> On Nov 15, 2017, at 06:54, Jeremie Le Hen <j...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> Hi Benno,
> On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 10:18 PM, Benno Rice <be...@freebsd.org 
> <mailto:be...@freebsd.org>> wrote:
>> Author: benno
>> Date: Tue Nov 14 21:18:30 2017
>> New Revision: 325828
>> URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/325828
>> Log:
>>  Remove all fortune datfiles except freebsd-tips.
>>  Humour is a funny thing. What is funny to one person is not funny to all
>>  people. What is insightful to one person is similarly not universal. The
>>  fortune datfiles have been around a long time and have undoubtedly amused
>>  people but it's time to acknowledge their subjective, and in some cases
>>  at least potentially offensive, nature and stop distributing them with the
>>  imprimatur of the FreeBSD project.
> Sorry to ask, I'm only loosely following the project, but was this
> discussed somewhere?

It was raised to core but I decided to take unilateral action. That’s not an 
indication of any disagreement in core per se, I just made the call that in the 
light of finding Hitler quotes in the file, and the fact that there were still 
files clearly marked as offensive in the Makefile, that trying to be the 
editors of humour is not something we’re really cut out for and that we should 
get out of the game. I put the MFC timer on it so that if anyone wants to mount 
an argument as to why they should stay they can.

>>  If anyone wishes to distribute these via other mechanisms they are welcome 
>> to
>>  check them out of history and do so.
> I don't think there's any rule saying that, but I know people are
> usually happy to have a replacing port.  As you removed them, can I
> please ask you do this?

Personally I feel that this is the kind of thing that doesn’t need to live on. 
I won’t be making a port of it. If someone else wants to distribute these then 
they can.


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