On 2010-Jan-14 20:12:24 +0000, "Robert N. M. Watson" <rwat...@freebsd.org> 
>- Desktop/server users who want their system to work without any
>  special tuning or magic, and likely feel the comments they put in
>  configuration files are important

As far as I'm concerned, the most critical bit of my kernel config file
is the $Header...$ comment - which lets me extract the remainder of the
file from my CVS repository.  I don't currently use includes (because
most of my config files have roots pre-dating the include directive).

I find it a PITA that INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE _doesn't_ include comments
(or at least my $Header$ line) by default.

IMO, it would be useful to have an "include this literal string in the
kernel" config directive.  This would allow config file version control
information to be embedded without needing the comments.  And that would
resolve the issue of embedding fully expanded details of all included
files without the hassle of keeping the comments around.

Peter Jeremy

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