Author: erj
Date: Thu Jan  2 23:16:27 2020
New Revision: 356306

  MFC r354977: bitstring: add functions to find contiguous set/unset bit 
  This MFC also includes extra commits that improve on the original:
  r355032: bitstring: Fix error messages in tests for area functions
  r355377: Improve bit_ffc_area and bit_ffs_area_at implementation
  r355400: bitstring: avoid gcc -Wsign-compare
  Sponsored by: Intel Corporation

Directory Properties:
  stable/12/   (props changed)

Modified: stable/12/share/man/man3/bitstring.3
--- stable/12/share/man/man3/bitstring.3        Thu Jan  2 23:07:45 2020        
+++ stable/12/share/man/man3/bitstring.3        Thu Jan  2 23:16:27 2020        
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 .\"     @(#)bitstring.3        8.1 (Berkeley) 7/19/93
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd May 23, 2016
+.Dd Nov 18, 2019
@@ -70,6 +70,10 @@
 .Nm bit_ffs ,
 .Nm bit_ffc_at ,
 .Nm bit_ffs_at ,
+.Nm bit_ffc_area ,
+.Nm bit_ffs_area ,
+.Nm bit_ffc_area_at ,
+.Nm bit_ffs_area_at ,
 .Nm bit_nclear ,
 .Nm bit_nset ,
 .Nm bit_set ,
@@ -95,6 +99,14 @@
 .Ft void
 .Fn bit_ffs_at "bitstr_t *name" "int start" "int nbits" "int *value"
 .Ft void
+.Fn bit_ffc_area "bitstr_t *name" "int nbits" "int size" "int *value"
+.Ft void
+.Fn bit_ffs_area "bitstr_t *name" "int nbits" "int size" "int *value"
+.Ft void
+.Fn bit_ffc_area_at "bitstr_t *name" "int start" "int nbits" "int size" "int 
+.Ft void
+.Fn bit_ffs_area_at "bitstr_t *name" "int start" "int nbits" "int size" "int 
+.Ft void
 .Fn bit_nclear "bitstr_t *name" "int start" "int stop"
 .Ft void
 .Fn bit_nset "bitstr_t *name" "int start" "int stop"
@@ -223,6 +235,82 @@ bits referenced by
 at or after the zero-based bit index
 .Fa start .
 If no bits are set after
+.Fa start ,
+the location referenced by
+.Fa value
+is set to \-1.
+.Fn bit_ffc_area
+function stores in the location referenced by
+.Fa value
+the zero-based number of the first bit beginning a sequence of unset bits of
+at least
+.Fa size
+unset bits in the array of
+.Fa nbits
+bits referenced by
+.Fa name .
+If no sequence of contiguous unset bits of the specified
+.Fa size
+can be found, the location referenced by
+.Fa value
+is set to \-1.
+.Fn bit_ffs_area
+function stores in the location referenced by
+.Fa value
+the zero-based number of the first bit beginning a sequence of set bits of
+at least
+.Fa size
+set bits in the array of
+.Fa nbits
+bits referenced by
+.Fa name .
+If no sequence of contiguous set bits of the specified
+.Fa size
+can be found, the location referenced by
+.Fa value
+is set to \-1.
+.Fn bit_ffc_area_at
+function stores in the location referenced by
+.Fa value
+the zero-based number of the first bit beginning a sequence of unset bits of
+at least
+.Fa size
+unset bits in the array of
+.Fa nbits
+bits referenced by
+.Fa name ,
+at or after the zero-based bit index
+.Fa start .
+If no sequence of contiguous unset bits of the specified
+.Fa size
+can be found at or after
+.Fa start ,
+the location referenced by
+.Fa value
+is set to \-1.
+.Fn bit_ffs_area_at
+function stores in the location referenced by
+.Fa value
+the zero-based number of the first bit beginning a sequence of set bits of
+at least
+.Fa size
+set bits in the array of
+.Fa nbits
+bits referenced by
+.Fa name ,
+at or after the zero-based bit index
+.Fa start .
+If no sequence of contiguous set bits of the specified
+.Fa size
+can be found at or after
 .Fa start ,
 the location referenced by
 .Fa value

