Author: attilio
Date: Sat Dec 12 21:31:07 2009
New Revision: 200447

  In current code, threads performing an interruptible sleep (on both
  sxlock, via the sx_{s, x}lock_sig() interface, or plain lockmgr), will
  leave the waiters flag on forcing the owner to do a wakeup even when if
  the waiter queue is empty.
  That operation may lead to a deadlock in the case of doing a fake wakeup
  on the "preferred" (based on the wakeup algorithm) queue while the other
  queue has real waiters on it, because nobody is going to wakeup the 2nd
  queue waiters and they will sleep indefinitively.
  A similar bug, is present, for lockmgr in the case the waiters are
  sleeping with LK_SLEEPFAIL on.  In this case, even if the waiters queue
  is not empty, the waiters won't progress after being awake but they will
  just fail, still not taking care of the 2nd queue waiters (as instead the
  lock owned doing the wakeup would expect).
  In order to fix this bug in a cheap way (without adding too much locking
  and complicating too much the semantic) add a sleepqueue interface which
  does report the actual number of waiters on a specified queue of a
  waitchannel (sleepq_sleepcnt()) and use it in order to determine if the
  exclusive waiters (or shared waiters) are actually present on the lockmgr
  (or sx) before to give them precedence in the wakeup algorithm.
  This fix alone, however doesn't solve the LK_SLEEPFAIL bug. In order to
  cope with it, add the tracking of how many exclusive LK_SLEEPFAIL waiters
  a lockmgr has and if all the waiters on the exclusive waiters queue are
  LK_SLEEPFAIL just wake both queues.
  The sleepq_sleepcnt() introduction and ABI breakage require
  __FreeBSD_version bumping.
  Reported by:  avg, kib, pho
  Reviewed by:  kib
  Tested by:    pho


Modified: head/share/man/man9/sleepqueue.9
--- head/share/man/man9/sleepqueue.9    Sat Dec 12 20:26:11 2009        
+++ head/share/man/man9/sleepqueue.9    Sat Dec 12 21:31:07 2009        
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd August 13, 2007
+.Dd December 11, 2009
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 .Nm sleepq_remove ,
 .Nm sleepq_signal ,
 .Nm sleepq_set_timeout ,
+.Nm sleepq_sleepcnt ,
 .Nm sleepq_timedwait ,
 .Nm sleepq_timedwait_sig ,
 .Nm sleepq_wait ,
@@ -77,6 +78,8 @@
 .Fn sleepq_signal "void *wchan" "int flags" "int pri" "int queue"
 .Ft void
 .Fn sleepq_set_timeout "void *wchan" "int timo"
+.Ft u_int
+.Fn sleepq_sleepcnt "void *wchan" "int queue"
 .Ft int
 .Fn sleepq_timedwait "void *wchan"
 .Ft int
@@ -348,6 +351,14 @@ One possible use is waking up a specific
+.Fn sleepq_sleepcnt
+function offer a simple way to retrieve the number of threads sleeping for
+the specified
+.Fa queue ,
+given a
+.Fa wchan .
 .Fn sleepq_abort ,
 .Fn sleepq_broadcast ,

