Author: kevans
Date: Sat Mar 24 04:03:55 2018
New Revision: 331477

  lualoader: Privatize some more config.lua bits
  These functions are also not quite suitable for a public API, so privatize
  them to config.


Modified: head/stand/lua/config.lua
--- head/stand/lua/config.lua   Sat Mar 24 04:00:01 2018        (r331476)
+++ head/stand/lua/config.lua   Sat Mar 24 04:03:55 2018        (r331477)
@@ -92,6 +92,16 @@ local function setEnv(key, value)
        return loader.setenv(key, value)
+-- name here is one of 'name', 'type', flags', 'before', 'after', or 'error.'
+-- These are set from lines in loader.conf(5): ${key}_${name}="${value}" where
+-- ${key} is a module name.
+local function setKey(key, name, value)
+       if modules[key] == nil then
+               modules[key] = {}
+       end
+       modules[key][name] = value
 local pattern_table = {
                str = "^%s*(#.*)",
@@ -111,42 +121,42 @@ local pattern_table = {
                str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_name%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)",
                process = function(k, v)
-                       config.setKey(k, "name", v)
+                       setKey(k, "name", v)
        --  module_type="value"
                str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_type%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)",
                process = function(k, v)
-                       config.setKey(k, "type", v)
+                       setKey(k, "type", v)
        --  module_flags="value"
                str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_flags%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)",
                process = function(k, v)
-                       config.setKey(k, "flags", v)
+                       setKey(k, "flags", v)
        --  module_before="value"
                str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_before%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)",
                process = function(k, v)
-                       config.setKey(k, "before", v)
+                       setKey(k, "before", v)
        --  module_after="value"
                str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_after%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)",
                process = function(k, v)
-                       config.setKey(k, "after", v)
+                       setKey(k, "after", v)
        --  module_error="value"
                str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_error%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)",
                process = function(k, v)
-                       config.setKey(k, "error", v)
+                       setKey(k, "error", v)
        --  exec="command"
@@ -178,6 +188,73 @@ local pattern_table = {
+local function isValidComment(line)
+       if line ~= nil then
+               local s = line:match("^%s*#.*")
+               if s == nil then
+                       s = line:match("^%s*$")
+               end
+               if s == nil then
+                       return false
+               end
+       end
+       return true
+local function loadModule(mod, silent)
+       local status = true
+       local pstatus
+       for k, v in pairs(mod) do
+               if v.load == "YES" then
+                       local str = "load "
+                       if v.flags ~= nil then
+                               str = str .. v.flags .. " "
+                       end
+                       if v.type ~= nil then
+                               str = str .. "-t " .. v.type .. " "
+                       end
+                       if ~= nil then
+                               str = str ..
+                       else
+                               str = str .. k
+                       end
+                       if v.before ~= nil then
+                               pstatus = cli_execute_unparsed(v.before) == 0
+                               if not pstatus and not silent then
+                                       print(MSG_FAILEXBEF:format(v.before, k))
+                               end
+                               status = status and pstatus
+                       end
+                       if cli_execute_unparsed(str) ~= 0 then
+                               if not silent then
+                                       print(MSG_FAILEXMOD:format(str))
+                               end
+                               if v.error ~= nil then
+                                       cli_execute_unparsed(v.error)
+                               end
+                               status = false
+                       end
+                       if v.after ~= nil then
+                               pstatus = cli_execute_unparsed(v.after) == 0
+                               if not pstatus and not silent then
+                                       print(MSG_FAILEXAF:format(v.after, k))
+                               end
+                               status = status and pstatus
+                       end
+--             else
+--                     if not silent then
+--                             print("Skipping module '". . k .. "'")
+--                     end
+               end
+       end
+       return status
 local function readFile(name, silent)
        local f =
        if f == nil then
@@ -252,82 +329,6 @@ function config.setCarouselIndex(id, idx)
        carousel_choices[id] = idx
--- name here is one of 'name', 'type', flags', 'before', 'after', or 'error.'
--- These are set from lines in loader.conf(5): ${key}_${name}="${value}" where
--- ${key} is a module name.
-function config.setKey(key, name, value)
-       if modules[key] == nil then
-               modules[key] = {}
-       end
-       modules[key][name] = value
-function config.isValidComment(line)
-       if line ~= nil then
-               local s = line:match("^%s*#.*")
-               if s == nil then
-                       s = line:match("^%s*$")
-               end
-               if s == nil then
-                       return false
-               end
-       end
-       return true
-function config.loadmod(mod, silent)
-       local status = true
-       local pstatus
-       for k, v in pairs(mod) do
-               if v.load == "YES" then
-                       local str = "load "
-                       if v.flags ~= nil then
-                               str = str .. v.flags .. " "
-                       end
-                       if v.type ~= nil then
-                               str = str .. "-t " .. v.type .. " "
-                       end
-                       if ~= nil then
-                               str = str ..
-                       else
-                               str = str .. k
-                       end
-                       if v.before ~= nil then
-                               pstatus = cli_execute_unparsed(v.before) == 0
-                               if not pstatus and not silent then
-                                       print(MSG_FAILEXBEF:format(v.before, k))
-                               end
-                               status = status and pstatus
-                       end
-                       if cli_execute_unparsed(str) ~= 0 then
-                               if not silent then
-                                       print(MSG_FAILEXMOD:format(str))
-                               end
-                               if v.error ~= nil then
-                                       cli_execute_unparsed(v.error)
-                               end
-                               status = false
-                       end
-                       if v.after ~= nil then
-                               pstatus = cli_execute_unparsed(v.after) == 0
-                               if not pstatus and not silent then
-                                       print(MSG_FAILEXAF:format(v.after, k))
-                               end
-                               status = status and pstatus
-                       end
---             else
---                     if not silent then
---                             print("Skipping module '". . k .. "'")
---                     end
-               end
-       end
-       return status
 -- Returns true if we processed the file successfully, false if we did not.
 -- If 'silent' is true, being unable to read the file is not considered a
 -- failure.
@@ -358,7 +359,7 @@ function config.parse(text)
                                if k ~= nil then
                                        found = true
-                                       if config.isValidComment(c) then
+                                       if isValidComment(c) then
                                                val.process(k, v)
@@ -520,7 +521,7 @@ function config.loadelf()
-       if not config.loadmod(modules, not config.verbose) then
+       if not loadModule(modules, not config.verbose) then
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