Modified: stable/12/sys/sys/bitstring.h
--- stable/12/sys/sys/bitstring.h       Thu Jan  2 23:07:45 2020        
+++ stable/12/sys/sys/bitstring.h       Thu Jan  2 23:16:27 2020        
@@ -275,6 +275,114 @@ bit_ffc(bitstr_t *_bitstr, int _nbits, int *_result)
        bit_ffc_at(_bitstr, /*start*/0, _nbits, _result);
+/* Find contiguous sequence of at least size set bits at or after start */
+static inline void
+bit_ffs_area_at(bitstr_t *_bitstr, int _start, int _nbits, int _size,
+    int *_result)
+       bitstr_t *_curbitstr;
+       bitstr_t _test;
+       int _value, _offset, _logsize, _b;
+       if (_start + _size > _nbits || _nbits <= 0) {
+               *_result = -1;
+               return;
+       }
+       _logsize = fls(_size - 1);
+       _value = _start;
+       _curbitstr = _bitstr + _bit_idx(_start);
+       _test = ~*_curbitstr;
+       if (_bit_offset(_start) != 0)
+               _test |= _bit_make_mask(0, _start - 1);
+       for (_offset = 0;; _offset -= _BITSTR_BITS, _test = ~*++_curbitstr) {
+               if (_test != 0) {
+                       /* If leading 0s in _test can finish 0-area, stop. */
+                       if (_offset + _size < (int)_BITSTR_BITS &&
+                           (_test & _bit_make_mask(0, _offset + _size)) == 0)
+                               break;
+                       /* Shrink-left every 0-area in _test by size-1 bits. */
+                       _b = _logsize;
+                       while ((_test & (_test + 1)) != 0 && _b-- > 0)
+                               _test |= _test >> (((_size - 1) >> _b) + 1) / 2;
+                       /* Find the start of the first 0-area in _test. */
+                       _offset = (~_test == 0) ? (int)_BITSTR_BITS :
+                           ffsl(~_test) - 1;
+                       _value = (_curbitstr - _bitstr) * _BITSTR_BITS +
+                           _offset;
+                       /* If there's insufficient space left, give up. */
+                       if (_value + _size > _nbits) {
+                               _value = -1;
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (_offset + _size <= (int)_BITSTR_BITS)
+                       break;
+       }
+       *_result = _value;
+/* Find contiguous sequence of at least size cleared bits at or after start */
+static inline void
+bit_ffc_area_at(bitstr_t *_bitstr, int _start, int _nbits, int _size,
+    int *_result)
+       bitstr_t *_curbitstr;
+       bitstr_t _test;
+       int _value, _offset, _logsize, _b;
+       if (_start + _size > _nbits || _nbits <= 0) {
+               *_result = -1;
+               return;
+       }
+       _logsize = fls(_size - 1);
+       _value = _start;
+       _curbitstr = _bitstr + _bit_idx(_start);
+       _test = *_curbitstr;
+       if (_bit_offset(_start) != 0)
+               _test |= _bit_make_mask(0, _start - 1);
+       for (_offset = 0;; _offset -= _BITSTR_BITS, _test = *++_curbitstr) {
+               if (_test != 0) {
+                       /* If leading 0s in _test can finish 0-area, stop. */
+                       if (_offset + _size < (int)_BITSTR_BITS &&
+                           (_test & _bit_make_mask(0, _offset + _size)) == 0)
+                               break;
+                       /* Shrink-left every 0-area in _test by size-1 bits. */
+                       _b = _logsize;
+                       while ((_test & (_test + 1)) != 0 && _b-- > 0)
+                               _test |= _test >> (((_size - 1) >> _b) + 1) / 2;
+                       /* Find the start of the first 0-area in _test. */
+                       _offset = (~_test == 0) ? (int)_BITSTR_BITS :
+                           ffsl(~_test) - 1;
+                       _value = (_curbitstr - _bitstr) * _BITSTR_BITS +
+                           _offset;
+                       /* If there's insufficient space left, give up. */
+                       if (_value + _size > _nbits) {
+                               _value = -1;
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (_offset + _size <= (int)_BITSTR_BITS)
+                       break;
+       }
+       *_result = _value;
+/* Find contiguous sequence of at least size set bits in bit string */
+static inline void
+bit_ffs_area(bitstr_t *_bitstr, int _nbits, int _size, int *_result)
+       bit_ffs_area_at(_bitstr, /*start*/0, _nbits, _size, _result);
+/* Find contiguous sequence of at least size cleared bits in bit string */
+static inline void
+bit_ffc_area(bitstr_t *_bitstr, int _nbits, int _size, int *_result)
+       bit_ffc_area_at(_bitstr, /*start*/0, _nbits, _size, _result);
 /* Count the number of bits set in a bitstr of size _nbits at or after _start 
 static inline void
 bit_count(bitstr_t *_bitstr, int _start, int _nbits, int *_result)

Modified: stable/12/sys/sys/param.h
--- stable/12/sys/sys/param.h   Thu Jan  2 23:07:45 2020        (r356305)
+++ stable/12/sys/sys/param.h   Thu Jan  2 23:16:27 2020        (r356306)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
  *             in the range 5 to 9.
 #undef __FreeBSD_version
-#define __FreeBSD_version 1201506      /* Master, propagated to newvers */
+#define __FreeBSD_version 1201507      /* Master, propagated to newvers */
  * __FreeBSD_kernel__ indicates that this system uses the kernel of FreeBSD,