Modified: head/sys/kern/kern_lock.c
--- head/sys/kern/kern_lock.c   Sat Dec 12 20:26:11 2009        (r200446)
+++ head/sys/kern/kern_lock.c   Sat Dec 12 21:31:07 2009        (r200447)
@@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ sleeplk(struct lock *lk, u_int flags, st
        if (flags & LK_INTERLOCK)
+       if (queue == SQ_EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE && (flags & LK_SLEEPFAIL) != 0)
+               lk->lk_exslpfail++;
        sleepq_add(&lk->lock_object, NULL, wmesg, SLEEPQ_LK | (catch ?
            SLEEPQ_INTERRUPTIBLE : 0), queue);
@@ -225,6 +227,7 @@ static __inline int
 wakeupshlk(struct lock *lk, const char *file, int line)
        uintptr_t v, x;
+       u_int realexslp;
        int queue, wakeup_swapper;
@@ -270,13 +273,34 @@ wakeupshlk(struct lock *lk, const char *
                 * If the lock has exclusive waiters, give them preference in
                 * order to avoid deadlock with shared runners up.
+                * If interruptible sleeps left the exclusive queue empty
+                * avoid a starvation for the threads sleeping on the shared
+                * queue by giving them precedence and cleaning up the
+                * exclusive waiters bit anyway.
-               if (x & LK_EXCLUSIVE_WAITERS) {
-                       queue = SQ_EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE;
-                       v |= (x & LK_SHARED_WAITERS);
+               realexslp = sleepq_sleepcnt(&lk->lock_object,
+                   SQ_EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE);
+               if ((x & LK_EXCLUSIVE_WAITERS) != 0 && realexslp != 0) {
+                       if (lk->lk_exslpfail < realexslp) {
+                               lk->lk_exslpfail = 0;
+                               queue = SQ_EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE;
+                               v |= (x & LK_SHARED_WAITERS);
+                       } else {
+                               lk->lk_exslpfail = 0;
+                               LOCK_LOG2(lk,
+                                   "%s: %p has only LK_SLEEPFAIL sleepers",
+                                   __func__, lk);
+                               LOCK_LOG2(lk,
+                           "%s: %p waking up threads on the exclusive queue",
+                                   __func__, lk);
+                               wakeup_swapper =
+                                   sleepq_broadcast(&lk->lock_object,
+                                   SLEEPQ_LK, 0, SQ_EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE);
+                               queue = SQ_SHARED_QUEUE;
+                       }
                } else {
-                       MPASS((x & ~LK_EXCLUSIVE_SPINNERS) ==
-                           LK_SHARED_WAITERS);
+                       MPASS(lk->lk_exslpfail == 0);
                        queue = SQ_SHARED_QUEUE;
@@ -288,7 +312,7 @@ wakeupshlk(struct lock *lk, const char *
                LOCK_LOG3(lk, "%s: %p waking up threads on the %s queue",
                    __func__, lk, queue == SQ_SHARED_QUEUE ? "shared" :
-               wakeup_swapper = sleepq_broadcast(&lk->lock_object, SLEEPQ_LK,
+               wakeup_swapper |= sleepq_broadcast(&lk->lock_object, SLEEPQ_LK,
                    0, queue);
@@ -353,6 +377,7 @@ lockinit(struct lock *lk, int pri, const
        lk->lk_lock = LK_UNLOCKED;
        lk->lk_recurse = 0;
+       lk->lk_exslpfail = 0;
        lk->lk_timo = timo;
        lk->lk_pri = pri;
        lock_init(&lk->lock_object, &lock_class_lockmgr, wmesg, NULL, iflags);
@@ -365,6 +390,7 @@ lockdestroy(struct lock *lk)
        KASSERT(lk->lk_lock == LK_UNLOCKED, ("lockmgr still held"));
        KASSERT(lk->lk_recurse == 0, ("lockmgr still recursed"));
+       KASSERT(lk->lk_exslpfail == 0, ("lockmgr still exclusive waiters"));
@@ -376,7 +402,7 @@ __lockmgr_args(struct lock *lk, u_int fl
        struct lock_class *class;
        const char *iwmesg;
        uintptr_t tid, v, x;
-       u_int op;
+       u_int op, realexslp;
        int error, ipri, itimo, queue, wakeup_swapper;
        uint64_t waittime = 0;
@@ -906,14 +932,34 @@ __lockmgr_args(struct lock *lk, u_int fl
                         * If the lock has exclusive waiters, give them
                         * preference in order to avoid deadlock with
                         * shared runners up.
+                        * If interruptible sleeps left the exclusive queue
+                        * empty avoid a starvation for the threads sleeping
+                        * on the shared queue by giving them precedence
+                        * and cleaning up the exclusive waiters bit anyway.
                        MPASS((x & LK_EXCLUSIVE_SPINNERS) == 0);
-                       if (x & LK_EXCLUSIVE_WAITERS) {
-                               queue = SQ_EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE;
-                               v |= (x & LK_SHARED_WAITERS);
+                       realexslp = sleepq_sleepcnt(&lk->lock_object,
