2009/10/26 John Baldwin <j...@freebsd.org>:
> Author: jhb
> Date: Mon Oct 26 18:57:57 2009
> New Revision: 198496
> URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/198496
> Log:
>  MFC 196200,196211,196280-196282:
>  Introduce mfiutil, a basic utility for managing LSI SAS-RAID & Dell PERC5/6
>  controllers.  Controller, array, and drive status can be checked, basic
>  attributes can be changed, and arrays and spares can be created and deleted.
>  Controller firmware can also be flashed.
>  This does not replace MegaCLI, found in ports, as that is officially 
> sanctioned
>  and supported by LSI and includes vastly more functionality.  However, 
> mfiutil
>  is open source and guaranteed to provide basic functionality, which can be
>  especially useful if you have a problem and can't get MegaCLI to work.

John, thank you very much for mfc'ing those nice mfi- and mptutil!
It's interesting to know if this can be mfc'ed to 6 safely in principle,
without breaking some of existing interfaces.
I tried to use both on 6, and my experience was quite successful.

> +The
> +.Nm
> +utility first appeared in
> +.Fx 8.0 .

Please don't forget to change it to 7.3.
Thank you again!

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