On 1/14/2010 9:56 AM, M. Warner Losh wrote:
+ * If INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE is defined, then we include the config file
+ * verbatim (and that's the only config file we include).  Otherwise, if
+ * INCLUDE_CONFIG is defined, we include it.  Otherwise, we include nothing
+ * at all.

FWIW, I actually think this makes it worse, not better. The
INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE option should include everything needed to recreate
the kernel. If it doesn't, it's worse than worthless, it leads to a
false sense of security which makes it dangerous. I wasn't actually
aware that if you do the config -C trick that you'll get ONLY the one
file, not everything. Frankly I'm flabbergasted that we could do
something so stupid.

And on that note, I officially give up. I have better things to do with
my time than argue about this any more, and it's pretty clear that my
perspective on this is not shared. Maybe it's not even reasonable, who

Good luck,



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