Author: kevans
Date: Mon Jan 15 05:00:26 2018
New Revision: 327991

  stand/fdt: don't send clobbered FDT to the kernel
  If fdt_overlay_apply fails at some stage to apply the overlay to the base,
  both the base and overlay may be in an inconsistent state (some fixups
  applied, some phandles adjusted, some symbols merged). These can be bad for
  a number of reasons, to include user frustration if some fixups applied and
  not others. Fail a little safer by making a clean copy of the base FDT for
  every overlay that we can simply discard if things go awry.
  This also allows us the luxury of simply discarding overlays if we hit some
  kind of memory limit or if they're malformed and extremely large for some
  reason. We'll now leave a nice error message indicating that some overlays
  could not be applied due to size restrictions and we apply what we can.
  I note that our overlay implementation has some flaws that might still leave
  your system in an unbootable state even if an overlay applies correctly;
  please exercise caution in using overlays until we can swap it out for
  libfdt's implementation.
  Tested on:    BananaPi-M3 (armv7)
  Tested on:    Pine64 (aarch64)
  Differential Revision:


Modified: head/stand/fdt/fdt_loader_cmd.c
--- head/stand/fdt/fdt_loader_cmd.c     Mon Jan 15 04:52:12 2018        
+++ head/stand/fdt/fdt_loader_cmd.c     Mon Jan 15 05:00:26 2018        
@@ -340,60 +340,78 @@ void
        struct preloaded_file *fp;
-       size_t overlays_size, max_overlay_size, new_fdtp_size;
+       size_t max_overlay_size, next_fdtp_size;
+       size_t current_fdtp_size;
+       void *current_fdtp;
        void *new_fdtp;
+       void *next_fdtp;
        void *overlay;
        int rv;
        if ((fdtp == NULL) || (fdtp_size == 0))
-       overlays_size = 0;
+       new_fdtp = NULL;
        max_overlay_size = 0;
        for (fp = file_findfile(NULL, "dtbo"); fp != NULL; fp = fp->f_next) {
                if (max_overlay_size < fp->f_size)
                        max_overlay_size = fp->f_size;
-               overlays_size += fp->f_size;
        /* Nothing to apply */
-       if (overlays_size == 0)
+       if (max_overlay_size == 0)
-       /* It's actually more than enough */
-       new_fdtp_size = fdtp_size + overlays_size;
-       new_fdtp = malloc(new_fdtp_size);
-       if (new_fdtp == NULL) {
-               printf("failed to allocate memory for DTB blob with 
-               return;
-       }
        overlay = malloc(max_overlay_size);
        if (overlay == NULL) {
                printf("failed to allocate memory for DTB blob with 
-               free(new_fdtp);
-       rv = fdt_open_into(fdtp, new_fdtp, new_fdtp_size);
-       if (rv != 0) {
-               printf("failed to open DTB blob for applying overlays\n");
-               free(new_fdtp);
-               free(overlay);
-               return;
-       }
+       current_fdtp = fdtp;
+       current_fdtp_size = fdtp_size;
        for (fp = file_findfile(NULL, "dtbo"); fp != NULL; fp = fp->f_next) {
                printf("applying DTB overlay '%s'\n", fp->f_name);
+               next_fdtp_size = current_fdtp_size + fp->f_size;
+               next_fdtp = malloc(next_fdtp_size);
+               if (next_fdtp == NULL) {
+                       /*
+                        * Output warning, then move on to applying other
+                        * overlays in case this one is simply too large.
+                        */
+                       printf("failed to allocate memory for overlay base\n");
+                       continue;
+               }
+               rv = fdt_open_into(current_fdtp, next_fdtp, next_fdtp_size);
+               if (rv != 0) {
+                       printf("failed to open base dtb into overlay base\n");
+                       continue;
+               }
                COPYOUT(fp->f_addr, overlay, fp->f_size);
                /* Both overlay and new_fdtp may be modified in place */
-               fdt_overlay_apply(new_fdtp, overlay);
+               rv = fdt_overlay_apply(next_fdtp, overlay);
+               if (rv == 0) {
+                       /* Rotate next -> current */
+                       if (current_fdtp != fdtp)
+                               free(current_fdtp);
+                       current_fdtp = next_fdtp;
+                       current_fdtp_size = next_fdtp_size;
+               } else {
+                       /*
+                        * Assume here that the base we tried to apply on is
+                        * either trashed or in an inconsistent state. Trying to
+                        * load it might work, but it's better to discard it and
+                        * play it safe. */
+                       free(next_fdtp);
+                       printf("failed to apply overlay: %s\n",
+                           fdt_strerror(rv));
+               }
-       free(fdtp);
-       fdtp = new_fdtp;
-       fdtp_size = new_fdtp_size;
+       /* We could have failed to apply all overlays; then we do nothing */
+       if (current_fdtp != fdtp) {
+               free(fdtp);
+               fdtp = current_fdtp;
+               fdtp_size = current_fdtp_size;
+       }
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