+                           SQ_EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE);
+                       if ((x & LK_EXCLUSIVE_WAITERS) != 0 && realexslp != 0) {
+                               if (lk->lk_exslpfail < realexslp) {
+                                       lk->lk_exslpfail = 0;
+                                       queue = SQ_EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE;
+                                       v |= (x & LK_SHARED_WAITERS);
+                               } else {
+                                       lk->lk_exslpfail = 0;
+                                       LOCK_LOG2(lk,
+                                       "%s: %p has only LK_SLEEPFAIL sleepers",
+                                           __func__, lk);
+                                       LOCK_LOG2(lk,
+                       "%s: %p waking up threads on the exclusive queue",
+                                           __func__, lk);
+                                       wakeup_swapper =
+                                           sleepq_broadcast(&lk->lock_object,
+                                           SLEEPQ_LK, 0, SQ_EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE);
+                                       queue = SQ_SHARED_QUEUE;
+                               }
                        } else {
-                               MPASS((x & LK_ALL_WAITERS) ==
-                                   LK_SHARED_WAITERS);
+                               MPASS(lk->lk_exslpfail == 0);
                                queue = SQ_SHARED_QUEUE;
@@ -922,7 +968,7 @@ __lockmgr_args(struct lock *lk, u_int fl
                            __func__, lk, queue == SQ_SHARED_QUEUE ? "shared" :
                        atomic_store_rel_ptr(&lk->lk_lock, v);
-                       wakeup_swapper = sleepq_broadcast(&lk->lock_object,
+                       wakeup_swapper |= sleepq_broadcast(&lk->lock_object,
                            SLEEPQ_LK, 0, queue);
@@ -979,14 +1025,47 @@ __lockmgr_args(struct lock *lk, u_int fl
                        v = x & (LK_ALL_WAITERS | LK_EXCLUSIVE_SPINNERS);
                        if ((x & ~v) == LK_UNLOCKED) {
                                v = (x & ~LK_EXCLUSIVE_SPINNERS);
+                               /*
+                                * If interruptible sleeps left the exclusive
+                                * queue empty avoid a starvation for the
+                                * threads sleeping on the shared queue by
+                                * giving them precedence and cleaning up the
+                                * exclusive waiters bit anyway.
+                                */
                                if (v & LK_EXCLUSIVE_WAITERS) {
                                        queue = SQ_EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE;
                                        v &= ~LK_EXCLUSIVE_WAITERS;
                                } else {
                                        MPASS(v & LK_SHARED_WAITERS);
+                                       MPASS(lk->lk_exslpfail == 0);
                                        queue = SQ_SHARED_QUEUE;
                                        v &= ~LK_SHARED_WAITERS;
+                               if (queue == SQ_EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE) {
+                                       realexslp =
+                                           sleepq_sleepcnt(&lk->lock_object,
+                                           SQ_EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE);
+                                       if (lk->lk_exslpfail >= realexslp) {
+                                               lk->lk_exslpfail = 0;
+                                               queue = SQ_SHARED_QUEUE;
+                                               v &= ~LK_SHARED_WAITERS;
+                                               if (realexslp != 0) {
+                                                       LOCK_LOG2(lk,
+                                       "%s: %p has only LK_SLEEPFAIL sleepers",
+                                                           __func__, lk);
+                                                       LOCK_LOG2(lk,
+                       "%s: %p waking up threads on the exclusive queue",
+                                                           __func__, lk);
+                                                       wakeup_swapper =
+                                                           sleepq_broadcast(
+                                                           &lk->lock_object,
+                                                           SLEEPQ_LK, 0,
+                                                           SQ_EXCLUSIVE_QUEUE);
+                                               }
+                                       } else
+                                               lk->lk_exslpfail = 0;
+                               }
                                if (!atomic_cmpset_ptr(&lk->lk_lock, x, v)) {

