On 24 Oct 2009, at 17:26, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
Rui Paulo wrote:
Author: rpaulo
Date: Sat Oct 24 09:55:11 2009
New Revision: 198439
URL: http://svn.freebsd.org/changeset/base/198439
Updates to the iwn driver:
* iwnfw has now been split into individual modules so autoloading of
firmware module(s) does work again.
* Changes have been made to RUN -> AUTH transition, this should
fix the
issue reported by Glen and others.
* Brandon reported issues in iwn_cmd() with large commands, those
been fixed to.
* DEAUTH is now handled correctly.
Submitted by: Bernhard Schmidt <bschmidt at techwires.net>
I think you missed some changes to /sys/conf/files, if you want to
build iwnfw into the kernel. /sys/conf/files still references the
old 4965 firmware (breaking the build for kernels including device
iwnfw), and doesn't include the 5000-series firmware at all. Thanks
to you and Bernhard for the update!
Oops, thanks for pointing out. I've fixed it.
Rui Paulo
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