On Tuesday 13 October 2009 04:42 pm, Dmitry Morozovsky wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Oct 2009, Erik Trulsson wrote:
> ET> (There might also be some motherboard out there that has
> ISA-slots and ET> supports amd64-capable CPUs but one will have to
> look fairly hard to find ET> one.)
> Oh, I would love to see at least a photo of such a beast ;-)
> (As for my experience, the highest CPU on a mobo with [E]ISA slots
> were Intel Pentium, or similar AMD K6)

Physical ISA slots on motherboard may be hard to find item these days 
but PCI-to-ISA bridge boards exist and should work on any 
architecture, at least theoretically. :-)

Jung-uk Kim
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