> On 13.12.2017 00:01, Rodney W. Grimes wrote:
> >> But many other parts of kernel think it's OK to allocate big arrays or
> >> structures on stack.
> > 
> > We should probably start looking for those, something someone who is
> > offerring help but doesnt know what they might be good at, but can
> > read C code.  They could be utililized t simply scan through the
> > code looking for this type of thing and bring it to the attention
> > of a area of expertise commiter.
> These can be found with simple script:
> cd /usr/src
> make TARGET_ARCH=i386 KERNCONF=GENERIC buildkernel
> cd /usr/obj/i386.i386/home/src/sys/GENERIC
> for o in *.o
> do
>   objdump -d $o | awk -vn=$o '/sub .*,%esp/ {split ($NF,a,/[,$]/); printf "%u 
> %s %s\n", a[2], a[2], n}'
> done | sort -rn > top.sub
> head -50 top.sub | while read d h o
> do
>   objdump -d $o | fgrep -B7 "$h,%esp" | awk -vo=$o -vd=$d '/>:$/ {print d, o, 
> $2}'
> done > top2.sub
> Here is what do we get in top2.sub:
> 4328 in6_proto.o <icmp6stat_sysctl>:
> 3312 in6_proto.o <ip6stat_sysctl>:
> 2232 sctp_pcb.o <sctp_load_addresses_from_init>:

Thank you Thank you THANK YOU!  And imp has already removed one of these.
I wonder if fxing some of these sctp*.o would lead to the removal of the 
about that feature filling the stack.

> ...
> First column is total stack usage of kernel function (decimal),
> second is module name and third contains function name it question.

Can we get this put into a CI job?
Output anything that gets added to the list of things with a stack
usage greater than some N to an email sent.  That way new violators
get flagged quickly and can be cleaned up by the commiter, then
slowly work down this list until things are stable again.

Rod Grimes                                                 rgri...@freebsd.org
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