In message <>, Sevan Janiyan 
> Author: sevan (doc committer)
> Date: Thu Apr  2 11:08:19 2020
> New Revision: 359561
> URL:
> Log:
>   Add NetBSD 8.2
> Modified:
>   head/share/misc/bsd-family-tree
> Modified: head/share/misc/bsd-family-tree
> =============================================================================
> =
> --- head/share/misc/bsd-family-tree   Thu Apr  2 09:15:31 2020        (r35956
> 0)
> +++ head/share/misc/bsd-family-tree   Thu Apr  2 11:08:19 2020        (r35956
> 1)
> @@ -398,20 +398,22 @@ FreeBSD 5.2           |      |                 |      
>   |     |      |       |      |   |                |                    |
>   |     |      |       |      |  NetBSD            |                    |
>   |     |      |       |      |   8.1              |            DragonFly 5.6
> - |     |      |       |      |                    |                    |
> - |     |      |       |      |                    |            DragonFly 5.6
> .1
> - |     |   FreeBSD  macOS    |                    |                    |
> - |     |     11.3   10.15    |                    |                    |
> - |  FreeBSD           |      |                OpenBSD 6.6              |
> - |   12.1           macOS    |                    |                    |
> - |     |           10.15.1   |                    |            DragonFly 5.6
> .2
> - |     |              |      *--NetBSD            |                    |
> - |     v              |      |   9.0              |                    |
> + |     |      |       |      |   |                |                    |
> + |     |      |       |      |   |                |            DragonFly 5.6
> .1
> + |     |   FreeBSD  macOS    |   |                |                    |
> + |     |     11.3   10.15    |   |                |                    |
> + |  FreeBSD           |      |   |            OpenBSD 6.6              |
> + |   12.1           macOS    |   `-------.        |                    |
> + |     |           10.15.1   |           |        |            DragonFly 5.6
> .2
> + |     |              |      *--NetBSD   |        |                    |
> + |     v              |      |   9.0     |        |                    |
> + |                    |      |           |        |                    |
> + |                    |      |           |        |            DragonFly 5.8
> + |                    |      |           |        |                    |
> + |                    |      |           |        |            DragonFly 5.6
> .3
> + |                    |      |        NetBSD      |                    |
> + |                    |      |         8.2        |                    |
>   |                    |      |                    |                    |
> - |                    |      |                    |            DragonFly 5.8
> - |                    |      |                    |                    |
> - |                    |      |                    |            DragonFly 5.6
> .3
> - |                    |      |                    |                    |
>  FreeBSD 13 -current   |  NetBSD -current   OpenBSD -current    DragonFly -cu
> rrent
>   |                    |      |                    |                    |
>   v                    v      v                    v                    v
> @@ -806,6 +808,7 @@ FreeBSD 12.1              2019-11-04 [FBD]
>  NetBSD 9.0           2020-02-14 [NBD]
>  DragonFly 5.8                2020-03-03 [DFB]
>  DragonFly 5.6.3      2020-03-11 [DFB]
> +NetBSD 8.2           2020-03-31 [NBD]
>  Bibliography
>  ------------------------

To me this document is pointless unless we MFC that every release and every 
ISO has the latest family tree.

Cy Schubert <>
FreeBSD UNIX:  <>   Web:

        The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.

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