> In message <201812090645.wb96jnso066...@repo.freebsd.org>, Cy Schubert 
> writes:
> > Author: cy
> > Date: Sun Dec  9 06:45:49 2018
> > New Revision: 341759
> > URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/341759
> >
> > Log:
> >   MFV r341618:
> >   
> >   Update wpa 2.6 --> 2.7.
> Relnotes: yes

As an FYI, or maybe a new procedure, doing a reply to
a commit message adding relnotes: yes does very little
to insure that this commit gets refered to in release

What about we add RELNOTES.missed to the tree
next to UPDATING, and when someone forgets to tag
the Relnotes:yes into a commit you just follow up
with a commit to that file, stating the svn revision
which was missing the note and then we have a nice
documented and clean way to extract the missing
release note items, rather than trying to cull it
from a thread in a mail list archive.

The file would get truncated to 0 at appropriate
times on various branches.

Rod <RE
Rod Grimes                                                 rgri...@freebsd.org
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