Modified: head/sys/kern/kern_sx.c
--- head/sys/kern/kern_sx.c     Sat Dec 12 20:26:11 2009        (r200446)
+++ head/sys/kern/kern_sx.c     Sat Dec 12 21:31:07 2009        (r200447)
@@ -705,8 +705,12 @@ _sx_xunlock_hard(struct sx *sx, uintptr_
         * ideal.  It gives precedence to shared waiters if they are
         * present.  For this condition, we have to preserve the
         * state of the exclusive waiters flag.
+        * If interruptible sleeps left the shared queue empty avoid a
+        * starvation for the threads sleeping on the exclusive queue by giving
+        * them precedence and cleaning up the shared waiters bit anyway.
-       if (sx->sx_lock & SX_LOCK_SHARED_WAITERS) {
+       if ((sx->sx_lock & SX_LOCK_SHARED_WAITERS) != 0 &&
+           sleepq_sleepcnt(&sx->lock_object, SQ_SHARED_QUEUE) != 0) {
                queue = SQ_SHARED_QUEUE;
                x |= (sx->sx_lock & SX_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE_WAITERS);
        } else

Modified: head/sys/kern/subr_sleepqueue.c
--- head/sys/kern/subr_sleepqueue.c     Sat Dec 12 20:26:11 2009        
+++ head/sys/kern/subr_sleepqueue.c     Sat Dec 12 21:31:07 2009        
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 struct sleepqueue {
        TAILQ_HEAD(, thread) sq_blocked[NR_SLEEPQS];    /* (c) Blocked threads. 
+       u_int sq_blockedcnt[NR_SLEEPQS];        /* (c) N. of blocked threads. */
        LIST_ENTRY(sleepqueue) sq_hash;         /* (c) Chain and free list. */
        LIST_HEAD(, sleepqueue) sq_free;        /* (c) Free queues. */
        void    *sq_wchan;                      /* (c) Wait channel. */
@@ -306,9 +307,12 @@ sleepq_add(void *wchan, struct lock_obje
                int i;
                sq = td->td_sleepqueue;
-               for (i = 0; i < NR_SLEEPQS; i++)
+               for (i = 0; i < NR_SLEEPQS; i++) {
-                               ("thread's sleep queue %d is not empty", i));
+                           ("thread's sleep queue %d is not empty", i));
+                       KASSERT(sq->sq_blockedcnt[i] == 0,
+                           ("thread's sleep queue %d count mismatches", i));
+               }
                    ("thread's sleep queue has a non-empty free list"));
                KASSERT(sq->sq_wchan == NULL, ("stale sq_wchan pointer"));
@@ -334,6 +338,7 @@ sleepq_add(void *wchan, struct lock_obje
        TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&sq->sq_blocked[queue], td, td_slpq);
+       sq->sq_blockedcnt[queue]++;
        td->td_sleepqueue = NULL;
        td->td_sqqueue = queue;
        td->td_wchan = wchan;
@@ -367,6 +372,22 @@ sleepq_set_timeout(void *wchan, int timo
+ * Return the number of actual sleepers for the specified queue.
+ */
+sleepq_sleepcnt(void *wchan, int queue)
+       struct sleepqueue *sq;
+       KASSERT(wchan != NULL, ("%s: invalid NULL wait channel", __func__));
+       MPASS((queue >= 0) && (queue < NR_SLEEPQS));
+       sq = sleepq_lookup(wchan);
+       if (sq == NULL)
+               return (0);
+       return (sq->sq_blockedcnt[queue]);
  * Marks the pending sleep of the current thread as interruptible and
  * makes an initial check for pending signals before putting a thread
  * to sleep. Enters and exits with the thread lock held.  Thread lock
@@ -665,6 +686,7 @@ sleepq_resume_thread(struct sleepqueue *
        mtx_assert(&sc->sc_lock, MA_OWNED);
        /* Remove the thread from the queue. */
+       sq->sq_blockedcnt[td->td_sqqueue]--;
        TAILQ_REMOVE(&sq->sq_blocked[td->td_sqqueue], td, td_slpq);
@@ -720,8 +742,10 @@ sleepq_dtor(void *mem, int size, void *a
        int i;
        sq = mem;
-       for (i = 0; i < NR_SLEEPQS; i++)
+       for (i = 0; i < NR_SLEEPQS; i++) {
+               MPASS(sq->sq_blockedcnt[i] == 0);
+       }
@@ -736,8 +760,10 @@ sleepq_init(void *mem, int size, int fla
        bzero(mem, size);
        sq = mem;
-       for (i = 0; i < NR_SLEEPQS; i++)
+       for (i = 0; i < NR_SLEEPQS; i++) {
+               sq->sq_blockedcnt[i] = 0;
+       }
        return (0);
@@ -1170,6 +1196,7 @@ found:
                                          td->td_tid, td->td_proc->p_pid,
+               db_printf("(expected: %u)\n", sq->sq_blockedcnt[i]);

Modified: head/sys/sys/_lockmgr.h
--- head/sys/sys/_lockmgr.h     Sat Dec 12 20:26:11 2009        (r200446)
+++ head/sys/sys/_lockmgr.h     Sat Dec 12 21:31:07 2009        (r200447)
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 struct lock {
        struct lock_object      lock_object;
        volatile uintptr_t      lk_lock;
+       u_int                   lk_exslpfail;
        int                     lk_timo;
        int                     lk_pri;

Modified: head/sys/sys/param.h
--- head/sys/sys/param.h        Sat Dec 12 20:26:11 2009        (r200446)
+++ head/sys/sys/param.h        Sat Dec 12 21:31:07 2009        (r200447)
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
  *             in the range 5 to 9.
 #undef __FreeBSD_version
-#define __FreeBSD_version 900004       /* Master, propagated to newvers */
+#define __FreeBSD_version 900005       /* Master, propagated to newvers */
 #ifndef LOCORE
 #include <sys/types.h>

Modified: head/sys/sys/sleepqueue.h
--- head/sys/sys/sleepqueue.h   Sat Dec 12 20:26:11 2009        (r200446)
+++ head/sys/sys/sleepqueue.h   Sat Dec 12 21:31:07 2009        (r200447)
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ void        sleepq_release(void *wchan);
 void   sleepq_remove(struct thread *td, void *wchan);
 int    sleepq_signal(void *wchan, int flags, int pri, int queue);
 void   sleepq_set_timeout(void *wchan, int timo);
+u_int  sleepq_sleepcnt(void *wchan, int queue);
 int    sleepq_timedwait(void *wchan, int pri);
 int    sleepq_timedwait_sig(void *wchan, int pri);
 void   sleepq_wait(void *wchan, int pri);
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