On 2009-Oct-26 10:35:17 +0000, Alexander Motin <m...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>  Document new modularised ATA kernel options.

IMO, these either need a bit more documentation because there are
non-intuitive interdependencies, or some of the dependencies need to
be pruned.  Eg a kernel with:

device          atadisk         # ATA disk drives
device          atapicd         # ATAPI CDROM drives
options         ATA_STATIC_ID   # Static device numbering
device          atacore         # Core ATA functionality
device          atapci          # PCI bus support; only generic chipset support
device          ataahci         # AHCI SATA
device          ataati          # ATI

blows up whilst linking with:
linking kernel.debug
ata-ati.o(.text+0xe5): In function `ata_ati_probe':
/tank/src9/sys/dev/ata/chipsets/ata-ati.c:110: undefined reference to 
*** Error code 1

Peter Jeremy

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