
Thank you for your strong effort to support imx6 board.

I have SolidRun HummingBoard-i2(imx6dl-hummingboard).

I have reboot issue(never reset after reboot) and if I use Linux, I
reproduce this issue So I reported this issue to SolidRun Forum.
But I could not get any information.

I tested latest kernel(r313280) unfortunately it was not solved.

Do you know other information about reset issue, please let me know.

Currently I need to push reset button when I restart system...

Yoshiro MIHIRA

2017年1月24日(火) 11:09 Ian Lepore <i...@freebsd.org>:

> Author: ian
> Date: Tue Jan 24 02:09:30 2017
> New Revision: 312679
> URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/312679
> Log:
>   Handle imx6 erratum ERR004346... to reboot, clear the SRS bit twice
> within
>   the same cycle of the 32khz clock.
>   I've never actually noticed this error happening, but it's an easy fix.
> Modified:
>   head/sys/arm/freescale/imx/imx_machdep.c
> Modified: head/sys/arm/freescale/imx/imx_machdep.c
> ==============================================================================
> --- head/sys/arm/freescale/imx/imx_machdep.c    Tue Jan 24 01:39:40 2017
>       (r312678)
> +++ head/sys/arm/freescale/imx/imx_machdep.c    Tue Jan 24 02:09:30 2017
>       (r312679)
> @@ -69,11 +69,18 @@ imx_wdog_cpu_reset(vm_offset_t wdcr_phys
>          * Trigger an immediate reset by clearing the SRS bit in the
> watchdog
>          * control register.  The reset happens on the next cycle of the
> wdog
>          * 32KHz clock, so hang out in a spin loop until the reset takes
> effect.
> +        *
> +        * Imx6 erratum ERR004346 says the SRS bit has to be cleared twice
> +        * within the same cycle of the 32khz clock to reliably trigger the
> +        * reset.  Writing it 3 times in a row ensures at least 2 of the
> writes
> +        * happen in the same 32k clock cycle.
>          */
>         if ((pcr = devmap_ptov(wdcr_physaddr, sizeof(*pcr))) == NULL) {
>                 printf("cpu_reset() can't find its control register...
> locking up now.");
>         } else {
>                 *pcr &= ~WDOG_CR_SRS;
> +               *pcr &= ~WDOG_CR_SRS;
> +               *pcr &= ~WDOG_CR_SRS;
>         }
>         for (;;)
>                 continue;
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