On Wed, 2018-05-23 at 12:30 -0700, Cy Schubert wrote:
> Except for old computers and old software that segfaults on 64-bit,
> how many people still use i386?
> Full disclosure: I'd like to see i386 deorbited before I retire.
> ---
> Sent using a tiny phone keyboard.
> Apologies for any typos and autocorrect.
> Also, this old phone only supports top post. Apologies.
> Cy Schubert
> <cy.schub...@cschubert.com> or <c...@freebsd.org>
> The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
> ---

At $work, we build products using i386. I would hope that if we started
a new x86-based product we would be given the engineering budget to
make it work on 64-bit, but you know how that sort of thing goes out
the window when the time-and-budget management folks get involved.  But
we have a repo containing 20 years worth of application code (well over
a million lines) that has never run on 64-bit and may well need some
attention (and lots of testing) to do so properly.

i386 is not dead, and amd64 is not always necessary even for modern
applications (our apps, for example, never need more than 512MB in a

-- Ian

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