dma_template_fill "*template" "params[]" "count"
 Fills in the selected fields of the template with the keyed values from the
 .Fa params
-array.  This is not meant to be called directly, use
+This is not meant to be called directly, use
 .It Fn BUS_DMA_TEMPLATE_FILL "*template" "param ..."
 Fills in the selected fields of the template with a variable number of
-key-value parameters.  The macros listed below take an argument of the
-specified type and encapsulate it into a key-value structure that is directly
-usable as a parameter argument.  Muliple parameters may be provided at once.
+key-value parameters.
+The macros listed below take an argument of the specified type and encapsulate
+it into a key-value structure that is directly usable as a parameter argument.
+Muliple parameters may be provided at once.
 .Bd -literal
        BD_PARENT()     void *
        BD_ALIGNMENT()  uintmax_t
@@ -752,7 +757,6 @@ usable as a parameter argument.  Muliple parameters ma
        BD_LOCKFUNC()   void *
        BD_LOCKFUNCARG() void *
 .It Fn bus_dmamap_create "dmat" "flags" "*mapp"
 Allocates and initializes a DMA map.
 Arguments are as follows:
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