Modified: stable/12/tests/sys/sys/bitstring_test.c
--- stable/12/tests/sys/sys/bitstring_test.c    Thu Jan  2 23:07:45 2020        
+++ stable/12/tests/sys/sys/bitstring_test.c    Thu Jan  2 23:16:27 2020        
@@ -321,6 +321,169 @@ BITSTRING_TC_DEFINE(bit_ffc_at)
                        nbits, memloc, nbits + 3, found_clear_bit);
+/* bitstr_t *bitstr, int nbits, const char *memloc */
+       int found_clear_bits;
+       memset(bitstr, 0xFF, bitstr_size(nbits));
+       bit_ffc_area(bitstr, nbits, 2, &found_clear_bits);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(-1, found_clear_bits,
+               "bit_ffc_area_%d_%s: Failed all set bits.", nbits, memloc);
+/* bitstr_t *bitstr, int nbits, const char *memloc */
+       int found_clear_bits;
+       memset(bitstr, 0, bitstr_size(nbits));
+       bit_ffs_area(bitstr, nbits, 2, &found_clear_bits);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(-1, found_clear_bits,
+               "bit_ffs_area_%d_%s: Failed all clear bits.", nbits, memloc);
+ATF_TC_BODY(bit_ffs_area, tc)
+       const int nbits = 72;
+       bitstr_t bit_decl(bitstr, nbits) = {};
+       int location;
+       bit_set(bitstr, 5);
+       bit_set(bitstr, 6);
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffs_area(bitstr, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(-1, location,
+                       "bit_ffs_area: found location of size 3 when only 2 
bits are set");
+       bit_set(bitstr, 7);
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffs_area(bitstr, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(5, location,
+                       "bit_ffs_area: failed to find location of size 3");
+       bit_set(bitstr, 8);
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffs_area(bitstr, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(5, location,
+                       "bit_ffs_area: failed to find location of size 3");
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffs_area_at(bitstr, 2, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(5, location,
+                       "bit_ffs_area_at: failed to find location of size 3");
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffs_area_at(bitstr, 6, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(6, location,
+                       "bit_ffs_area_at: failed to find location of size 3");
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffs_area_at(bitstr, 8, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(-1, location,
+                       "bit_ffs_area_at: found invalid location");
+       bit_set(bitstr, 69);
+       bit_set(bitstr, 70);
+       bit_set(bitstr, 71);
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffs_area_at(bitstr, 8, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(69, location,
+                       "bit_ffs_area_at: failed to find location of size 3");
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffs_area_at(bitstr, 69, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(69, location,
+                       "bit_ffs_area_at: failed to find location of size 3");
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffs_area_at(bitstr, 70, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(-1, location,
+                       "bit_ffs_area_at: found invalid location");
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffs_area_at(bitstr, 72, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(-1, location,
+                       "bit_ffs_area_at: found invalid location");
+ATF_TC_BODY(bit_ffc_area, tc)
+       const int nbits = 80;
+       bitstr_t bit_decl(bitstr, nbits) = {};
+       int location;
+       /* set all bits */
+       memset(bitstr, 0xFF, bitstr_size(nbits));
+       bit_clear(bitstr, 7);
+       bit_clear(bitstr, 8);
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffc_area(bitstr, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(-1, location,
+                       "bit_ffc_area: found location of size 3 when only 2 
bits are set");
+       bit_clear(bitstr, 9);
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffc_area(bitstr, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(7, location,
+                       "bit_ffc_area: failed to find location of size 3");
+       bit_clear(bitstr, 10);
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffc_area(bitstr, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(7, location,
+                       "bit_ffc_area: failed to find location of size 3");
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffc_area_at(bitstr, 2, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(7, location,
+                       "bit_ffc_area_at: failed to find location of size 3");
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffc_area_at(bitstr, 8, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(8, location,
+                       "bit_ffc_area_at: failed to find location of size 3");
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffc_area_at(bitstr, 9, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(-1, location,
+                       "bit_ffc_area_at: found invalid bit location");
+       bit_clear(bitstr, 77);
+       bit_clear(bitstr, 78);
+       bit_clear(bitstr, 79);
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffc_area_at(bitstr, 12, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(77, location,
+                       "bit_ffc_area_at: failed to find location of size 3");
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffc_area_at(bitstr, 77, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(77, location,
+                       "bit_ffc_area_at: failed to find location of size 3");
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffc_area_at(bitstr, 78, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(-1, location,
+                       "bit_ffc_area_at: found invalid location");
+       location = 0;
+       bit_ffc_area_at(bitstr, 85, nbits, 3, &location);
+       ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(-1, location,
+                       "bit_ffc_area_at: found invalid location");
 /* bitstr_t *bitstr, int nbits, const char *memloc */
@@ -441,6 +604,8 @@ ATF_TP_ADD_TCS(tp)
        ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, bitstr_in_struct);
        ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, bitstr_size);
+       ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, bit_ffc_area);
+       ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, bit_ffs_area);
        BITSTRING_TC_ADD(tp, bit_set);
        BITSTRING_TC_ADD(tp, bit_clear);
        BITSTRING_TC_ADD(tp, bit_ffs);
@@ -450,6 +615,8 @@ ATF_TP_ADD_TCS(tp)
        BITSTRING_TC_ADD(tp, bit_nclear);
        BITSTRING_TC_ADD(tp, bit_nset);
        BITSTRING_TC_ADD(tp, bit_count);
+       BITSTRING_TC_ADD(tp, bit_ffs_area_no_match);
+       BITSTRING_TC_ADD(tp, bit_ffc_area_no_match);
        return (atf_no_error());
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