On 11/5/2017 8:26 AM, Simon J. Gerraty wrote:
> Bryan Drewery <bdrew...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>>> ${.OBJDIR} == /${RELDIR})) make[6]: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot 
>>> continue make[6]:
>>> stopped
>>> in 
>>> /usr/obj/usr/src/amd64.amd64/sys/THOR/usr/ports/emulators/virtualbox-ose-kmod/work/VirtualBox-5.2.0/out/freebsd.amd64/release/bin/src/vboxdrv
>>> *** Error code 1
>> Weird, can you try this please? http://dpaste.com/3HR1EQH.txt
> That will work, but you could remove the check for SRCTOP since it isn't
> used in the conditional.
> FWIW this is happening because make is being run from within OBJTOP
> during kernel module build, and thus the logic in src.sys.env.mk
> isn't defining RELDIR.
> If OBJTOP were defined (it is in my case) the following
> which is similar to what we have in our internal trees
> would fix it.
> In the FreeBSD tree though OBJTOP may not defined until some time later.
> And if you want to .export it you need to use .export-env and play games
> to get it into a form that will work as TARGET_SPEC_VARS change values.
> Index: share/mk/src.sys.env.mk
> ===================================================================
> --- share/mk/src.sys.env.mk   (revision 325436)
> +++ share/mk/src.sys.env.mk   (working copy)
> @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
>  RELTOP= .
>  .elif ${.CURDIR:M${SRCTOP}/*}
> +.elif ${.CURDIR:M${OBJTOP}/*}
>  .endif
>  RELTOP?=     ${RELDIR:C,[^/]+,..,g}

I only find RELDIR useful in the non-kernel builds, so I don't really
care to extend it here.

Bryan Drewery

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